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Old 12-30-2008, 11:35 AM
MarvinUK MarvinUK is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 16
High Heels, stockings & suspenders do not prevent a spanking Part 1

Amanda walked down the corridor, her high heels making a “clicking” sound on the parquet flooring, past the conference room and Geoff's office. She could hear that he was inside and called out a cheerful "Good Morning" as she passed the door. There was no answer, but she assumed he could be on the telephone, so didn't think much more about it and made to go towards her desk in the top office. Just as she was about to settle down at her desk, Geoff put his head round the door.

"In my office now please Amanda" he stated flatly, disappearing back out of sight without waiting for a reply.

Oh well, the stray hairs would just have to wait, she thought, as she smoothed down her short, tight skirt, brushed back her blonde hair and retied the black bow before walking back down the corridor to Geoff's office. Opening the door she went inside and saw him leaning back in his chair looking out of the window. On hearing her enter, he turned and looked at her.

"Do you know why I've called you in here early Amanda?" he enquired.

Not prepared to give him any fuel for his fire, she acted innocent and replied, "No, sorry Geoff, I don' there something wrong?"

"Well I'd call mentioning one of our arch rivals in front of prospective clients to be rather careless, wouldn't you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. She didn't know why, but he always made her nervous. Almost old enough to be her father and at 55 and with severe short back and sides haircut, waistcoat and small knotted tie, he appeared even older.

"Oh that...yes, I'm sorry, I didn't think," she replied meekly. "Was there anything else?" She knew there wasn't but she could see that he was less than impressed with what had happened and wanted to get out of the situation as quickly as possible.

After a moments thought he looked directly at her and said "we shall deal with any other matters, as and when I see fit, but for the moment, it is your total lack of professionalism at last nights business dinner that I am concerned with."

"I said I was sorry," offered Amanda, trying to make it sound like there was nothing more she could do to show that she fully understood the implications of what she had done.

"Well on this occasion, sorry is not good enough.. those gentlemen last night had no idea that Costain's would love to get their hands on a project like this, until you opened your mouth and dropped us right in it. I've already given them our quote, and gone as low as I possibly can, now they are going to go trotting off to Costain's and you can bet you bottom dollar that they will out bid us. Do you realise what that means to this company?

There was a long silence while Amanda took in what Geoff was saying.

"Well.?" He demanded, leaning forward and resting his forearms on the edge of his desk, "I put my own head on the block when I made you supervisor.

"Like I said.. I'm sorry.. I just wasn't thinking."

"You're damn right you weren't thinking.. and your actions could have repercussions throughout the whole firm”

Amanda sighed heavily. "Is there nothing I can do to help?" she offered, fluttering her eyelids, half hoping he would suggest something that would take the pressure off her. Standing there, hands on hips. For God’s sake, she’d put on her cherry red jacket with just a hint of a blue lacy bra and really short black skirt. By now, most men would have been eating out of her hand and willing to forget anything. After all, that was how she landed her husband.

"No, we just have to put this down to experience, but I'm afraid you are not going to be getting off that easily" he said sitting back once again.

"What do you mean?" Amanda asked, beginning to fear that she may end up getting home very early from work for the first time in many, many months.

"Well, the way I see it, I have two options open to me, I can either give you your cards right now and ask you to leave the premises or.." He stopped and looked Amanda straight in the eye, "or maybe there is some other alternative."

Amanda looked down at the floor in front of her. "What other alternative?" she asked.

“Personally I think you need to be taught a sharp lesson young lady," he said, rising from his seat and moving round the desk to stand next to Amanda.

"Young lady indeed", she snorted, "I'm 35 and married. How dare you speak to me like that".

Ignoring her petulant outburst, he continued, “I intend to put you over my knee and give you the spanking you deserve until you have learned your lesson".

Immediately Amanda jumped to her own defence "You can't spank me, I've never been spanked in my life before, I'm too old anyway and I’m a married woman and I won't allow it..."

