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Old 01-20-2008, 06:16 AM
rfkmcm rfkmcm is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 44
Petticoat Junction: Betty Jo learns a lesson Part IV

Part IV: Betty Jo’s Ultimate Punishment

It was sheer silence on the ride back to the Shady Rest on the Cannonball. Floyd and Charlie knew there was something wrong by the way Kate acted. Kate was feeling a variety of emotions as they rode home. She was truly mad at her youngest for playing hooky, and she intended to punish her when she got her home. Kate was going to give her a good spanking, one she would never forget. At the same time, as mad as she was, Kate dreaded having to do this. She never wanted to give her daughters a spanking, not even when they needed it, as Betty Jo clearly did on this occasion. Kate also felt disappointed in Betty Jo’s behavior. Her daughters knew how important their education was to her. Kate had had to drop out of school after the 10th grade to help her family, and she was determined that each of her girls would graduate high school and possibly go to college. And this is what Betty Jo does. However, Kate realized she was only 7 years old and that school could get boring sometimes, but she was going to teach Betty Jo a lesson. The lesson was that there are many things you have to do for your best interests even when you don’t want to.

The Cannonball got to the Shady Rest, and Kate took Betty Jo’s arm tightly and said, “Come on, young lady”. Betty Jo had sat by Kate the whole trip, and the other girls sat across from them. Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo followed Kate and Betty Jo off the train. Kate didn’t really speak to Charlie or Floyd, and she always did when she exited the train. In fact, Charlie and Floyd normally ate supper at the Shady Rest, but nothing was mentioned about that tonight. Kate headed up the hill to the hotel pulling Betty Jo along with Betty Jo’s feet hardly touching the ground. Charlie asked Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo if everything was alright. Bobbie Jo said, “Mom found out that Betty Jo played hooky today”. Charlie and Floyd then had a look of understanding and told the girls they would see them later. When the girls left, Floyd said, “It looks like Betty Jo will be getting a trip to the woodshed tonight, Charlie”. “Sure does”, Charlie answered.

When Kate got Betty Jo to the steps of the Shady Rest Uncle Joe was napping on the porch. He woke up when he heard them. “Hi, Kate”, he said. “Hi, Uncle Joe”, she said in a short manner. “Something wrong, Kate”, he asked. “Yes, Betty Jo played hooky from school today, and she’s got a lesson to learn”, answered Kate. Uncle Joe became visibly upset at that point. “Hooky! Betty Jo Bradley!”, he scolded, “This is a woodshed incident if you ask me, Kate.” Kate agreed, “Yes, that’s what I intend to do”. With that she hauled Betty Jo into the hotel and upstairs. Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo got to the porch and asked Uncle Joe if he knew what Betty Jo had done. He said, “Yes, your mother told me”. “Is Mom going to give her a spanking?”, asked Billie Jo. Uncle Joe didn’t answer with words, but he gave them a ‘yes’ look. “We’ve told you girls how important school is, and how we better never find out about you playing hooky”, Uncle Joe said. “Yes, we know Uncle Joe”, Bobbie Joe responded. They all three stayed on the porch to where they didn’t have to hear the spanking.

Upstairs Kate led Betty Jo to her room. “Stay here, young lady”, she said, “I’ll be back in a few seconds”. Betty Jo asked, “Where are you going, Mom?”. “To pick out a hairbrush to spank you with”, Kate said in a regretful voice. Betty Jo gulped and put her head down. Kate went into her bedroom, opened her top drawer, and pulled out a large, wooden hairbrush. This hairbrush was the perfect spanking implement. It was large and wooden and thin enough to really create an intense sting on one’s bottom. In fact, it looked very much like a paddle. Kate walked back into Betty Jo’s room carrying the hairbrush. When Betty Jo saw it her eyes got big and filled up with tears for she knew it was going to hurt. Kate said, “Young lady, you know I never want to spank you girls, but what you did today is grounds for a spanking and a good one. I am going to give you your punishment first, and then we will discuss this matter a little later on”. Kate pulled out a chair from underneath the desk and sat down. “Alright, young lady. It’s time to take your medicine”, Kate stated firmly. Betty Jo did not argue for she knew it would do no good and might actually make the spanking worse. Kate’s daughters knew that when she decided to spank them that there was no talking her out of it. Kate spanked them very rarely. This was only going to be Betty Jo’s second spanking.

Betty Jo walked over to her mother and looked into her eyes. At that point she couldn’t help but plead a little. “Please don’t spank me, Mom. I promise to never play hooky again. I promise”, she said. Kate knew that if she let her out of punishment this time that Betty Jo would expect to get out of it the next time and the next. Kate had always been consistent, and she wasn’t about to change now. “No, young lady. I’m going to spank you. You knew what you did was wrong, but you did it anyway. You were willing to do wrong, and now you must be willing to take your punishment. Lay across my lap”, Kate ordered. Betty Jo didn’t move and started to cry slightly. Kate got a firm grip on her and started to put her over her knee. At this point it was sinking in, and Betty Jo did not want a spanking. “No, no!! Please!!”, Betty Jo screamed. Kate got more firm and said, “Now young lady”. Betty Jo’s 7-year-old body could not compete with her grown mother.

After a struggle Kate got Betty Jo over her knee with her bottom upturned. Betty Jo continued to squirm and put her hand over her bottom to protect it from the spanking it was about to receive. Kate quickly took it and pinned it against her back. Now the shield was removed, Betty Jo had earned a spanking, and she was going to get it. Kate lifted her skirt and exposed her panties. Betty Jo’s panty-clad bottom wiggled, and her body squirmed. Kate secured the skirt where it would not come down during the spanking. Betty Jo tried also to clinch her butt cheeks where the swats would not hurt as bad, but the way she was positioned over Kate’s knee made this virtually impossible. Her bottom was so high in the air compared to the rest of her body that the skin on her bottom was stretched and very vulnerable to the spanking that was on its way. Betty Jo tried to turn her head in order to see when Kate was going to deliver the initial swat, but it was too difficult, and she turned back and stared at the carpet, crying softly and still squirming.

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