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Old 09-20-2010, 08:04 AM
Redskinluver Redskinluver is offline
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Some More Thoughts on the Switch.

Wanted to add some commentary in reference to use of a switch on the legs that appeared on the other thread.
It is true that in the rural South of the past that "a switching on the naked legs" was a common form of punishment or threat for misbehavior.
One reason it has fallen into disuse is that corporal punishment of children is much less widely used or accepted in our society. But for the switch specifically it is in part because we have become much more urbanized. City dwellers often don't have ready access to bushes or trees from which to cut a switch. In the country schools of the past, the switch was often the choice of implement for punishment, now superceded by the paddle, in those schools that still use corporal punishment.
Have a favorite punishment scenario. In it a girl or woman is wearing short shorts and gets a switching on her naked legs,likely as punishment for wearing them in public. The idea being that the stripes left by the switch will make her ashamed to wear them where people will see them and know what has happened.
Short shorts have been around for some time. In the 50s there was a novelty song hit called "Who Wears Short Shorts?"
Can easily imagine that in the 40s and 50s, when modesty in dress was stricter-and corporal punishment more accepted- that some young ladies wearing short shorts found themselves "doing the dance" as a switch was being applied to their uncovered legs.
And not just short-shorts-could have happened when the mini-skirt came along. Imagine some pot-smoking "hippie chick" wearing a mini-skirt getting a switching on her bare legs!
Of course would work too with swimsuits or tennis dresses.Or if all the girl was wearing was panties.
Goes without saying of course that a switch works well on bare bottoms. Though like more the idea that after a legswitching a paddle being used on the seat of tight shorts(or swimsuit or tennis outfit panties) concluding with a barebottom paddling.
Wonder if anyone here knows of someone who got switched for a "dress code" violation so to speak.
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Old 09-20-2010, 09:17 AM
Redskinluver Redskinluver is offline
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More on the switch

Just thought of something I wanted to add. Remember long time ago Letters to MR magazine, there was a letter where a woman got switched.
Seems she was in the habit of hanging laundry outside while wearing only her bra and panties. Someone told her husband about it and he asked her and she denied it. But he caught her in the act.
Went on to say he used a birch switch on her legs, followed by a paddling on her bare bottom, all of which presumably put an end to her exhibitionist habits.
For those concerned about the nonconsensual aspect, I have read that those letters to MR were not from readers, but were staff-written. But don't know if thats the truth or not.
Also recall a letter where the husband spanked his wife for wearing hotpants(remember those?) Strokes from a homemade cane(dowel stick) on her thighs to leave marks to as he said her from wearing them in public.
But the best part of all was after he caned the seat of her pants and asked her if her hotpants were "hot" enough. She told them they were so he told her to take them off. When she did, he saw she wasn't wearing any panties- so he used a homemade paddle on her bare bottom.
Whether true or fiction, a great story. And what a great video either of these "letters" would make!
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Old 09-22-2010, 12:53 PM
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Farmgirl Farmgirl is offline
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I can attest to the fact that switches are still being used, or at least they were when I was a kid in the late 1970s. I was born and raised on a farm in south central Illinois, which isn't exactly the 'deep south,' but it also isn't urban where parents were supposedly more 'enlightened.' In any event my grandmother, who raised me, was partial to switches, because I suppose they were more commonly used during her own youth.

My grandmother was 'old school' when it came to discipline, and she used a switch on the backs of my thighs just as described here. I also wore cutoff jeans a lot as a kid, making my bare thighs more accessable, and the switch was most often used on me if I didn't come into the house when called, or when I 'forgot' my chores. If I saw my grandmother coming with switch in hand, I knew I was definitely "in for it."

Less commonly she used it inside the house, where I would have to bend over the sofa arm. In these circumstances I often had to take down my jeans and get switched four or five times on my bare bottom. Looking back, I think that if the choice was available to her, grandma thought my bottom was a better target than my thighs. I would be hard pressed to say, though, whether it hurt more there or on my thighs! (I might add here that I also had kitchen implements used on me at various times, such as wooden spoons and spatulas, and they definitely hurt worse than a switch!)

The switches my grandmother used were willow and very swishy, not rigid at all. I'm sure a more rigid one would have hurt a lot more. I remember on two occasions finding the switch in the broom closet and throwing it away, only to have another one magically appear when grandma thought she needed it. I never knew where she got them, because we did not have any willow trees on our property. All in all, though, I would have to say that for a kid under the age of ten, the willow switch isn't a bad implement for a parent to make a point with. It stings like the dickens and gets a kid's attention really quickly, but does no real damage except for a pink stripe that quickly fades.
Discipline in the woodshed
Sex education in the hayloft

Last edited by Farmgirl; 03-30-2012 at 11:26 AM.
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