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Old 11-09-2010, 10:39 AM
Spanko17 Spanko17 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 9
Blackmail Class Pt. 2

With Jenna draped over my knee, head down, and tears creeping down her face. I felt on top of the world. Her round bottom was staring up at me, and in the crease I could see her hot sex peeking out.

"Get off of me, put your clothes on, and get on with your day. You are to text me ever hour with your whereabouts and what you are doing. From now on you will wear what I tell you as well. I will text you in the morning before school with what I expect. Do you understand?"

In a mere whisper she replied, "Yes sir."

With that she dressed and left the wrestling room. The rest of the day was fairly uneventful, Jenna did send me a text every hour, but they were fairly monotonous and did not include anything of interest. My cock was still half inflated from the fun in the wrestling room. I decided that tomrorow, Jenna and I would need to have more fun, but not at school.

My father owned many properties, many of them simple storage warehouses, A while back my friends and I had taken one and made it into a hangout spot. It had couches, a tv, and other simple accomadations. I would go there after school, but first stop by the hardware store for supplies.

So, school finished, the night went on, and Jenna diligently sent me the text messages. I guess the first spanking had made her want to avoid further punishment.

I woke up the next morning bright and early, sending Jenna a quick text saying "Tight jeans today, thong, low cut v-neck. You can pick the colors baby ." I purposefully left out the bra, to make sure that Jenna would obey my instructions to the T. Also, it was often cold in the anatomy room, so Me and the rest of the class would enjoy the sight of her nipples poking through the shirt.

When anatomy rolled around, I walked in as the bell rang and made my way to the back of the class room, looking across I saw Jenna sitting, wearing the v-neck shirt. But surpisingly I did not see her nipples. This made me wonder if she did indeed obey the text as sent.

Grabbing my phone I messaged her, "Are you wearing a bra today" I watched her as i waited for a response, about two minutes later I saw her hand move to her pocket and she slyly looked down at her phone, her face began to turn red as she quickly sent a reply.

It seemed like forever until my phone finally vibrated. "No I did not." the simple reply delighted me. I decided that Jenna would now have to remove her bra in class. It would be up to her to avoid being seen. "Take your bra off now. Do not leave the classroom, if it is not off in the next five minutes, the files go global." That was my reply.

The dipshit teacher began to show a video at this point, turning off the lights and flipping the projector on. A show about some knee surgery was playing, this could not have interested me less. My eyes were fixed on Jenna, watching her hands creep up the back of shirt, with trying not to be noticed by the person next to her. I saw her get the clasp. by now the hard part of getting the straps and cups off of her massive tits was coming up. She bent over to her right. It looked like she was trying to get something out of her backpack. But cleverly she managed to slide the bra forward into it instead.

She sat back up now. Looking very flustered, but her perky nipples could now be seen nicely through the thin material of her shirt. Most the class was sleeping by now, and did not get to see the glorious sight. "Good girl, now next time you will follow exactly what my texts say for you to wear, oh and after school meet me in the commons, we are going to take a little trip."

"Ok" was the only response I got back. The day seemed to drag on. With boring classes that could not seem to take any longer. All I could think about was the hot peice of ass that was now mine. My little slave Jenna Hill.

pt.3 coming tonight.
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Old 11-11-2010, 06:02 PM
fastspank fastspank is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 2
This is hot. Keep going with the story.
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Old 11-11-2010, 06:54 PM
Spanko17 Spanko17 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 9
Give me a pic, of a girl that you think matches my description to Jenna Hill.
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