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Old 03-25-2012, 04:12 PM
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Talking Ladies Social Spanking Club - Game 1 Part 5 of 5

Ladies Social Spanking Club - Game 1 Part 5 of 5
by KajiraGames (F/F cons)

Linda and Avril, who had started the club, were about to play the last game-round of the day. Since the loser would come last in the overall game, the stakes were higher than the hand-spankings that had happened so far. They had bid each other up to a stark naked hairbrush spanking, with the loser positioned however the winner wanted, as long as it was indoors.

Avril had been spanked by Linda before they formed the club, but not vice versa. On the other hand, Linda had already been near-naked for her spanking by Talia, whereas Avril was shy about showing her frontal nudity. Taking her panties down to be spanked by Yollanda had been mega-embarrassing. So Avril had more to lose, and really wanted to pay Linda back for that first spanking. She blew on the dice, rattled them around in her fist, and threw them.

Her bad luck continued to punish her - she threw snake-eyes! Double-one! The others squealed with laughter. "Do I even need to throw?" asked Linda.

"Yes, in case you throw the same thing" demanded Avril. But no such luck - Linda threw casually, for a total of six. Avril sighed. "I'll go get the hairbrush" she moaned, and went to fetch it from her bedroom.

Linda was delighted. It had been such fun that first day the two of them discovered their common fascination with spanking. She had been able to order her friend over her knee and smack her bare bottom. She discovered she had a taste for that sort of dominance. Now Avril had to submit to her totally naked - and Linda would be better armed!

Avril returned, and laying the wooden-backed hairbrush on both her palms, she offered it ceremoniously to Linda. Linda took it from her and placed it on the red spanking chair. "I'll just put it here while I strip you" she said pleasantly. "Turn around and face the room". She turned Avril by the shoulders towards Yollanda and Talia, who were sitting as audience on the couch.

Avril raised her arms obediently as Linda took her top off, and when her blue slacks were pulled down, she stepped out of them. Then Linda unclipped Avril's bra and pulled it away, and her hands went up to cover her breasts. "None of that!" admonished Linda. "Arms down and away from your sides". Avril spread her arms out and downwards. She bit her lip, feeling her topless exposure keenly. The observers couldn't resist rubbing it in. "Nice boobies" said Yollanda, and Talia whistled. Linda reached for Avril's panties.

[Picture of the situation now is at:]

Savouring the embarrassment she was dishing out, Linda drew Avril's underwear slowly down. There was a 'woo-hoo' from the small audience as the victim's light brown pubes came into view for the second time that day. Linda slid the panties all the way to the floor and tossed them aside.

"Now to punish our naked victim, as a loser deserves" said Linda. She drew the spanking chair away from the wall and turned it sideways, then picked up the hairbrush. "Bend over, Avril, with your hands on the chair". Avril turned and obeyed. The chair was low, and this position made her bend well over and stick her naked bottom out admirably. She defensively kept her legs close together.

Linda made her wait, slapping the back of the hairbrush onto her palm in anticipation. "Well, now look what you've gotten yourself into" Avril thought. "This whole thing was your idea - now here you are stripped bare and waiting for a painful hairbrush-spanking. Serves you right!"

[Picture of the situation now is at:]

Linda swung the brush, which made a 'whap!' sound against Avril's right buttock. "Owwwwwwww"! Another whack and the red patch on the right cheek was balanced by one on the left. "Owwwwwwww!" again. Then Linda delivered a solid smack right in the centre and low down. "Aaah, oh my god!" protested Avril, and her leg kicked backwards. Her bare breasts bounced with the movement.

Linda kept up a steady rhythm, causing Avril alternately to grit her teeth and hiss, then open her mouth and yell. Her consciousness of her nudity receded as the burning in her butt took all her attention. When another low swat was particularly painful, she sobbed and begged "Please Linda!"

Her tormentor gave her a little break, and stroked her hot red bottom. Avril sighed in relief. But Linda's voice was as commanding as ever - "Move your legs apart!" Avril wouldn't dare do anything that might make Linda spank harder. She moved her feet, though not very far. It was enough to allow Linda to do what she wanted. She tapped the bristles of the brush lightly on Avril's pussy.

It didn't hurt, but the surprise of this intimate sensation made Avril yelp, and she had to resist the urge to close her legs again. A frightening thought occurred to her. "You're not allowed to smack my pussy!" she declared.

"No", said Linda, "just show it off. But this way I can get some great sweet-spot smacks in. Like this." The back of the hairbrush resumed its job, right where it hurt most.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeek!" The naked woman practically leapt in the air. As Linda kept on spanking, Avril began to cry softly. Her hips squirmed, and her feet took turns kicking backward as if this could alleviate the stinging.

[Picture of the situation now is at:]

Avril never moved out of position or tried to cover her bottom. Her tears were a direct response to pain, and a release, not a sign of emotional distress. Linda understood this, but when the weeping had gone on for about two minutes, she stopped and put down the hairbrush. "There you are, dear, thoroughly spanked!" she said.

Linda helped Avril stand, and hugged her nude and tear-stained friend. Talia and Yollanda applauded, then Yollanda brought Linda the much-needed soothing lotion. "I'm sure you don't mind staying naked for this, do you?" asked Linda, and Avril responded by bending back down to the chair. Under gentle fingers and the cold cream, the burning became a pleasant warm tingling.

When Avril was dressed, Yollanda asked "Was it really awful?". "Not really" said Avril, although she was still sniffing and dabbing her eyes with a tissue. "After all, there are worse things than the hairbrush. And we plan to use them next time we meet, don't we?"

The others nodded or went "mmm-hmmm" in assent. They all felt nervous at the idea, but excited as well. The adrenalin high had made them all feel elated, and sharing the experience had given them an instant sense of cameraderie. They went out for dinner and drinks together. Nobody mentioned what they had just done while other diners were in earshot, but the evening was full of laughter. The 'Ladies Social Club' had a bright future.

Coming in Game 2: "Initiations" - Two new members have to show their stuff, in more ways than one.
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f/f, games, hairbrush

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