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Old 02-14-2008, 12:34 PM
scarecrowromnymarsh's Avatar
scarecrowromnymarsh scarecrowromnymarsh is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Posts: 39
my journey a hard lesson learned

learned" Dear friends When I was 15 and working for a major theme park I met my mistress, She was the Entertainment supervisor and my boss. One day about a week after I started she invited me to have lunch with her then a trip to her office so she could"get to know me better" she was a friend of my parents and my gaurdian so she knew me pretty well. After some"innoccent" chat the convewrsation turned dark and she asked what my Gaurdian Miss Emily would do if I ever disrespected her. I explained that it would not happen but if it did Miss Emily would take me out to the woodshed(she actually had one)and give me a sound whipping. (i can count the times she (emily) whipped me on one hand), She said I know that is what would happen and she sent me back to wokr on in my sound booth and I thought nothing of it till about 2 days later we where in her office and where talking I do not remember what I was to supposed to have done but she gave me three choices she could call Miss Emily She could write me up But because I had only been there a short time I was sure to be fired or SHE could handle it as a "friend" of the family and punish me herself and that would be the last of it. I was so scared I opted for the last optoin She ordered me to stand beside her with my hands over my head and not to move she undid my trousers and pulled them down , after she pulled me over her lap and began to hand spank me. After about 10 swats she pulled my underpants down to my knees and started to spank me with a paddle on my bare bottom . I started to cry after 10 swats and after 25 I was balling like a baby after 20 more I lost count. She stood me up and said that this was the end and that forgiveness was automatic but discipline was mandatory had me lay back across her lap and rubbed lotion on my sore tush. She sent me back to work after a while and nothing more was ever said about what I had done. Soon I found myself getting spanked by her at work almost daily whether I did somthing wrong or not I threatened to tell Emily what was going on and she said to go ahead that Emily would whip me even worse and she was going to prove it. When I got home that night Emily did whip me for lieing to my supervisor(Iwas innoccent) but she had made good on her threat the next day She told Emily it was her mistake and I did not lie to her and Emily was beside herself for punishing me for no reason, She gave my Supervisor permission to Discipline me so this would never happen again of course this is what my supervisor was planning all along. Latere that year Emily had to go to a friends funeral out of the country and ended up having to be away for 6 weeks My supervisor conviced my parents and Emily that I should stay at her farm for the entire time that way she could look after me and take me to and from work so I would be safe and she could help me with my school work and make sure i behaved. That is when she Made me her slave. It was not about sex but power . the spankings came fast and furious as did the rest of the "lessons" one night after work I went upstairs in her house and showered she was waiting for me as I went to my bedroom she grabbed me as i came out with nothing on but a bathrobe. She said I had to go with her and she dragged me by the arm down stairs outside past the wood shed(I had been in there a few times) past the barn and tack room(worst beating ever but that is for another time) to a small building about 300yards behing her house she called this her "workshop" it was basicly her dungeon inside sh had a spanking bench a rack a whipping post and other assorted items of restraint and the walls where covered with whips and straps and paddles she had one fan back chair and what looked like an autopsy table out of stainless steel and had 5 point restraints she ordered me to lay on it and tied my wrists and ankles then she put aolled up blanket under my hips tightened my bonds and placed a rubber dog bone in my mouth she covered my privites with leather and a pillow and rubbed my bare bottom with oil as she did this she said I was to recive 150 lashes with a razor strap and even if I passed out I would recive every last lash . When she started I thought my but was on fire after 10 lashes i strained at my bonds after 20 more I cried like a new born after the next 10 sweat snot and tears rolled down my face and I could hardly breath or scream the rest of rthe lashes are a blank when she finished she turned out the lights in the room and left me there to recover for what seemed forever and all I could do is cry and strain at my bonds I finally did calm down and she untied me. She said that I now belonged to her and that it would never be done to me again as long as I was hers and did not betray her. she carried me back to her bed and administered to my wounds I missed 5 days of work but I got payed as if i was there I served her as he slave boy til i turned 18 then she relised she was doing me a great diservice by keeping me a bottom she educated me on being a top and what it meant to be Master . She had a household of 6 girls but I was her only man I disciplined the girls and NO ONE touched me after a time not even her. She tought me alot especially how Not to treat somone you say you love. I think I became a better Master from learning from her mistakes and misdeeds .So you see my friends we can learn from anyone you just have to be aware of the lessons En Agape Scarecrow
Life is a Cabernet do not Forget the Brie
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