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Old 11-08-2010, 11:01 PM
Spanko17 Spanko17 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 9
Blackmail Class Pt 1

I despise my anotomy teacher. I really do. The woman is extremely annoying. She complains to the class every day of the difficulties of teaching, yet she demands that she fills every minute of the class with lecture or activities. She often treats high schoolers like kindergarteners. Basically, the lady is annoying as hell.

The only thing that excites me about coming to school every day is Jenna Hill. The daughter of a english teacher at school, she stands at 5'4'', with huge 36 D breasts. This got her noticed her freshmen year, these wonderful tits often hang out of even modestly cut shirts. Her ass, is round and plump, stretching her Buckle jeans. Often her shirt creeps up her back, and shows some skin.

But, she has a boyfriend, and as most fantasies go, I thought mine would never have the chance to be fufilled. The seating in the room though, was like a theatre with the seats surrounding the podium. This gave me good views of Jenna throughout the day, and helped me never get detected.

So, it was a tuesday, an average day at that. The teacher brings us to a computer lab, my friends and I run to the back claiming the row so that we can game. Jenna sits a row ahead, sitting with her back arched (probally cause of her huge tits) which caused her shirt to go fairly high up onto her back. Her sexy black thong was hanging a good 3 inches out because of this. I could not believe my eyes, my cock was twinging at the sight of something so hot. With a view like this I had to make it last longer than this class. So I grabbed out my iphone, which with zoom gave me a high def picture, and a short video clip.

I managed to avoid detection from my friends by putting my phone behind my backpack on the lab desk. Now having these sexy pics and vid on my phone. I knew that I atleast had some good material to look at the next time I beat off, the thing was it started an idea. An idea that could make my fantasies a reality. If I could aquire more sexy poses or clothing mishaps, I knew I could gain persuasion....

Two days later, my opputunity rose again. Except this time it was in a different setting, We were doing labs in the back of the room. It was set up with 6 large tables that were three feet high. The class was split into groups and told to do the activity. Jenna that day had worn yoga pants, which framed her wonderful bottom with amazing clarity. She wore a t-shirt with it.

She leaned over the table quite seductivly with her group leaving her ass hanging out. The yoga pants had slowly been sliding down as she stayed in this position. Creeping ever toward revealing the crevice below. I needed to film this so, pretending like i was texting I moved across the room by the garbage, and managed to get the shot. It was perfect, showing her round ass 75% covered by black spandex, and a quarter of her crack peeking out at the top. It was so amazingly attractive, my cock was beginning to fully awaken looking at this sight. It was a short 6 second clip, but enough to see fully what was going on. I slid my phone into my pocket and got back to work.

With two pieces of my puzzle complete I knew that a third and more drastic peice would soon be needed to get the results I wanted. My plan was devised, because I knew that Jenna had 3rd hour gym with my friend Kristen. Kristen and I were extremly close because she had dated my brother for a few months. And had cheated on him with me about 4 times. She loved my wild sex and always seemed to come back for more.

I approached her with the idea of getting multiple photos of Jenna naked, she said that it shouldn't be a big deal, just give her two days. Sure enough, two days later I was sent a file, with 6 photos on it. From various angles showing Jenna completely naked, one had her bent over picking up her bra, ass and pussy on full display. This was the final thing I needed.

I got Jennas phone number, and sent her a photo of herself, I star 68 my number in the texts, so that she can text back, but not see or call the number, Naked looking off in another direction. With the message "Plenty more where that came from"
Frantic texts came back, "who is this!" "how dare you, the police will hear about this" Finally after a half hour of these texts, I sent "Meet me in the wrestling room, 4th period, nobody will be with you or all of my photos and videos will go viral, the whole world will see you."

The simple response of "Ok" came back, my heart was racing, knowing that this little plan could land me in jail. But somehow I knew that this plan would work. That the simply physchological effect of these pics would make her obey whatever I would say. I got to the wrestling room early and hid, so that when she walked in, i would be behind her.

She opened the door and stepped into the room, walking nervously forward. I stepped out behind her and slid one hand around her mouth, and moved my other arm around her neck, this prevented here from screaming, and gave me complete control of her.

"You will not scream or run, you will turn around and listen to what I say. I am your master now, you will address me as sir. You will obey whatever I tell you to do, now turn around."

With this she slowly turned her body around, the recognition I saw in her eyes delighted me, she stuttered out "You bastard!", this was quickly followed by me tripping her to the ground onto her stomach. "what was that you called me Jenna?" Me saying her name was punctuated with a firm slap to the ass.

"I'm sorry sir!!!."

The quick change to submission was amazing, but I knew it wouldn't be this easy.

"Now, once again. You will not disobey me or you will be punished, If I say stroke my dick in the middle of class, you will do it. If I text you and say show more cleavage, you will do it, If I say get naked and fucking start dancing. You will do it, or you will be punished."

"You are my slave now, in school and out." She looked at me and was trying to think of something, anything to get her out of the situation she found herself in, but could not. "Please, John just let me go."

With this I snappped, "Stand up." quickly she did, I grabbed her jeans and unbuttoned them, despite her protests I wrestled them down and off of her.

"I told you, you dumb fucking slut, that you are to address me as Sir. Now your ass is going to learn that lesson."

I dragged her by the arm over to a rolled up wrestling mat and sat down on her, pulling her over my knee, I looked down at her wonderful ass, only covered by a bikini-style panty. I began to slap her ass, (Now I'm a strong guy, I lift four times a week, about 5'10 160lb) I made them all hurt, no warm-up for this girl. SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP, the first five rang out, Her squeals only made my cock grow harder as she wiggled on my lap.

"Stand up and take ur panties off NOW!" with the command punctuated by a shout she did not hesitate but obeyed and stripped them off, "Now put them in your mouth." She stopped, and looked at me not believing her ears.

"What the HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" "Put those motherfucking panties into your mouth and keep them there."

Jenna still did not obey my command, but held them in her hand frozen, just not believing her ears. I grabbed her by the hair, and when she screamed shoved the pantied into her mouth.

"If you drop those panties from your mouth, you will not sit for the next week and now since you were such a naughty girl and couldn't listen, your punishement will be increased." With this I pulled her back over my knee, SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP, the continuous barrage of her bottom went on, I spanked her until my hand was buzzing and her ass was bright red. She had started to cry half way through, and by the end had her head down by the floor, in defeat.

I will continue later. Tell me what you think.
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