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Old 03-07-2008, 10:54 PM
Posts: n/a

"You," Jason said sternly to his wife, "asked me to do this. Go get the

"Wait, let's talk about this," Megan replied.

"We did. I didn't want to do this. But you convinced me that it's what
you want."

"Yes, but this isn't what it looks like."

"No? You didn't say last week, I need consequences. I want you to
spank me for real, if I smoke, and use the brush if I buy any?" Jason
picked up a pack of cigarettes off of the kitchen table.

"I did. But these aren't mine," Megan said as she placed a cigarette on
the table.

"Really, those aren't your cigarettes? You haven't been smoking?"

"They're not mine. I can explain..."

"You can try."

Megan took a deep breath, "Janet is trying to quit too. She was stuck
at work, stressed out and couldn't run out at lunch. She needed a
smoke really bad. I bought her the cigarettes. I said would give her
one when she needed it, but I'd keep the pack and get rid of the rest."

"Uh huh," he said looking in the pack, holding the opened end way from
Megan, "and how many did she smoke?"

"Three or so?" Megan said sitting with her hands together fidgeting with
her fingers.

"Now, if I called Janet and asked her, how many would she say?"

"Please don't," Megan blurted out, "I don't want to have to explain
this. If you hadn't come home early they would have been gone."

Jason paced the kitchen behind where Megan was sitting, "Here is how it
looks to me. You bought cigarettes, against the rules. You may have
smoked. You wanted to hide these from me, possibly throwing them away,
but I doubt it." Megan didn't look at him. Her palms got sweaty and
her breath was shallow. Jason said, "I didn't want to take the
spankings out of our sex life but you convinced me. So, I am going to
live up to my end. Go get the brush."

Megan felt like her heart had stopped, "But I didn't smoke. I've been
good. I don't deserve it."

Jason stopped pacing, he lowered his head and stared at his wife, "I
won't ask again. Bring me the hairbrush, Megan."

Megan waited. Jason couldn't tell if she was going to give in or not.
He wasn't really angry with, but he needed to see if this was something
he could do, and he certainly felt he was justified given their

"I didn't smoke."

"All right, let's see if this works then," Jason grabbed his wife's
upper arm and pulled her out of the chair. The look on her face showed
she was too stunned or scared to react. He turned her around to face
the table and nudged her forward; she caught herself with her hands,
"bend over."

Jason reached for his belt buckle. He could not help thinking about
what Megan looked liked, under her jeans. He wanted to run his hands
up the backs of her legs, and squeeze, before giving her some gentle
pats with his hand to warm her up. "Not this time," he thought to

He pulled the belt out in one motion. The black shiny dress belt
cracked as the tip cleared the final loop. Megan turned her head to
look. Her hands still on the table, "hey, we never said anything about
a belt."

"You never said anything about being difficult," Jason said as he
doubled the belt over and stepped to Megan's left side.

Megan snapped her head forward defiantly, with her chin up and her eyes
open she straightened her arms and legs and remained silent. Jason
rested one hand on the small of her back. He drew back the belt and
without hesitation whipped his arm across his body. Crack. The
leather made contact right across the bottom of the jean's back
pockets. Megan let out a sound of surprise at the strength of the
stroke. Crack. The second stroke came in higher than the first.
Crack, Crack. Megan banged her right hand in a fist against the table
and buckled one knee. She quickly pulled back into position, without
saying a word. Crack. This one brought on a muffled grunt.

Crack, Crack, "Own," escaped Megan's lips and she stamped her right

"Good, so we are starting to reach you," Jason replied as he lifted his
hand off Megan.

Crack, crack. She stamped again. Crack. Now her left foot came up.
Megan quickly blurted, "Ouch, I'm sorry."

"That's better," He said.

Crack, "Ouch," was her response along with both fists balled up tight
hitting the table. Every stroke brought the stamping of at least one
foot and both of Megan's hands pounding the table.

Crack. Crack, "I'm sorry," she whispered under a quiet sob. Crack,
"Own, please stop." A tear fell from Megan's cheek as she sniffed back
another sound of pain.

Crack. Jason focused on swinging the belt evenly and consistently. He
tried not to give into his wife's pleas, waiting for the signal from
her that what he was doing reached the point he intended. With one
final, crack, Megan opened up into a string of low sobs. Jason lowered
the belt. He rubbed her lower back, as she leaned forward more and
rested her head on the table. Both of her hands slide back and cupped
her backside.

"Megan, come here," the sound of her name snapped her back. She stood
up, turned, and embraced her husband. The tears flowed freely down her
face. "Shhh, is this you needed?"

After a long pause Megan answered, "Yes, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

"And are you sorry for talking back?" Jason moved and sat on the chair.
He pulled Megan with him and sat her on his lap.

"Yes," she sniffed and wiped off the last tears.

"Are you going to accept your punishments from now on? And not try to
get out of them?"

"Yes, I asked for it, I won't fight you again."

"Good, because you still bought cigarettes, now go get the brush," Jason
said calmly.

"What? But you just..." Megan let her protest trail off as tears
welled up in her eyes again. Jason looked at her stoically. Megan bit
down on her top lip and began to whimper as she stood up and slowly
walked out of the kitchen. Her hands rubbed at the soreness as she
went upstairs.

Jason released a huge breath. His heart was pounding, and his erection
was straining against his pants. He had been expecting her to stop him
the whole time. Now he realized that this was as much of test of will
for her as him. He thought to himself, "Certainly getting the brush
meant she was ok to go on? Or, was she afraid I'd use the belt again?
If I ask her, will she give me the answer she thinks I want? And will
it ruin the mood to explain that?" Jason searched for signals she may
have given, signs she was aroused, or at least that this is what she

Megan turned the corner from the stairs. She had undone her hair so it
half hid her face, fell past her shoulders and lay over her white
blouse in front of her breasts. Held in both hands was the wooden
hairbrush. Jason noticed that her blouse was no longer tucked in. He
thought she must have checked herself in the mirror, and then saw that
her legs were bare. She walked slowly on bare feet, and held out the
brush with her head bowed.

"Thank you," was all he said, but he didn't know if it came out awkward,
or authoritative.

"No, thank you," Megan answered without any quiver in her voice.

Jason took the brush with his right hand, and guided his wife over his
lap. He lightly brushed her shirt tail over her reddened bottom,
revealing that she had removed her panties too. A smile crept over
his face and his erection stiffed. He was grateful Megan couldn't see
his childlike grin, but he knew the other sign of his pleasure was

Jason lifted the brush, admired the pink coloring over Megan's pale
skin, and the few darker red stripes that he knew she felt. Smack.
The first spank landed squarely in the middle of her right cheek.
After depressing the rounded globe for an instant it regained its shape
as the color washed back in. Smack came an identical strike on the
left side.

"Mmmmm," was the response from Megan.

At first Jason thought maybe he wasn't spanking hard enough, but
instantly changed his opinion when Megan thrust gently forward and
began rocking.

Smack, "Ow." Megan said with a sniff.

Smack. Megan's bottom was getting red in the middle which faded to pink
in all directions. Jason laid down the brush, "All right, I think
you've learned your lesson.

Megan stood up and quickly got onto Jason's lap. Tears streaked her
face again, "Thank you."

"You're ok?"

"Yes," she said as she hugged him.

"Good, I love you;" Jason said holding her tight.

"Can I ask you to do one more thing?"

"Anything," he answered.

Megan pulled back and looked Jason in the eyes, "Take me to bed."

Jason's grin returned, "With pleasure."
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