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Old 07-18-2010, 08:00 AM
bran0205 bran0205 is offline
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which do u perfer?

Ok so my husband is @ work today. He text me this morning telling me I would get a good hard spanking on my bare bottom with his belt when he got home this evening. And I was suprised that I am about to go nuts waiting on my spanking now! Most of my spankings have a little shorter notice and I honestly thought that's what I perfered..... To be punished right when I had been bad and maybe getting a little warning when he was on his way home but now I've known since 6 am and I can't wait to be bent over his knee. I already feel it building up its like I wanna see what else I can do to maybe get a harder or longer spanking. So which would u rather? Would u rather know u are going to get a spanking in advance? OR would u rather it be right outta the blue?

Don't get me wrong I still enjoy when I have no warning at all and one min. I'm minding my own bussiness and the nextt I'm over his knee. I just didn't realize waiting on a spanking could be so exciting! He told me at 6 am and will not be home until 10 pm tonight!
Daddy... I think I need a spanking...
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Old 07-18-2010, 01:10 PM
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I like the wait.

I like the spur of the moment spanking as well, but I prefer to have to wait for it. It ads a ton to the build up and excitement. I get butterflies.
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Old 07-18-2010, 08:15 PM
malak malak is offline
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I like bot in all honesty. But knowing and having to wait is exciting in its own way.
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Old 07-19-2010, 11:45 PM
baredbottom baredbottom is offline
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case by case

I saw this scene in a parking lot one time where this older, somewhat lazy-acting older sister type was supposed to be minding her younger sister type, who was generally making a scene, crying, acting out. So, suddenly, this older, father type comes afterward, from behind, and without any advance indication or warning at all, just lays into the older sister's bottom, giving her at least four or five swats. Then, the entire family got into the car. GOD, that was hot!! I just remember thinking to myself, if I had been the father, I would have had the mother drive, then escorted the older sister to the space in back of the station wagon, yanked down her pants and panties, and spanked her bare bottom hard until they got home, and maybe a few more swats in the house.....

So, to answer your question, in a spanking movie, the waiting time and the build-up are key, especially if the spankee has a nice, big bottom that the camera man can highlight while clothed, then focus on when the big moment comes and her bare bottom is uncovered. In real life, I would find it thrilling to see a woman surprised by a hand-job from the back, or to have her pants and panties yanked down and her bare bottom laid into (as long as there was a compact between the two parties to do this general role-play in public beforehand, of course, I don't believe in rape!)
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Old 07-21-2010, 12:47 AM
49O 49O is offline
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I don't like the anticipation of spanking, and hate waiting. Therefore, I always do some waiting- if I know whats good for me. I wish to control when I get spanked. I like to taunt and say you missed me and stuff just to get a great walloping. Waiting would hurt and embarrass just as much a public thrashing. And that in itself is exciting.
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Old 07-21-2010, 07:13 AM
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In our early years together my guy and I were on career paths that kept us apart for periods of time, and he would call and tell me, tongue in cheek, that he was sure I was being naughty and would need a good spanking when we got back together. Then he would tell me what he thought constituted a "good" spanking!

Spanking had become foreplay for us so the idea wasn't new, but the announcing of it and my having to wait for it was. Prior to that it had been much more random and spontaneous. I was amazed how much I fixated on the spanking date! I loved the anticipation almost as much as the event itself!

Nowdays we aren't traveling any more and the notice is much shorter and is usually conveyed by a glance or by subtle body language. He has this way of cocking one eyebrow and setting his jaw, and those things drive me up the wall, too!

But it's not the same as being able to anticipate and let one's imagination run wild, anticipating for days ahead of time!
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Old 07-25-2010, 03:31 PM
One_Slick_Joker One_Slick_Joker is offline
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Anticipation games

I like to make the woman wait if it's serious discipline, and right there if it's play or a just because spanking. I remember as a kid when I messed up mom would say "go sit on your bed, when your father gets home you are going to get the worst spanking ever!" As a kid those 4 hours sitting on your bed having your butt tense at every car driving by even though dad didnt get back till 5 was as bad as the event. So as a top, I recreate this on my current gf for serious and previously warned offenses by telling her when I get back i'm going strap her ass and legs till you haven't a tear left. (I never actually punish her till she cries everything out but sobbing definitly) And I have been known to leave more questions in her mind: when I get home you are to wait on our bed, in addition to the belt I'm going to make a new paddle in the shop. Then she hears all my saws, belt sander, drills, and quiet as I varnish or wood turner's oil on it and wrap the handle. The anticipation is killer.
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Old 07-31-2010, 08:32 PM
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As a spanker, I really enjoy both. The sudden quick spanking is fun in response to a bratty comment said in person. But, I also enjoy the build up of an online promise after several comments when the offender is out of reach.
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Old 09-10-2010, 02:13 AM
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For me it all depends on the situation. If i've actually done somethig to deserve a "real" spanking form my fiance' (hurt him in some way, done something I promised I wouldn't, etc.), we both prefer the situation be taken care of as soon as possible rather than posponed. When were playin; which is 95% of the time, i like both the anticipation and the spontaneous aspects. Although the latter is almost better sometimes because are currently living 1.5 hrs away from each other and a partial or promised spanking often gets forgotten in all that we have going on the short weekends we have to spend time together. Especially since I tend to enjoy longer spankings preferably with his hand starting over my skirt or sweats workng his way down to my panties (sexy ones if I've been a good girl and planned ahead) and then my bare bottom. all at a medium to med-high intensity, increasing as the length of the spanking increases. Although the longer we go the more there is a chance of him having to switch to an impliment to give his hand a break, but by that time my bottom has usually had enough of a warm up it doesn't matter.
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