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Old 12-01-2007, 12:45 AM
Posts: n/a
Sex and the City Season 4 Episode 7 Time and Punishment - The Spanko Version

Sex and the City Season 4: Episode 7 – Time and Punishment(The Spanko Version)

I'm new here. After reading all of the spanking stories based on sit coms, I thought this would fit in. I am an avid “Sex and the City” fan, and own all of the DVD’s. One of my favorite “Sex and the City” seasons is Season 4 when Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) is with Aiden, played by the very sexy John Corbett. If you follow the show, you know that in season 3, Carrie cheated on Aiden with her former beau, Big. Aiden and Carrie manage getting back together in Season 4, and in a pivotal episode entitled “Time and Punishment,” Aiden forgives Carrie for her indiscretion.

I always felt that Aiden was a latent spanko. He was always playfully swatting Carrie on her butt throughout the series. In this particular episode, he swats her when asking for her keys.

This episode actually ends with Carrie begging Aiden to forgive her. Aiden pulls her into a hug and closes the door. This is my interpretation of what SHOULD have happened behind that closed door!

I’m leading into the scene a little, so you can gain the full impact of the build-up. Enjoy!

[Carrie scurries out of the car with Pete, Aiden’s diapered dog in tow. She is completely frustrated. Even after following Pete around the Upper East Side of New York for miles, cleaning up his diarrhea, she still didn’t feel like she was any closer to working her way back into Aiden’s arms and having him trust her again. She longs to be “back in his nook” and she doesn’t think it can ever happen. Her heart sinks as she looks up and sees her sexy, wonderful boyfriend, her “tall drink of water” talking to Sheila, that slutty waitress from the bar. That bastard! Suddenly, her guilt and frustration turns to jealousy and anger. She throws the dog leash at Aiden.]

Carrie: You’re dog got sick. I’m leaving. [She runs to the street and hails a cab.] Taxi!

Aiden: Carrie, wait! [He hands the dog leash to Sheila and runs after Carrie. He grabs Carrie by the arm and turns her to face him.] What are you doing?

Carrie: I thought you were working! [sarcastically] Toxic chemicals, huh? And SHE just happened to show up with coffee!

Aiden: Yeah, she stopped by. She’s my friend. [shrugs] We’re friends.

Carrie: [icily stares at Aiden as she gets into the cab] Why don’t you fuck her? Then we can BOTH be bad!

[The cab speeds off. Aiden watches the cab speed off, deep in thought. He loves Carrie—REALLY loves her. How can he get beyond this? How can he get beyond picturing her with Big every time the phone rings? How can he really know the he is first in Carrie’s heart? The scene fades to black.]
[Carrie is lying on her bed staring at the ceiling. She sighs, thinking that she has really blown it. How can she convince Aiden that she really does love him? The whole affair with Big was such a mess. She loves Aiden with her heart and soul. How can she explain that? The knock on the door breaks her train of thought.]

[Carrie opens the door. Her heart skips a beat. It’s Aiden.]

Carrie: D-do you want to come in?

Aiden: I’m too pissed to come in. [He speaks softly—matter of fact] Nothing happened. I thought about it. But nothing happened.

Carrie: I know. I-

Aiden: I hate it that he calls here.

Carrie: There’s nothing happening. I could NEVER do that to you again.

Aiden: I want you to promise me you’ll never see him again.

Carrie: I can’t do that. He’s a part of my life. Not in the same way you are, but he is. Aiden, I love you. I could never betray you like that again. [starts to cry, feeling helpless] Aiden---You have to forgive me. If we’re ever going to move on, you have to forgive me, Aiden. [feels herself completely breaking down, crying harder] You have to forgive me, Aiden. You have to forgive me! You have to forgive me! You have to forgive me! [She feels like she is going to collapse. The tears are cascading down her face.]

[Aiden pulls her to him and begins stroking her hair. He closes the door and leads her to the bed. Before Carrie even realizes what’s happening, Aiden flips Carrie over his lap.]

Carrie: A-Aiden! W-what are you doing?

[She tries to get up, but Aiden’s arm holds her easily in place. Her small, five-foot one frame is no match for Aiden’s strong, lusty six-foot four muscular work of perfection]

Aiden: I’m doing what I should have done a long time ago, Carrie. [He eases down her trendy-looking boxer shorts and gives her small, perfectly formed bottom a sharp SWAT!]

Carrie: [Struggling to get up, frustrated and yet oddly excited by her helplessness in this situation. Aiden’s sheer size in contrast to hers prevents her from escaping. She is an independent woman! How dare he! And…DAMN! How can she be so turned on?] Hey! That hurt! Let me go!

Aiden: [Grinning like a Cheshire cat. She has needed this for a LONG time!]Not a chance, baby doll! [Running his fingers casually over the red handprint on her pert, white bottom. The gesture sends shockwaves through Carrie’s body, and Aiden chuckles as she moans lustily in spite of her predicament.] If you really want me to forgive you, there has to be a consequence on your end. [SWAT!] Time to pay the piper, Sweetheart!