She was about to go on but Geoff interrupted her "Fine.if you want to go and clear your desk, I want you out of the building in half an hour". He returned behind his desk and started some unnecessary paper shuffling.

"Wait.can't we talk about this?" Amanda asked.

"There's nothing to talk about, I have given you the options, take it or leave it".

Amanda sighed heavily. It seemed a hopeless situation. She really wanted to just walk away, but her husband had been made redundant, she had the mortgage to pay, the loan on her car and other things, there was no way she could just turn in her job like this, she needed to keep it.. she had to keep it.

Sighing again, Amanda looked down at the floor once more and said, "Ok then, I'll let you deal with it, but you are not to hurt me, I've never been spanked before. My husband would never dare to".

"There's not much point in spanking you if I don't hurt you Amanda. I need to teach you a lesson that you won't forget. Now if you are sure, we must not waste anymore time, otherwise the others will be arriving and I'm sure you wouldn't want them to hear me spanking you would you?"

Amanda didn't reply at first, but stayed looking at the carpet in front of her. After a few moments she asked "Can't we leave it until after work?"

"No, I believe that when someone deserves a punishment, it should be handed out right away. If I'd had my way, you would have been over my knee last night, for the spanking of your life. As it is, you have already had a night's grace, so the sooner we get this over with the better.

"Right, lets get on with this," said Geoff, closing the door firmly and then returning to place a low upright chair in the centre of the small room.

Amanda watched but began to feel nervous at the sight of the chair as it was put in place. Whether she had actually thought that he would just give her a couple of hand slaps where she stood, or something else she was still rather disturbed to realise that he fully intended to put her across his knee. She gulped and felt her throat go drier than she had ever imagined possible as she watched him sit on the chair and pat his lap.

Oh God, he didn't want her to lay across his lap did he, this would be so embarrassing. Little did she know that he'd wanted to do this to her since she joined the Company. Oh yes, there were plenty of younger girls working at the Company. But none with the voluptous hourglass figure of Mrs Amanda Simpkins.

He reached out, took her wrist and pulled her towards him. Instinctively she pulled back so he tightened his grip around her wrist and eased her forward by grasping her upper arm. Swiftly he had her down over his lap.

To Be Continued.
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Old 01-01-2009, 03:05 AM
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spankmesilly22 spankmesilly22 is offline
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Location: Pittsburgh
Posts: 37
Lightbulb The next part

As Geoff raised his hand, Amanda turned her head wondering with fright what was to happen next only to see the flash of her supervisor's hand descending. She cried out in pain and horror spread across her face as she began to wonder how long this ordeal would be.

"It can't go on too long," she thought. "People will start arriving, and he will stop spanking me then".

After what seemed never-ending pain, at 50 hard swats, the spanking stopped, and Amanda began through her tears to sigh with relief until she felt her skirt being pulled up above her cute curvaceous back cheeks. She flinched and jolted.

"Stop!" She cried. "Don't you dare uncover me!"

"Quiet! Your panties will remain on."


"OOOh! OUUh! Please stop. It hurts!"

"My dear Amanda," began Geoff, "I have waited long enough since you started working for me to get my hands on your ass. And now that the opportunity presents itself and by your own consent, I will not swiftly be finished with this punishment. Remember that word? Punishment - punishments hurt. You will take what I see fit without further complaint, or you will lose your job. Have I made myself clear?!!!!"


"OUUH! ohhh. Yes, very clear." She sobbed.

"Ok then, it is getting late. Get rid of your tears. Go back to your desk. Do a good day's work, and come back to my office at the end of the day so we can finish this business."

Amanda raised herself off Geoff's lap and winced as she pulled her skirt over her bruised buttocks. She took a tissue from her boss's desk, and cleared her eyes and face. She then made her way back to her office where she found that it was going to be an extremely uncomfortable day on her wooden stool behind her typewriting desk.

... … … … … … … … … … .
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