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Old 01-20-2008, 06:22 AM
rfkmcm rfkmcm is offline
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Petticoat Junction: Betty Jo learns a lesson Part IV con't.

Kate picked up the hairbrush and touched it gently to Betty Jo's
bottom. When Betty Jo felt it she cried "No!! No, Mom! Please!!",
but Kate had her mind made up. Kate told her youngest, "Alright,
young lady. You have done something wrong, and I have to punish you.
I am going to give you 10 good swats across your bottom". 10 swats
was usually Kate's maximum, and skipping school called for the
maximum. They would be 10 GOOD swats too.
With Betty Jo still squirming Kate lifted the hairbrush high and
brought down the first lick on Betty Jo's bottom. Kate always tried
to make the first lick VERY hard. As Kate spanked she always counted
the licks quietly where she wouldn't go overboard.
POP!! "One", said Kate softly.
Betty Jo's bottom felt the ultimate sting. She screamed in agony,
tried to clinch her bottom, and kicked her legs.
POP!! "Two".
POP!!! "Three"
POP!!!! "Four", counted Kate softly in rapid succession.
Betty Jo cried like a baby. Oh boy, did she cry! Her bottom was
stinging badly, and the spanking was less than half over.
POP!!!!!!!!! "Five"
POP!!!!!!!!!! "Six"
POPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Seven", counted Kate, giving it to her
youngest with all the strength she had in her right arm.
Betty Jo cried, "Ooooh, aaaaaaah. Stop!! Please, it
hurrrrrrts!!!!". Betty Jo's legs were kicking fast, and she was
moving her bottom from side to side. She tried to get her hand free
from behind her back to reach around and shield her bottom, but Kate
had it pinned too firmly with her nonspanking hand. Kate's spanking
hand gripped that hairbrush and spanked virtually every part of Betty
Jo's bottom.
POP!!! "Eight".
POP!!!!! "Nine".
POP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Ten", Kate said, and she gave that last swat her
Betty Jo lay over her mother's lap crying like a little baby. Her
bottom was on fire. She had been punished, and she knew it. Kate
still had her hand pinned behind her back because she didn't want
Betty Jo rubbing her bottom yet. If Betty Jo's panties had been slid
down at that moment you could have seen that her bottom was rosy red.
Her mother had given her a good spanking. Kate lectured Betty Jo
firmly but lovingly. "Are you going to skip school again, young
lady?", she asked. Through her tears Betty Jo answered, "No, ma'am".
At this point Kate released her hand, and Betty Jo, still over Kate's
knee, reached around and rubbed her stinging bottom. "Betty Jo, I'd
rather cut off my arm than have to whip you like that", said Kate, on
the verge of crying herself. Kate stood Betty Jo back on her feet and
looked her in the eye. "Parents punish their kids because they love
them. I love you and Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo more than anything.
It's my job to make sure you learn right from wrong. If I didn't love
you, I wouldn't care how you acted", Kate told her in a motherly,
loving, and caring way. (I took some of this from what my grandmother
used to tell me when I got in trouble).

Betty Jo saw a tear in her mother's eye, and said, "Why are you
crying, Mom?". "Because believe it or not that hurt me like it did
you", answered Kate. Betty Jo had sort of a puzzled look. She didn't
totally understand but nevertheless did realize that her mother hated
spanking her and that she loved her very much. Kate told Betty Jo to
stay in her room until she was totally composed, and that they would
talk about it later. Kate gave her youngest daughter a firm hug, told
her she loved her, and left the room. Later they talked about it
alone and then with Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo. Needless to say, none of
the three girls ever skipped school again. In fact, Betty Jo only got
one other spanking after this one, and that was for disobeying Kate
and sneaking off into the woods after dark. Her older sisters never
needed a spanking after this either. They had only gotten a few
during childhood as well.
Kate Bradley did it right the first time and never had to spank her
daughters for the same thing twice. She had the perfect balance of
tender love and tough love. Indeed, Kate was the kind who anyone
would be proud to call Mom.

The End
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Old 01-20-2008, 12:12 PM
Redskinluver Redskinluver is offline
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A good series of stories. I admit I usually don't like stories where little kids get spanked, but this one was an exception. There was never any sexual overtones which would have been very bad.
One little factual error. You mentioned them going to middle school after the 6th grade. Middle schools(grades 6-8) did not come along until the 70s. Back then grades 7-9 would have been called junior high. Also in a rural community like that they well might not have had a junior high, only elementary and high.
I know, I grew up in a community like that, grades 1-7 were elementary, 8-12 were high school.
Its absolutely true about paddlings and other CP being used in elementary school back then, both by teachers and the principal. Now my high school did not use CP, but understand schools elsewhere did.
It is also true about parents supporting school discipline." You get it at school, you get it at home" was a common sentiment.
Now how about a story where Kate spanks the girls when they are teenagers,maybe bare bottomed. Or uses that oldfashioned rural Southern implement of correction, the switch on their bare legs and bottoms. Maybe in the story she catches them wearing skimpy clothes like mini-skirts,short-shorts, or bikinis,attire that would have been frowned upon in a conservative rural community back then.
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Old 01-21-2008, 05:15 PM
agotkl1 agotkl1 is offline
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petticoat junction

yes it was a good story, but i would have to agree that a spanking when they were older would be a good story as well. Off topic, but about the series. Betty Jo was the daughter of the producer and played the role for the whole series while Billie Jo and Bobbi Jo were each played by different actresses during the series run. I ESP. THOUGHT THE LOVELY GUNILLA HUTTON AS BILLIE JO WAS MUCH MORE SPANKABLE THAN MEREDYTH MACRAE AND I WOULD HAVE REALLY ENJOYED SEEING LORI SAUNDERS AS BOBBI JO GET AT OTK TREATMENT. Thanks for the story.
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