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Old 01-07-2009, 12:53 PM
MarvinUK MarvinUK is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 16
28 year old ex page 3 girl spanked by young student

"Oh hello Fiona", said Danny Marks, "How may I help you?"

Danny was just 19 years old was home from university over the holiday period. The shoe shop that he'd worked in while he was at school had kindly allowed him to work there in his holidays.

"Well actually I think I'd prefer to be served by someone more experienced. Is the manager around?", came the snooty reply.

Fiona Samuels, ex Page 3 girl, was the older sister of one of his old college friends. Aged 28 and recently engaged to some flashy footballer. But by common consent with Danny and his friends, the "fittest" girl around. Although a single mum, she wasn't giving up her flat until she had that wedding ring on her finger, she'd kept herself in pretty good shape. Hour-glass figure with eye-wateringly large breasts which today were barely concealed by a black slinky strappy top leaving little to the imagination. Shades perched over her swept-back blonde hair. This in turn showed off her large dangly ear-rings. She was wearing a short, hip-hugging multi-patterned skirt over bare legs and strappy sandals.

Straining to be polite, Danny offered, "Unfortunately, the manager has been called away so", and glancing around, "You'll have to make do with me"

Tut tutting, Fiona piped up so everyone could hear," Well you'll just have to do. But be quick, I'm being taken out to the film premiere tonight. Just about anyone who's anyone will be there ".

The fact that she'd pushed in front of other customers didn't bother her in the slightest. Five minutes later with her foot up on the stand the haughty Fiona Samuels was trying on different shoes. As she lifted her leg her short skirt rode ven higher. Noticing his tongue hanging out and realising what he was looking at, and glancing at his trousers, she called out so eveyone in the shop could hear, "Getting a stiffy on are we? That will give you something to think about later" and laughed at his embarrasment.

Over the next half hour she drove him mad. If it wasn't her melon-like breasts jiggling about when she bent to do up a buckle or maddeningly, her short, tight skirt riding up even higher over those womanly hips. Looking at his growing bulge she laughed and said, "Any chance of a discount?"

"I'm afraid not," came the squeaky reply.

"Ah diddums. I bet you would if I unzipped you right now," she purred, "Or maybe.." and she licked her lips so provocatively he thought he was going to burst.

Dissolving into a fit of laughter at his obvious discomfort she said, "In your dreams buster because that's all it will ever be. You honestly didn't think". Flushing with embarassment at the putdown particularly in front of the younger staff.

Some 45 minutes later after trying on numerous shoes and having him run up and down the stairs with the staff ready to lock up, she calmly said, "Don't think much of the service here, I'm going to a decent shop".

And with that made for the door. Quick as a flash, the under-cover security guard nudges Danny to the effect that Miss Samuels has smuggled a pair of expensive shoes into her bag. Apparently, she'd been caught on CCTV. Racing after Mrs Samuels, the elderly guard guides her back to the shop where she launches into a verbal tirade against the poor old pensioner trying to do his job.

"You cheeky young mare,", he spluttered, "As old as you are, you're not too old to go across my knee"

"Yes, I bet you'd like that you old fool", she said.

"Ok, leave this to me", Danny told the rest of the staff

"And what do you think you're going to do arse-hole", she said in a condescending tone to Danny.

Taking her arm, he frog-marched her into the back office.

"Let go of me", she said, as she tried to break free. Once in the back, he said, "Now look Fiona. There's 2 ways we can deal with this"

"Oh really, do enlighten me", came the cocky reply,as she put both hands on those sexy swaying hips, "I'll just pay for the shoes and we'll hear no more about it".

"It's not as simple as that. Shop-lifting is a criminal act and the Firm's policy is to prosecute. And it's on CCTV", said Danny calmly, before continuing, "Now of course I could destroy the tape"

"Okay you stupid little arse-hole how much do you want for that bit of tape. I'll give you any amount to get it from you.", she shrieked.

"Arsehole am I", shouted Danny, more annoyed than he'd ever been before, "Well I'm going to make it so you have trouble sitting down on yours."

"What are you mumbling about you stupid boy", she said.

"As old as you are, I'm going to put you across my knee and give you a damn good spanking", came the reply.

And with that he grabbed her tightly by the arm and started to pull her towards a chair in the middle of the room.

"Ow. Your hurting me. Let me go," demanded a startled Fiona as she attempted to put her hand over her backside. "Spank me!. My God, I'm not a child. No, not on your life."

Danny pressed the button on the CCTV and said, "Fine we'll call the police then".

"Yes ok. I mean no. Oh just get on with it. But I'm going to get you for this."

Sitting down on the chair, he quickly dragged the protesting Fiona across his lap.

Fiona gasped, "OH. No, this isn't right."

Then "SMACK"

"Ow", Let me up this second. What do you think you're doing?", she said.

The answer was a quick SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

"You bastard, let me up"

Ignoring her, He pulls up her short skirt.

"How dare you. No. Pull my skirt down. No, let go of it." She puts her hand back and tries to stop him from raising her skirt.

She's wearing the most miniscule black and white panties. Basically two small triangles of silky material held together by a waistband no thicker than a shoe-lace. Realising her delectable orbs were on display, she struggled and wriggled to free herself.

"You bastard, you can't do this. You're just a boy. Let me up at once", she pleaded.

But instead, and with one hand dragged down her panties to just below her arse, reaches over and picked up a discarded trainer.

She is struggling over his knee as he holds her firmly in place. "No. Wait. Pull my panties up"

Smack. "Ow." Smack. "Ow." Smack. "Oh, no more, please. Do you hear no more"

As he spanked her 28 year old arse, it quivered with each smack and then was turning redder and redder

She kicked her long legs up and down and sideways, he had a fantastic view of her private parts in the tall wall mirror. But Fiona was past caring. Humiliated beyond compare by being spanked by her younger brother's friend.
Long before the spanking was over Fiona was crying her eyes out. She'd never been spanked in her entire life. She was used to men fawning over her not spanking her like a naughty schoolgirl.

Sobbing and pleading, when it was over, she just lay there crying, mascara running down her puffy face. "Oh it hurts, it hurts", was all she could say as she rubbed her burning cheeks with both hands.

Slowly she raised herself not caring that all her delights were on show. She couldn't be bothered to see him remove the tape and drop it into her bag as she slowly and miserably stood up. Skirt still up around her waist, one hand holding her panties at an angle of 45 degrees by her knees while the other rubbed one cheek then the other. She looked as far removed as it could possibly be from an ex page 3 model used to getting her own way as she slowly dressed and made her way out. Thoroughly chastened, she wouldn't be going out to that performance.
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