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Old 02-19-2007, 08:44 PM
TheSpankingCouple TheSpankingCouple is offline
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Smile Florida Moonshine '07 - Recap

Florida Moonshine Fun!!!

After an interminable time waiting in the Tampa airport and another four hours in the air, we made it home to Denver late last night.

Just to recap…, for all of you who were curious if Veronica could hold position for TEN good hard swats with Poppa Marks special butternut wood paddle, here is a photo taken by our new friend RG in our suite at the Florida Moonshine party this past weekend. The end result… she did it and did it with grace. Especially difficult when you consider the suite was packed with party goers for the launch of our new site,

BTW- She is still wearing those bruises. Sooooo, It looks like the Dr. D. will be bending over for a dose of Poppa paddle at the Texas All States party next month.

In case you aren’t up to speed, Poppa graciously provided us with two of these special paddles to be used for the site. It was decided that we would autograph and provide one each as door prizes to Florida Moonshine and one to Texas All States after it was put to proper use. The deal was if Veronica could hold still in Florida, then I would take the licks in Texas… I proud of you baby!

Speaking of the Florida Moonshine party… it was great to see so many new faces and catch up with our old friends. Great to see a big turn out and all the play… definitely not a boring weekend!


Dr. D.

Dr. and Veronica Daniels
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Old 02-19-2007, 09:31 PM
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I was in the suite while this spanking commenced (and my partner hopped on and over couches to catch the right angle) It was most interesting to watch!

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Old 02-20-2007, 01:37 AM
sandy sandy is offline
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I think I would like to have seen the spanking and the picture-taking aerobics.

FMS was fun, a great chance to see good friends and meet some very nice folks. Veronica and Dr. D, it was nice chatting with both of you in the hotel bar Saturday night. Who says all we talk about is spanking? We also talk about SUVs and soccer moms.
aka pure_sass
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Old 02-20-2007, 02:04 PM
Veronica Daniels Veronica Daniels is offline
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It was so great seeing everyone at FMS! We had such a good time visiting with old friends and making new ones...

We really enjoyed sharing a meal with RG, Sarah, and Andrea, that was lots of fun!

Sandy it was great talking to you Saturday night, and no, we don't always talk about spanking!

It was not easy holding position Friday night for that paddling. The crowded room and all was a lot of pressure...I am so happy I could do it! Now I get to return the favor at the Texas party! Yeehaa!

It was a great time!
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Old 02-20-2007, 10:44 PM
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So glad everyone here enjoyed the FMS party. It was so nice to meet all of you (although my butt was always too busy to "meet" RG)....LOL Nice to meet you too Sarah, Dr. D and Veronica....

This was my first hotel party, but having the suite parties and the hospitiality suite sure helped meet new people...The events were wonderful ways to have fun and take a break to "cool the buns"....Great vendors fair, The caning demo, the spanking couple's launching, the court session, the spanking trivia game, and the scavenger hunt were a blast.....

Hope to see you all again and for those of you who missed it, hope you can come next time.
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Old 02-21-2007, 12:37 AM
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I just want to say what an absolute pleasure it was seeing you all. I am so happy you came to our little party and really hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Lets do it again next year only at the beach.
~Ian The London Tanners
Improving behaviour one girl at a time
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Old 02-21-2007, 08:52 PM
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Sounds like you all had a blast!
too sweet to be spanked...
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Old 02-22-2007, 06:59 AM
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I would have to say that one of the best things for me was to see
people. I didn't really come to do much spanking, and compared to
most there I'm sure I was on the lower end of the list of activity.
75% of why I came was to see folks that I already know and value
in real life, and most of the rest was to meet some that I know online.
All of that happened just as I hoped and so the weekend was a great

sarah and I have been tight friends with Amy and Rick for awhile,
and shared a suite with them during the event. Real life friends
that we connected with were pure_sass (sandy here), dotty, aurora, and
naughtynature. New meetings of special note where Pagan and her
hubby, Squire. Pagan and I are both INTJ-types from the Myers-Briggs
Personality Profile system. These are exceedingly rare types, and
most folks don't understand us unless you happen to be one. So I was
eager to meet Pagan. A surprise--a real surprise--was that Squire
was the same M-B type as sarah, an ISTJ!! When I learned that I
started hearing the Twilight Zone music in the background. I very
much regret that I didn't catch some time to sit sown and talk with
Pagan for awhile. More online friends that were finally met real
life were nightowww, swflbrat, jeoffrey, Bailey, bits, Jaxspanker,
anabel, tigger & hubby, Beachley and Mr. B, shewolf, sinny, Ian (The
London Tanner) and.....oh, more, but I'm just drawing a blank. Too
tired and early in the morning.

sarah and I scored a few implements at the vendor fair. A vintage
razor strap (which was promptly broken on her on a visit to
nightowww and swflbrat's room) was a nice find. A light leather
strap and a much heavier doubled and sewn belt were picked up from
The London Tanner. A sorority paddle will make a nice vanilla-
appearing adornment on my wall (and has already made found its way
to a certain short someone's bottom).

It was nice to meet Coach Daniels and Elizabeth Burns (Dr. Daniels
and Veronica Daniels) formerly from the Real Spankings site. We had supper
with them on one night, sat at the bar for some conversation on
another, and visited them at their suite party. Nice couple. They
are starting their own D/s DD commercial site, The Spanking Couple,
and used this event as the "official" launch.

We saw some "famous" faces, including the Daniels above, but also
Bailey and Nikki Flynn, both of whom are well known from commercial
websites and various video products. Nikki was accompanied by her
gentleman from England, an academic with whom I had an interesting

More people than I suspected recognized the names "ZED and ginger"
(our other set of ID's in the spanking world, and the ones that sarah
and I use most often as a couple together). That was nice. I guess
we're not totally anonymous in the spanking
world. I may have been a bit surprised that I wasn't gunned down
after people learned who I was, considering some of the heated
feelings that have emerged from forums on other boards when I used
to engage in political and social threads.

And speaking of, I got to spank my favorite liberal once again.
There's just a sense of....justice in that.

sarah and I were walking down the hallway Saturday night. She was in
an ankle length skirt with a lightly pink, lacy top, and a red and
white set of thin ribbons in her hair, honoring the Valentine theme
for the night. A gentleman there, a rather tall one that I didn't
know previously (and still don't know his name/ID) suddenly stopped,
turned to sarah, and said, "I haven't told you, but you should know
that you look really nice!" What a gracious thing of him to do.
I try to tell sarah all the time that I think she's
beautiful. She just gives my words a perfunctory "Pffft!" and turns
away, and attributes my opinion to the blindness of love. So it was
good for her to hear it from an unknown party. I wish I had shook
his hand now.

I especially enjoyed sharing the party and experience with sarah.
It's so rewarding to have that special person who just makes it all
a little bit better than it would have been.

The sleep deficit was certainly felt! We stayed up late into the
nights, and I, at least, was up early in the mornings. On the
flights home we both found doze time. sarah wrapped her arms around
one of mine and laid her head on my shoulder. I laid my head back
against the seat and lightly snoozed.

When we left Tampa it was in the 60's. When we landed it was 22 F!
Saying that we had returned to the cold world of reality was a more
than a figurative statement.
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Old 02-22-2007, 09:24 PM
Jaxspanker Jaxspanker is offline
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It was great to meet Dr.and Ms Daniels .. Thanks for the invite to your suite party .. It was a pleasure meeting RG and Amy.. I HOPE EVERYONE PLAN ON COMING NEXT YEAR !
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