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Old 05-19-2007, 09:28 AM
Redskinluver Redskinluver is offline
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Cara's Bikini vs.Mom's Paddle

Author's Note/Disclaimer: Even if one may not condone spanking kids or teens in r/l, the image of a teenage girl going across her mother's knee for wearing next to nothing is still a favorite of mine.

Cara Walker turned and glared at her mother. The object of Mrs. Walker's outrage was the bathing suit Cara had on. It was a tiny lime-green thong bikini that barely covered her frontal pubic area, and left the 17-year old's round,upturned buttocks completely exposed to view.
"I can't believe you would even think about wearing a bathing suit that is so indecent, much less leave the house in one."
"I don't want to see you in that suit again, not even out in the yard, much less wearing it in public. Go put some clothes on right now!"
"If I see you with it on again, I'm going to give you a good spanking! Don't think you are too old for that!"
Cara continued to scowl at her mother. At the mention of a spanking ,she threw back her long hair, and let out a laugh.
"Mom, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.I'm a grown girl, you can't spank me."
"And you can't tell me how to dress either. I'll wear this suit whenever and wherever I want to!"
Cara gave her mother a smirk and turned toward the door.
"See you later Mom,I've got some rays to catch."
Cara continued her course, her nude buttocks swinging provocatively.

Looks like I need to give that spanking now, Mrs Walker thought to herself.
Her daughter had crossed over the line with her insolent attitude and her disobedience. In fact, for some time she had been acting like a teenage brat, one who thought she no longer had to listen to her mother.
Striding across, the room she grabbed her daughter's bare shoulder."You and I are going to have a little family discussion about your behavior"
Her mother had a firm grasp on Cara's neck,on the nape and proceeded to march the bewildered teenager toward her bedroom. They entered and with one hand on Cara, she reached to the back of her closet and pulled out an object. Next she seated herself on a chair and pulled Cara over her lap.
Cara then saw what her mother had in her hand.It was the wooden paddle that had last gone across the seat of Cara's jeans several years ago.
The pretty teenager then realized the seriousness of her predicament. She was turned over her mother's knees about to get a spanking! Here she was , a girl who saw herself as a young adult woman who did as she pleased, one who was in the popular crowd at school, who was going to be cheerleader captain when school opened in the fall, in a situation she never thought she would ever have to face again. She flushed with the shame of it.
And then she remembered something else. It was how bad the paddle stung when she got spanked on her tight jeans. But now she was going to get it on the bare bottom. She may as well been nude , as the thong bikini left nothing between her and the paddle.
"You are going to a get a spanking for wearing that suit in the first place! And you are going to get more for your sassy mouth and disrespectful attitude."
"Any girl who speaks in that tone of voice to her mother needs her rear tanned, I don't care how old she is."
SMACK! The first blow landed, searing across both of Cara's upturned cheeks, her "bubble butt" she liked to call it, and had so looked forward to displaying it that summer.
"Its supposed to hurt. I want it to hurt. I want you to think twice before you decide to go naked again," her mother snapped.
The spanking continued, hard smacks peppering first the right cheek, then the left, then across both at the same time, with some extra "elbow grease" being applied to the very soft,tender area at the base of her buttocks.
Cara felt like she was on fire, that someone had poured gasoline on her backside and lit it. She had never felt the paddle on bare skin before, and never this much. Soon she collapsed in tears. The full-of-herself teenager was bawling like a toddler."
The last smack landed. Two swollen dark red mounds contrasted with the tan on the rest of her body and the green fabric of her tiny bikini bottom.
Her mother looked on her work with satisfaction. She noted some blistering on the tenderest area of Cara's bottom cheeks.
"She'll not be sitting down in comfort for quite some time" she thought.
"And she certainly won't be wearing that bikini out in public, she smiled satisfiedly.
Cara stumbled to her feet, her fingertips brushing her throbbing ,burning,and very sore bottom.She wished she had not talked back to her mother, and wished even more she had not bought that thong bikini.
Her mother said," since you like showing off so much, I want you to keep that suit on the rest of the day.
"See how you like walking around the house with a red bottom. Oh, and you're not to put anything on it, like lotion. Do so, and I'll wipe it off with a rough cloth and then paddle you some more."
"I want you to get the full benefit of your punishment, it will make you think about your behavior, and what happens when you get out of line. "
"I'll not have my daughter dressing like a slut, and showing no respect for authority."
It was a long afternoon for Cara,most of it spent face-down on her bed,still sniffling and whimpering occasionaly, as the fire in her punished bottom still blazed.
Worst of all was when her mother insisted she come to dinner. Cara ate standing up, with her paddled bottom on display. She was grateful that it was just her and her mother. Her parents were divorced, and her older brother out on his own. At least no one else would know what happened, had to see her red rear. It was bad enough when she realized that her mother had a full view of it, and commented occasionally "that it looked the way it ought to look for wearing a bathing suit like that."
For the next several days or so, Cara rested her injured buns gingerly on pillows. She had no desire to wear a thong bikini, or anything else her mother considered too revealing or provocative.
Not until she was away from home, in college, did Cara wear her skimpy suit again. But that is another story.

