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Old 04-09-2012, 02:38 AM
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KajiraGames KajiraGames is offline
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Posts: 45
Ladies Social Spanking Club - Game 2 Part 7/8

Ladies Social Spanking Club - Game 2 Part 7/8
by KajiraGames (F/F cons) "Initiations"

The two new prospective members looked at each other, Zoey with trepidation, Superbitch with a smile. They had just been told that the last two initiation tests would be delivered by each other.

"We have to make sure you're willing to give penalties, and not get carried away" explained Linda. After all, you're going to win some of our games soon enough. So the question for the cards to decide right now is - which of you will give the other a whipping!"

Talia showed them the little whip they had acquired. It was a martinet, with multiple tails. The leather lashes were flat in cross-section, not very heavy. There was no danger of it breaking the skin and causing bleeding. But it would pack a hell of a sting.

There was a lot riding on the high-card draw as the initiates stepped up to the card table. But they had been warned that the following (and final) test would be worse. Winning this draw might be nastier in the long run than losing it.

Zoey's heart was in her mouth when they showed their cards, thinking she was about to know the worst. But both women showed a seven. The suspense had to continue longer, as they shuffled and cut again. This time Superbitch drew a jack... and Zoey another seven. She looked down at the floor as Talia handed Superbitch the martinet and said "Twenty on the bare bottom. How she's placed is up to you."

At last! This was the main reason the blonde executive wanted to join. Her desire to be dominant now had an attractive target in Zoey, and an ethical one - not only because Zoey could quit any time but because they had all seen how turned on she had been in her first two punishments.

"It'll be a pleasure to whip you, Zoey" said Superbitch cheerfully. "Take your shorts and panties right off, and start by kneeling, up on the table."

Zoey obeyed nervously but once again she was full of erotic anticipation. Kneeling to this confident, commanding and attractive woman was no problem. Bare from the waist down, she clambered up on the table and went on her knees.

Meanwhile, Superbitch took a bolster from the couch and placed it in the middle of the table. "This should prop your bottom up for me. Down you go. And grip the edge of the table. There, now you'll be less tempted to put your hands back to protect your bottom." Zoey settled herself face down over the bolster. Her temporary 'mistress' wasn't finished: "Now spread those legs. One foot near each corner of the table."

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Zoey ventured a "Yes ma'am" and parted her legs. The other four women looked at the highly vulnerable pose she was in. Her vulva was well exposed in this position. Avril said "No lashes from behind! You have won the right to whip her bottom, nothing else."

"I understand" said Superbitch and stood to Zoey's side so that the lash would fall crosswise. Zoey meanwhile experienced a thrill of fear and arousal at the mere mention of the idea of being whipped on the pussy. But she was glad it wasn't going to happen now. She had come to a prime position of her fantasies - vulnerably half-naked before a naturally dominant woman with a whip - required to obey her and submit to the lash.

Superbitch held the ends of the martinet's tails in her left hand and looked at the bare feminine bottom propped up waiting for her discipline. She said firmly "I want you to thank me for each stroke, Zoey". With great pleasure she raised the whip and swung it downwards.

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The costumed domina was careful to judge distance, so the ends would strike Zoey's farthest cheek, and not curl into her sensitive cleft. The tails spread out and covered most of Zoey's bottom. As they trailed away, they left multiple lines on her skin - not welts as a switch or birch would have made, just reddened skin.

Zoey gave a soft "Ow! Thank you Ma'am". It was going to be all right - it hurt over a wider area than the strap, but she had more confidence by now, and knew she could take it. The lash came down again, to a louder "Ow! Thank you Ma'am".

After a few more strokes, the upturned bottom was no longer striped but an even red. The flat but 5mm wide tails of the whip had now tasted every part of it, filling the gaps between the earlier lines. The effect of this on Zoey was to make the burning in her raised behind increase rapidly. It was now definitely hurting more than the strap, and the shouted "Thank you ma'am" gained an ever more urgent tone.

On the twelfth lash, Zoey's distress seemed to reach a peak. She almost withdrew her hands from the table's edge as she yelled "Oooow! Thank you ma'am" and then sobbed "Oh! Ooh!" But the next few strokes were more manageable. Her bottom had heated up fully, and further strokes on it's evenly red surface only served to maintain its existing level of stinging. The volume of its unfortunate owner's cries, and of her words of gratitude for her punishment, became less.

At seventeen, Zoey was back to giving the near whisper she had uttered on the first stroke. Superbitch thought she ought to do something about that. She had been whipping the girl hard, and with excited enthusiasm. If she placed the lashes lower to try to hurt her more, she might hit the wrong place. This was a test she was being given, and a lash across the thighs, let alone the pussy, might mark her as untrustworthy. There was nothing else to do but put still more energy into it.

The super-costumed blonde held the whip back behind her shoulder and lashed with all her strength. There was a risk of missing her aim, but she had now had seventeen strokes of practice. The cruel 18th lash made a loud smacking sound on the upward-pointing buttocks.

Zoey screamed. To delay another such searing lash, she gave plenty of 'Ow's and 'Ah's and sobs, before saying in a trembling voice "Thank you Ma'am!"

Superbitch didn't mind the slowing of the pace. She took her time before lashing down again with similar strength. Her victim screeched again, and her fingers let go of the table. But she got a hold of herself - there was only one more lash to go. Nevertheless, she began weeping instead of saying the required thanks.

"What are you supposed to say, Zoey?" asked her tormentor. She turned to the others. "Are there penalty strokes for disobedience?" Zoey hurriedly said "Thank you ma'am" in a teary voice.

Linda answered the question "There will be, during the games, but not today. Finish her off." Superbitch swung back and delivered one more full-strength whip stroke. With no need to delay, Zoey screamed the words "Thank you ma'am" immediately, and rolled onto her side.

"You're welcome, Zoey" said Superbitch, and helped her off the table. Zoey was a little unsteady on her feet, from stiffness but also from a giddy sexual pleasure at having received her first real whipping. She leaned against the blonde's chest.

Yollanda stepped forward, already putting some of the cold cream on her fingers. But Superbitch said "I'll do it" and took the jar. With her whimpering spankee resting in the crook of her left arm, she used her right to ease the blazing, whipped cheeks. The action was near enough to a post-punishment cuddle to make Zoey feel properly comforted, and to call forth the protectiveness in Superbitch that every good dominant feels. Both had achieved an erotic ambition in what they had done together.

The four founder members were well satisfied with the performances of both initiates. Talia cleared her throat and with great relish said "You realise that Zoey taking two penalties in a row means the last and worst falls to you, 'Ms Bitch Boss'."

"Yes. What is it?" The blonde's voice was steady.

"The most painful instrument we have, and with full humiliation factor. Get undressed. Zoey will now cane you, naked".
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