[Aiden begins a stead rhythm of spanks on Carrie’s bared bottom. Carrie kicks and struggles, but Aiden easily holds her fast.]

Carrie: Ai-den, p-please! You k-know how sor-ry I am!

[The spanks continue in a steady rhythm. Right cheek. Left cheek. Middle. Aiden is very thorough. He pauses just long enough to lift her marvelous pinkened globes to spank that sensitive “sweet spot” or “sit spot” between bottom and thigh.]

Carrie: Oh! Ow! Ai-den! [Even as Carrie says “Ow,” a shock wave of sexual excitement pumps through her. She is torn between wanting the pain to stop, and the building wanton need to have him take her, possess her, claim her as his.]

Aiden: You are mine, Carrie Bradshaw. [SWAT! SWAT! SWAT!] And no one is ever going to come between us again! [SWAT!]

Carrie: Oh! Y-yes, Sir! [Sir? She wondered where that came from. It just seemed like a natural thing to say.]

Aiden: [He stops spanking and admires his handiwork, lightly running his fingers over her pink, quivering flesh.] I know you’re independent, Carrie. It’s one of the things I love about you. But you will learn to show me some respect. [He continues to caress her bottom. He chuckles softly as he hears Carrie moan helplessly lost. His hand travels easily down her inner thigh. As if of their own accord, Carrie’s legs part. Aiden can see and smell her glistening moisture. He mercilessly traces her wet vaginal lips with his fingertip.]

Carrie: O-oh….Ai-den…I-I…d-do respect you….I l-love you…I’ll do anything..just p-please….take me! Take me now! [She inadvertently kicks off her boxers. She opens her legs wider. Her eyes are squeezed shut. Her bottom feels like it’s on fire! But there’s a great fire burning deep inside her. She needs him inside her.] Please, Aiden!

Aiden: [Smiling as he continues to toy with her.] All in good time, baby. I’m the one in control now. [He kisses her ear and nibbles on it softly and whispers to her.] Just give into this, Carrie. Enjoy it.

Carrie: [Carrie can’t even speak now. The lust is so great. All she can do is moan. Her entire body is quivering with need, and she knows that submission to Aiden is the doorway to both pleasure and forgiveness. Aiden senses the change in Carrie’s body; the relinquishing of power. His fingertips make lazy circles around her swollen vaginal lips. Mercilessly, he purposely misses her hardened clitoris which is begging to be touched. His other hand gently caresses her pink, sore bottom. The combination of sensations sends Carrie’s body into multiple shivers of anticipation.] Oh, Aiden, please!

Aiden: [Hmmm….maybe she has suffered enough. She is definitely wet and ready for him. His fingers continue to work their magic. Using the moisture from her juices, he rubs her stiff little clitoris while using his other hand to tease at her vaginal opening. Her body wriggles with excitement as his thumb flicks in and out of her opening. She gasps as he spanks her with his other hand while simultaneously inserting his thumb fully into her. His fingers are rubbing…mercilessly rubbing her sore little clitoris as his thumb pumps in and out of her, massaging her labia. His other hand spanks her sore red bottom.]

[Carrie is lost in sensation. She can’t even think! She groans as she feels her body spasming into climax. She raises her bottom eagerly to meet the rhythm of his spanks. Each spank jolts those wonderful fingers further inside her. She cries out as the tingles and electric shock waves of the climax consume her. He continues to massage her clitoris through the climax. She is so sore! His touch is relentless. She is exhausted and craving more at the same time. Carrie feels herself being eased off of Aiden’s lap. Aiden carefully places her on the bed, bare bottom upturned. She knows that her bottom is on display for him to see…to do with as he pleases. She feels him caressing that reddened bottom of hers again and she winces, but doesn’t pull away. This is an Aiden she has never encountered before…and Aiden in complete control….and she relishes in it. Aiden quickly removes his pants and enters her swiftly from behind. She feels filled, whole, as he penetrates her again and again…]

[Scene fades to black]

[New shot of Carrie and Aiden in bed….Carrie is cradled in Aiden’s arms.]

Carrie: [voice-over] And over time, I found my way back into the nook.
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Old 12-01-2007, 09:15 AM
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up Great Story

Whoooaaaaa Liz!!! I had to let the computer cool down after that one. I only watched Sex in the City a few times but I always thought (hoped) that someone would take Miss Carrie in hand. Thanks for a great pegged it!!
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Old 12-01-2007, 08:31 PM
paddlelover21 paddlelover21 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: wauzeka wi
Posts: 29
The picture that you painted in my mind, is a work of art. I can wait to hear your comments to cum in the future. Thank for sharing you thoughts.
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Old 12-02-2007, 11:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Thanks for the kind words!

I've been mulling over another "Sex and the City" story, but haven't had time to write it. It's about all of the ladies getting spanked by their significant others in a D/s club.

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