Last edited by Redskinluver; 05-19-2007 at 09:33 AM. Reason: typo,grammar
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Old 05-20-2007, 08:51 AM
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jackie seven jackie seven is offline
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As a big fan of F/F domestic discipline stories, I enjoyed that very much, Redskinluver. That same image is a favorite of mine also.
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Old 07-02-2007, 04:50 AM
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I like it!

I love taht! taht'll teach her!

the day you move out is the day your too old in my house!
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Old 07-03-2007, 06:49 AM
robinsred robinsred is offline
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Cara's bikini

This story maybe fiction but my Aunty M. put me over her knee for the same reason a few years ago. Wooden paddle on my bikini bottom. I didn't go out init either. Robinsred
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Old 07-03-2007, 04:36 PM
Redskinluver Redskinluver is offline
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Care to share that story with us on here, robin? It sounds like a good one-mine is fiction. Or pm me if you'd prefer.
You said "paddle on your bikini bottom", does that mean your suit had a little more fabric than the girl in my story?
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Old 07-03-2007, 09:19 PM
dandy40don dandy40don is offline
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Plase Share That Story Ith Me To Robin.

Thank You

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Old 07-03-2007, 11:39 PM
robinsred robinsred is offline
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caras bikini

All right you guys, there is no real story but I was sunbathing in our back yard and had undone my bikini top after tanning on my stomach I rolled over on my back exposing everything to the sun. Well my Aunty M had company that I didn't know about and the observed me through a window commenting to her on my nudity. Her friend excused herself and left. Aunty M came out and took me by the ear back in the house to the kitchen table pulled out one of the chairs put me over her knee and administered a spanking to my bikini bottom with her paddle. After about ten whacks she pulled them down and finished my lesson on my bare butt. WOW did it ever sting"|!!!!! Thus my handle Robinsred
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Old 07-04-2007, 03:33 AM
dandy40don dandy40don is offline
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So How Many Swats Did You Get On Your Bare Bottom? Would You Let Me Paddle Your Bare Bottom?

Please Let Me Know.

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Old 07-04-2007, 05:47 AM
Redskinluver Redskinluver is offline
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So unlike Cara, you were paddled for "toplessness" not bottomlessness".
Removing the bikini top like that is quite prevalent. I wonder if other girls have been spanked for doing it.Btw, how did you handle sitting afterwards?
Not a spanking, but your story does remind me of something someone told me.
She was home from college and her parents were away, so she decided to sunbathe nude out by the pool. She ended up sunburning her previously unexposed buns so badly she couldnt sit down for 2 days. Long afterwards she confided in her mom what had happened.
Mom got a big laugh out of it, told her she got exactly what she deserved for sunbathing nude. Might say she got a hard spanking from "Mother Nature!"
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Old 07-08-2007, 05:49 PM
robinsred robinsred is offline
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Bikini Spanking

Red, I will never forget it. Aunty M is very proficient at tanning my bottom whenever she decides I am do. Robinsred
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