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Old 11-11-2006, 11:32 AM
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spanked~amber spanked~amber is offline
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Post Lost & Found *Part 3

Aubrey placed the last set of files into the drawer and looked up at the clock. Only ten more minutes before she would be on her way to the Personal Guidance Services' She bit her lip and twisted the escaped wisp of hair at her neck anxiously. Wondering about it just made her even more nervous, so she straightened her desk for the third time that hour and began looking over the schedule for the next day. Six o'clock arrived. She then gathered her belongings along with what little bit of courage she could muster, and went to the ladies room to freshen her makeup. Once she had gotten on the road, she decided to grab a drink through the first drive through she came across. Sipping her tea as she drove, she could feel her tummy beginning to do flips. Questions she couldn't help wonder about kept popping up in her head. Would she be able to go through with it ? Is there really help for her ?
She arrived in the parking lot at 6:55 and quickly entered through the glass doors.
After signing her name at the desk, Aubrey was instructed to go down the hall and knock on the second door to the right. Her knock was answered by a male voice; "You may enter."
She timidly stepped inside and waited for further instructions.
A very professionally dressed man in what appeared to be his early forty's was sitting at the large dark stained desk. Laying down his pen he introduced him self as Mr. Leviston. "You may have a seat Miss Stellans, or would you prefer that I call you Aubrey ?"
"Aubrey is fine sir."
"Very well. I'm glad that you are prompt Aubrey, tardiness here is not recommended. Not to seem harsh, but being on time is something we encourage as well as enforce as part of teaching self discipline."
He watched her face as she listened intently to his words. He could see the sadness as well as the nervousness in her young face. Yet she still had a softness about her. There was still hope. Now the time for gaining trust had arrived.
"Aubrey, I'm going to give you a small list of multiple choice questions.This isn't a test and there are no wrong answers, just honest ones. Do you understand ?"
"Yes sir."
"Good.Take your time, I will be back momentarily."
As she heard his footsteps going down the hall, she stared at the questions in front of her.

*Are you presently being held accountable for negative actions on a consistent basis ?
a. all the time
b. some of the time
c. rarely/not at all

*After a misdeed or wrongful action, how do you feel ?
a. don't feel anything/no regret
b. worry about being caught
c. ashamed and worried about being caught

*In the past if you have been held accountable for wrongdoings, what effect has this had on you ?
a. no effect
b. resentment
c. feelings of being forgiven & relief

She circled her answers and waited anxiously for Mr. Leviston to return.
As he entered the room she found herself nervously playing with her hair again.

He quietly took her paper and sat down on the edge of his desk. He studied her answers and said; " I trust that your answers are heartfelt and honest ?"
"Yes sir."
She looked down at her hands which were fidgeting nervously in her lap.
"Aubrey, from what I am reading, and by what your file that was submitted from your counselor says, I am looking at a lonely girl that has gotten off the positive path that she once knew and trusted so well. Am I making any sense to you ?"
"Yes sir. I feel....uhmmm.. I just feel sort of.. lost ?"
"That is a very honest and smart way of looking at it. I do believe there is still a lot of good in you Aubrey or you would not be sitting in my office. It took a lot of courage for you to come. Now I am going to ask you to trust me enough to help you with getting back on track. This will take a lot of effort on your part. There will be expectations that you will either be rewarded or disciplined for. The discipline will be unpleasant but never cruel. The choice will be yours. For the next ten minutes I want you to consider this and decide whether you are willing to give us a try in helping you."

to be continued...
Happy spanking,

Last edited by spanked~amber; 11-11-2006 at 11:35 AM. Reason: because I wanted to !
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Old 11-11-2006, 06:58 PM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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Nice. This is one very well-written story, and the details are all very inviting. If all you folks who are viewing this agree, please say so on here. The more we encourage good writing like this, the sooner we see more of it.
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