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Old 10-24-2006, 05:48 AM
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Who Was Paddled At School?

I'm sure that this question will get asked periodically ('cause I'll make sure of it ), but here's the first time. It's a good real life question that can generate some interesting discussion.

Were you paddled at school when growing up?

If so, give us an overview and tell us your story.

Where did you go to school (at least city or state, if not specifically). What grades did you get it in? Who did the paddling? How did they go about doing it? etc. etc.
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Old 10-24-2006, 06:58 AM
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From what I can remember:

Once by a nun in 3rd or 4th grade, in front of class. It looked scarier than it was.

Once in H.S. by a gym teacher for not wearing a jock strap. One smack, but again the thought of it was scary as hell (and it did sting but wasn't too bad).
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Old 10-24-2006, 09:16 AM
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As you well know, school paddlings are not something that was used in the UK. However, keeping on the theme, during my days at school the cane WAS used. I have a story about this that I will share soon. Funny enough though, I never once recalled ANY girl getting the cane either at my school, or the schools close by where I knew people. During the equivalent of Junior high girls were indeed 'slippered' like any other pupil however. The slipper was actually a gym shoe (sneaker/plimsoll) and many times that I recall this was given in front of the whole class, not always, but many times that I know of.

Of course the early 70's were a much different time on council estates in England, and I will be so bold to venture that not a single girl told their parents that they were slippered at school that day, because we all know what would have happened if they shared that information

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Old 10-24-2006, 02:28 PM
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Talking Spanking at school

I was never spanked at school because I was a good boy then. But I do remember in high school 2 of our usual "getting-in-trouble, ex-football players that had been kicked off the team" suspects being taken out in the hall by a very attractive female african-american substitute teacher that would not tolerate disrespect. I can't remember exactly what the 2 suspects were doing, but I know the paddling was warranted. The teacher asked the 2 to go into the hall; she then had to get another teacher to witness, as that was the custom. As the whole class sat smiling at each other, the distict sound of whack-whack-whack pause whack-whack-whack could be heard reverbating in the hall. The door then opened and as the two suspects returned, there was a notable watering of the eyes. As everyone held in their laughter or fear in some cases, class resumed as if nothing had happened.

That was in my junior year and that's the last spanking at school that I actual heard.
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Old 10-24-2006, 02:29 PM
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Talking Spanking at school

I was never spanked at school because I was a good boy then. But I do remember in high school 2 of our usual "getting-in-trouble, ex-football players that had been kicked off the team" suspects being taken out in the hall by a very attractive female african-american substitute teacher that would not tolerate disrespect. I can't remember exactly what the 2 suspects were doing, but I know the paddling was warranted. The teacher asked the 2 to go into the hall; she then had to get another teacher to witness, as that was the custom. As the whole class sat smiling at each oth er, the distict sound of whack-whack-whack pause whack-whack-whack could be heard reverbating in the hall. The door then opened and as the two suspects returned, there was a notable watering of the eyes. As everyone held in their laughter or fear in some cases, class resumed as if nothing had happened.

That was in my junior year and that's the last spanking at school that I actual heard.
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Old 10-24-2006, 07:08 PM
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Txspanker notes in his post the mood/reaction of the class when the involved parties were outside of the room. Despite a teacher's admonitions to do so, no study or other serious endeavor was ever accomplished while a paddling was in progress, especially in the classroom but not out in the hall either. The difference was that when it was in the hall as soon as the teacher had left the room the class began doing as he said-smiling at each other, exchanging loud whispers on the event-in-progress, everyone keeping their ears super-tuned to the proceedings outside, waiting to hear the first swat land. And then, as soon as the last one was given, immediately adopting a serious look and being perfectly silent as the miscreants and the dispenser of justice returned to the room.

Of course, if YOU were the one on the spot and being marched up front or outside, besides being pretty anxious about what was going to happen, you were also acutely aware that every eye and ear was upon you.

Hmmm...that certainly gives a different take on the unofficial state song of Texas, doesn't it?! I can see a just-paddled offender walking back into the room while the class softly hums, "The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You."
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Old 10-25-2006, 10:41 PM
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I got paddled at school more times than I can count. I grew up in Oklahoma and in the late 60s and early 70s, they were big-time paddlers in school.

The most I ever remember getting at one time was 3 or 4. That's the reason why in our "Paddled At School" videos, we usually do 3 good swats. It was the norm at schools that paddled.

I don't remember having erotic feelings at the time about being punished like that. BUT..there's no question I had erotic feelings about it as early as the sixth grade when I got to kind of semi-witness 2 girls in my sixth grade gym class gets swats from our lesbian gym teacher! I didn't know why I found that fascinating, but I sure did. That particular day created a monster!
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Old 10-26-2006, 06:21 AM
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Originally Posted by garyspk View Post
...I got to kind of semi-witness 2 girls in my sixth grade gym class gets swats from our lesbian gym teacher!
Were girls paddled much in your junior high and high school?

And tell us the story about the paddling of those two girls by the gym teacher. What happened and what did you see?
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Old 10-26-2006, 10:19 AM
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Well, I'm convinced that witnessing that paddling was the beginning of my realization that I had the fetish...even before I knew what the word "fetish" meant!

Here's what happened. 4 of us (2 boys and 2 girls) got in trouble for breaking the rules during a game of "bean bag spin." This was basically dodgeball with bean bags and we played it in our school during gym class on occasion. The 6th grade lesbian gym teacher gave us the choice of taking swats or staying after school. We all chose the swats. My male friend and I went first. She literally took a running start and gave us either 2 or 3 licks. I can't remember the exact amount. But I do remember they stung. She dismissed the 2 of us and told the girls to come in. Well, my friend went on out in the hall to his next class and I kind of lingered around (imagine that!).

The way the gym teacher's office was configured, there was actually a "holding" office before you got to her actual office. Then you left and went out in the big gym. Well, she took the girls in together. This was the late sixties and at my school, they would not let girls wear pants yet.

So the teacher had one girl stand to the side and made the other one bend over, put her hands on the teacher's desk and lift the back of her skirt! And while I unfortunately did not get to SEE that, I definitely heard the instructions both girls...and heard the actual swats hit. They weren't as loud as ours were, because we had more padding.

After the 2nd girl got her swats, I bolted out to the hall as I didn't want to get caught snooping. The girls came out, were a bit teary and were rubbing their butts. I still remember their names, Ann and Cindy.

Anyway, this was a pretty big deal for me, a just-starting-puberty 6th grader. And while I saw quite a few paddlings at school in the late 60s and 70s, this one had a huge impact on me. And that's an absolutely 100% true story, BTW.

RG, to answer your question, for every 10 boys that got paddled, 1 girl would get it. It was easily a 10:1 ratio.
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Old 10-26-2006, 09:31 PM
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Great account, Gary!

Now follow that one up and tell us about the most memorable paddling that you ever personally received, since you're apparently well experienced from your school days.
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