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Old 11-10-2007, 07:48 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Who's the Boss? The question is answered Part 2

Over the years, Tony and Angela had come toi an understanding about what was best for their respective children. The boundaries were clear, the rules were fair and Angela had spanked the bare bottoms oif both Jonathan and Samantha when either had "crossed the line" or broken a rule. Raising the children was not difficult. But raising Mona was another matter entirely. Angela's mother ran wild. As an adult she was free to do whatever she wished in her personal life, so long as she was willing to take whatever the consequences were. In Angela's house, however, there were rules, even fo her mother! To Angela's frustration, Mona gleefully disobeyed her strict daughter's policies. She flaunted her sex life in front of the childern. She refused to take anything at work seriously, often leaving Angela in the lurch! At such times, Tony frequently saw Angela fold her right hand...As though she were grasping her heavy, oak hairbrush and he wondered...If she really thought about spanking her own mother!
A few days after Jonathan's spanking, Mona began dating a man who was still in college. To Angela's chagrin, a man even younger than herself. Mona came home one evening and happily announced to the entire family that she and her youthful boyfriend were "pinned." She proudly thrust out her ample chest, showing off her large breasts, but nothing else!

"Where's the pin?" Samantha asked.

Mona looked down at her snug, blue cashmere sweater.

"Oh! she exclaimed; "What happened to it?"

Angela looked at the floor. "Maybe it fell off." She suggested.

Tony walked around the small area surrounding Mona. He stood behind her and looked up from the floor, past Mona's three inch pumps. Up her shapely legs, past her voluptuous bottom and up her back. Where he found her pin still fastened to the right side of her sweater, near her shoulder blade!

"Oh!" Tony said softly..."Here it is!"

Jonathan standing next to Tony looked confused. "What's it doing on your back Grandma?" He asked.

Mona looked coyly at her boyfriend and blushed; Samantha gasped then covered her mouth and giggled. Tony watched as Angela's eyes grew wide with anger and her right hand folded over....The invisible hairbrush! Uh! oh! thought Tony, "Angela's not going to let this pass.

Later that night, Tony lay awake waiting for Angela to take action. He told himself over and over that she would not let Mona get away with her latest naughtiness! He was on the verge of sleep however, before he heard the door to Angela's bedroom open. He listened to her walk down the stairs. He jumped out of bed and quietly entered the hallway. Angela wearing a long, white satin nightgown and matching slippers with one inch heels, had just stepped off the last stair. Tony could see that she was carrying the well used and dreaded oak hairbrush. Keeping a safe distance, Tony quickly and silently followed Angela through the kitchen aand up to Mona's apartment. Shivering in his thin cotton pajamas, Tony watched from the foot of the stairs as Angela opened her mother's door with her spare key and entered. Tony softly climbed the stairs and stood in the landing outside Mona's apartment. He pressed his ear to the door, but could only hear the pounding of his own heart. He took a deep breath and listened again. This time he heard muffled voices of Angela and Mona, but could not hear what was being said. Only the voices began to rise. Within minutes, Tony heard another sound. This needed no translation. It was the distintive sound of the oak hairbrush clapping bare flesh! The window shade to Mona's apartment was tightly drawn. Tony leaned forward and clearly saw the silhouette of Angela's arm rising and falling onto the shadow of Mona's plump bottom! He didn't have to see it to know that Angela had pulled her mother's panties down and was spanking her rounded bottom....Completely bare! Tony smiled, I guess Angela is showing Mona " Who's the Boss!" he thought. He began to envision Mona's pale, chubby bare bottom jiggling and wiggling with every spank that Angela delivered! He could see her plump cheeks change color from ivory white to bright red under Angela's expert use of the hairbrush! Tony's erection strained the thin fabric of his pajamas. Trembling as much from desire as from the cold, he listened to the sharp, loud smacks oif discipline that Angela meted out to her mother. He watched the shadow of Angela's arm land every hot spank! Only after the last one found it's blazing target, did he race down the stairs and back to his bed. He heard Angela quietly re-enter the house, climb the stairs aand close her bedroom door. He listened to the soft pull of her dresser drawer as she put the hairbrush away. And to the hushed sound the drawer made when she closed it. Tony arousal was still apparent, leaving him to wonder what his dreams would be like...If he could only sleep!

The following morning, Tony sleepily emerged from bed and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Jonathan and Samantha sat down at the table and chatted happily before leaving for school. Mona entered the kitchen quietly and poured a cup of coffee for herself. She stood at the counter to drink it!

"Hey Mona." Tony asked impishly innocent. "Don't you want to sit down?"

"No, Tony...I think I'll just stand here...Thank you!" Mona quietly replied.

When Angela entered. Tony saw she and Mona exchange quick glances. He turned his head and smiled when Mona blushed!

"Good morning mother." Angela greeted, as she sat down at the table!

"Morning Angela!" As Mona sipped her coffee!

While Tony watched the 2 women pretend that nothing out of the ordinary had happened the night before, he began to dream up a plan, If Angela spanked Mona once, he theorized...She would spank her again! And this time, he decided..I'am going to see that gorgeous, bare bottom get it!

Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 11-10-2007 at 08:02 PM.
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