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Old 11-26-2006, 09:23 PM
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Post Lost & Found Part 4

Aubrey nodded and felt a swirl of emotions as Mr.Leviston departed the room once again. She felt nervous, anxious, and yet safe all at one time. Her hands still fidgeting nervously in her lap as she listened to the soft clicking from the antique clock hanging above the table adorned only with the soft glow from a lamp. A part of her wanted to bolt for the door. Deciding to stay meant giving up a part of her will, perhaps a part of her pride and a generous amount of trust. If she left she would live with the feeling that she did not try, that she had given up on herself and worse she might remain completely lost. As she sat silently weighing the options she heard the door open and felt his presence before he had even spoke.
"Okay Aubrey, have you come to a decision ?"
"Yes sir... I...I do want your help. But ..."
She spoke so softly and timidly that he had to lean forward to hear her.
"It's very normal for you to be anxious my dear, that shows me that we already have a good start towards making progress, that is, if you choose to accept my help and guidance. Is there something you needed to ask ? If so, please don't hesitate. Questions are encouraged as long as they are asked respectfully."
He studied the small and trembling creature before him. Her hair was soft and wavy, her complexion fair and she wore very little makeup. Her eyes spoke volumes. They held spirit and yet an unmistakenly large amount of sadness. So young yet mature and well mannered. She appeared almost fragile but he could sense a strength about her, a lovely combination of traits if guided in the right direction.
Aubrey summoned up her courage once more before hearing the words that came from her own lips.
"Yes sir, I wish to accept your help. My question, well I really don't know how to put into words."
He pulled a chair up and sat directly in front of her. He leaned forward slowly and looked evenly into her eyes.
"If you leave here with nothing else, please leave with this. It truly is my intention to help you Aubrey. I do not want you to fear me. Dreading discipline is normal and expected, but it is given with much care and concern for your well being. Part of this commitment is communication. I want you to always feel safe in asking me questions."
Aubrey felt a spark of hope in his words. She knew in her heart they were genuine and sincere.
"I was just wondering, uhmmm...will the consequences be the same every time ?"
He was amused by her curiousity and answered thoughtfully.
"Well, the mildness or severity of your consequences will depend mostly on you. I will of course be making the final decision as to what you are deserving of depending upon the wrongdoing or wrong choices that you make. After we have discussed your difficulties and habits etc, we will together come up with a sort of guide, so to speak that you will be responsible for following. I will be consistent I assure you, but always fair. Do you understand ?"
"Yes sir." She almost felt a sense of relief knowing that her burdens and often rapid choices were not hers alone anymore. Maybe being accountable to someone other than herself was just what she was needing...

To be continued...

Happy spanking,
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Old 11-26-2006, 10:08 PM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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YES!!! I had hoped futher chapters of this story would be forthcoming. This is really hot stuff, and I love the detail. Bring on part 5.
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