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Old 12-08-2007, 08:28 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Join Date: Jan 1970
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Who's the boss? The final chapter. part 3

"Tony, I said come in. Don't make me say it again." She warned. "Now come over here and get your spanking!" Angela commanded, patting her sheer nylon covered lap!

Tony ambled over to Angela not knowing where to look. He saw the brush and quickly looked away. His eyes caught Angela's long legs and he felt his erection grow even harder! He looked up at Angela's face and saw determination and a bit of anger. He looked at the floor and again saw the brush. He stood next to Angela, his hands in front of him, hoping to hide his secret.

"Take your jeans down." Angela ordered.

Tony's eyes grew wide. Somehow he had not imagined this part. He'd pictured himself over her supple thighs and his bottom had been bare. But how it got that way, well he just never thought about that part. Now he would have to practically undress for her. And how was he going to hide his excitement from her? He was nervous too. He had no doubt that this spanking would be real and it would cause his bottom to sting and maybe even burn. The pleasure of his daydream, came from being draped half naked oiver her smooth lap! He imagined being spanked, but the pain of it never came through in his daydream. He could only envision her long legs and his body on top of them. Reality was a harsh mistress, he fumbled with the snap and zipper of his snug jeans and tugged them down! Leaning over slightly in an effort to gauge the size of the bulge in his brief. It was significant, He pushed his jeans down to his knees and stood up with his hands covering the front of him!

"Pull down your briefs, Tony." Angeal directed. "You know very well that I'am going to spank you ...On your bare bottom!" She said.

Tony blushed again, the heat burning his face. He hung his head and kept his hands in front of him!

"Angela, I..uh, don't want you to see...Tbis." Tony stammered, and tapped his fingers against his swollen penis.

"Ah! I see," Angela nodded. " I mean I understand. Now just lie over my lap..And I'll take your briefs down for you!"

Tony bent over and placed himself over Angela's smooth, strong legs. His hands touched the floor, his bottom was arched high, his legs were spread out behind him. His toes digging into the carpet for support.

Angela used both hands to slowly peel Tony's underpants down his full, sculpted bottom to his thighs. Tony's full erection lay on Angela's sheer stockings. He felt her soft, supple flesh under him. His heart began to pound, his rock hard penis pulsed slid down between Angela's slightly spread knees. Angela drew her knee towards her, arching Tony's full, pale bottom even higher. She moved Tony forward and shifted her own position, until she was satisfied that she would have perfect leverage for the spanking!

"Tony, take your hands off the floor and hold onto the bottom rung of the chair." Angela ordered.

Angela easily held Tony in place while she slid his hands back and firmly grasped the chair. Angela leaned over and picked up the hairbrush. It's handle was smooth and warm in her hand. The weight of the brush comfortably heavy! She lightly touched Tony's vulnerable bottom with the back of the brush. She guided it across both plump cheeks, while he waited for the first strike!

"You won't it too hard..Will you Angela?" Tony asked.

"I think you know better than that Tony. A spanking has to be hard to make an impression on you!" She informed him. "And besides...I'am going to soften that hard penis!"

She lifted the hairbrush and brought it down in a whistling "CRACK!" on one side of Tony's bare and upturned boittom cheek!

"Owwww!" Tony screamed.

Never had he imagined a spanking from Angela would hurt him. He'd heard Jonathon and Samantha cry out and he'd even heard Mona screech, but somehow he never thought a spanking would affect him that way. First of all he was a man and secondly he couldn't get past the sexy thrill oif dreaming about being half naked over Angela's luscious lap! When the next biting smack landed on his already hot and pink bottom. Tony knew his fantasies would never be the same.

WHACK! went the hairbrush.

"Uhhh!" Tony howled.

"You were wrong to deliberately go against my strict instructions and have my car painted...A color you wanted!" Angela scolded while she landed the hairbrush again.

"Owww!" Tony yelled. "I know, Angela...I know..I'am sorry!"

SMACK! The hairbrush spanked Tony's red bottom again!

"And you know that sorry isn't enough." Angela informed Tony as she spanked again. She smacked the hard wood of the brush against Tony's bottom again, noticing that his firm bottom bounced delightfully with each strike. She quickly spanked again.

"Oooooh! Anglea.....That hurts!" Tony cried out, his erection now at half staff.

Angela responded with another smack, the sound of it deafing in the room. Tony was sure each spank could be heard throughout the neighborhood. He screeched when Angela whacked the brush against his bottom again. Surely Samantha and Jonathan .could hear this! How would he face his daughter after he had been spanked like a child himself?

SPANK! the hairbrush smacked his bottom at the junction of his thighs. He forgot about Samantha and what the neighborhood could hear, and he just howled. His erection was gone. There was only the biting burn in his bottom!

"Stoooooopp! Angela p-please!" Tony pleaded.

"You have to learn that what you did was irresponsible and a betrayal of my trust." Angela informed Tony as she smacked the hairbrush against his crimson and burning bottom again

"Owwww Tony screeched. "I was wrong...I-I should have told the guy 'spun gold' like you said. I let my pride get in the way...I'am so sorry!" He apologized between yelps.


"You trusted me, Angela...And I let you down." Tony admitted. "I'll never let you down again...I promise!" Tony vowed.


"I want to make sure Tony."


While Angela continued raining hot spanks on Tony's burning bottom, Mona walked into the kitchen.

"Hello?" She called "Anyone home?" She shrugged at the silent response.

As she poured herself a cup of coffee, Mona heard two un-mistakeable sounds. The sharp crack of a hairbrush spanking bare flesh, and the yelp of pain that followed.

"Uh! oh" She said aloud. "Jonathan must be in trouble again!"


" Ooooh!" Mona flinched. " I know how that feels."

She walked through the living room and stood at the foot of the stairs. She was tempted to interrupt the spanking and plead with Angela to stop spanking Jonathan. She listened closely, hoping the spanking was nearly over!


"Owwww!...Angela stop, please!" Tony begged.

Mona's eyes popped at the same moment, her mouth opened in shock. "Tony!" She breathed.

She walked soundlessy up the stairs and down the hall to Angela's bedroom. She put her ear to the door just in time to hear another smack and another yelp from Tony. She put her hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly and quietly. When the door was free of it's latch, Mona lightly pushed until the door opened about a half inch. There was Tony with is bare and crimson bottom over Angela's lap. The hairbrush coming down foir another resounding smack! To be continued!

Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 05-14-2011 at 03:34 PM.
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