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Old 09-25-2010, 08:51 AM
bran0205 bran0205 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 25
this post is part of my punishment. i deserved my spanking.

Ok so last night I got a very hard spanking on my bare bottom with my husbands belt. I have been misbehaving a lot here lately and he has warned me several times. He made me get on my hands and kness on the edge of the bed bc he likes that he gets a great view of all of me. Also this way he can get the tender spots well and even apply some that may by "accident" hit my pussy. (Which he enjoys very much watching me squirm when this happens) first he runs through the long list of things I will be receiving a spanking for...yes I should have received about 10 before this point but we have both been busy... So I knew this would be a very bad spanking. I even called into work bc I knew I would not be able to sit and most likely unable to even move. He would never allow this under normal terms but this was an extremly rare case that I need such a hard spanking. He made me get on the bed on all 4s and let him admire the view go through the long list and the spanking began. There was no warm up no hand spanking no switching instruments my spanking began completely naked on all 4s on the bed with his leather belt across my bottom hard and fast from the begining he stopped only once to re ajust the belt and make sure he was getting 100% coverage. I cried,screamed,begged,pleaded,sobed and then cried and cried some more. He didn't stop to ask questions explain or hear excuses we both knew what needed to be done and it would be done regardless of how much I begged. He made me lay bottom up on the bed for a min or 2 to admire his work while I sobbed. He rubbed my bottom and ask if I fully understood my spanking and if I would be misbehaving anytime soon. I aswered yes sir and no sir and he let me sleep bottom up which was not normal he always says its better to sleep on a spanked bottom so u don't forget but I wouldn't be forgetting this spanking anyway. He rubbed my bottom a few times throughout the night and reminded me of the reasons for my spanking. This morning I woke up scared to move my bottom still very red but begining to bruise. I began to cry simply embarassed and humiliated. He woke up rubbing my bottom again and said baby u know u deserved this and u won't need another for a good while I promise at least not this bad. To his suprise I said no I didn't deserve this it hurts to bad u shouldn't have spanked me so hard! I was angry. Or so I thought. He calmly weent through the long list of my behavior that led to this spanking and I was crying and shaking my head I didn't feel he should have spanked me so hard all at once I got loud and caught an attitude with him and that was all it took he simply pulled the covers back placed his hand on my already blistered bottom and then explained why I would be receiving a hand spanking on my already blistered bottom and if I still didn't understand the need for my spanking I would be sent to get the hair brush. I knew I had no choice but to take my punishment so I spread my legs and lifted my bottom as I was told and screamed as the 100 smaks of his hard hand came down on my bottom. I wanted to lie and say that I now understood why I had gotten such a spanking but I can't lie to him and he would know and then I was sure it would be worse so he ask if I now understood and I got up tears pouring and sobbing and got the hairbrush he told me to lay across his lap and I did. The hairbrush hurt so bad and I was still pissed and hurt that I was being spanked so hard after about 30 swats with the brush. When he reached 100 swats with the brush I was exhausted and spanked well past what I have ever been I now agreed that I deserved all of the spankings I got and I was SO sorry I had thought otherwise. He was very happy to hear that I felt I deserved this spanking now but decided another 20 swats with the hairbrush should be given just in case I decided to disobey or doubt him again. I gave in to those last 20 sobing and crying my eyes out. I know I deserved my spanking and I promise to never doubt my husband again if he feels I have. Misbehaved I will take my spanking and acknowlede I desevered it an not question his athority. This is part of my punishment to post this here while he is reading what I typed and while my bottom is still extremely sore so that I don't to soon forget this spanking although I don't think I ever will. Thank u my wonderful husband for caring enough to disipline me when I need it.
Daddy... I think I need a spanking...
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Old 09-26-2010, 10:38 AM
bran0205 bran0205 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 25
My husband has never spanked me this hard before! I usually enjoy a good hard spanking to keep me in line but wow! This is like no other spanking I've ever gotten! Forget sitting down I can't move without my bottom being on fire. I'm so ready to get off work and take these clothes off I begged him to not make me wear panties and some lose clothes but of coarse he picked the tightest pants I own. I have to sit down at work all day. Boy is it going to be a long day! I hope it is a while before I get another spanking like this but I can count on getting another one of this degree bc he found that he really enjoyed spanking me this hard and he loved the results afterwards he said its a real sense of accomplishment bc I won't forget this spanking for a very long time. I told my co workers I had a headache and just didn't feel very well... I had to find some way to explain why I made horrible faces everytime I moved. It makes u wonder though what they would think if they really knew what was wrong if they really knew that I had misbehaved and my husband gave me a long hard spanking with his belt, spanked my blistered bottom with his hand and then put me over his knee for a hard paddling with a hairbrush.... I'm sure some of these ladies could use a good hard spanking! They are all so stuck up! If I acted that way I'd be over my husbands knee every night! Might not be such a bad idea as long as it wasn't a spanking this hard every night! I feel like such a big baby I can usually take my spanking and be ok the next day but I can't help but think about this one I'm constantly reminded! He loves it he's eating it up he keeps sending me text msgs wanting me to tell him how bad it still hurts. Overall I got what I deserved and I won't be being that naughty for a good while. But I think a moderate spanking on top of the bruises ill still have in a few days might be in order. I won't have to think to hard to come up with something naughty I have an act for gettin myself into trouble!
Daddy... I think I need a spanking...
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