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Old 12-07-2007, 09:11 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Who's the Boss? The final chapter part 2

But Angela did not listen. She listened only to the sound of the men's cars driving away. When she was sure they were gone, she took Mona's wrist, led her to the couch and quickly turned her over long legs. She lifted the midnight blue short cocktail dress her mother was wearing, pulled down the silver bikini panties, and spanked her bare bottom with the well used hairbrush. She didn't know of course, that Tony had also heard the commotion and when he was sure Angela was in Mona'a apartment, he quickly and quietly ran up the stairs and removed the special plug from Mona's door and watched her get the spanking of her life. If Angela had continued a second longer, he was sure smoke would rise from Mona's burning bottom. He had seen her mature, plump bottom get alot of spankings, but none as severe as this.
Even after Mona intervention and, later her spanking, Angela still was not speaking to Tony, Hopefully, by cooking her favorite dinner, her manner would soften toward him. By the time Jonathan and Samantha got home from the library and Mona and Angela had come home from work, dinner was ready. Angela ate her favorite meal without a word to Tony. Though she spoke pleasantly to everyone else, even Mona. Tony was crestfallen that his latest attempt to make up to Angela had not worked. After dinner, he stood in the kitchen and washed the dishes slowly and sadly. Angela walked in just as he had finished.

"Tony, I'd like to talk to you. Please come into the living room." Angela said.
"Oh sure, Angela." Tony quickly agreed and followed her into the living room where they both sat on the couch.
Angela's snug, black skirt eased itself up her long legs. While Tony looked discreetly at her shapely legs through the sheer black stockings. Angela studied her hands folded in her lap. She took a deep breath, her firm breasts rising in her pale gray cashmere sweater. She crossed her long legs and glanced at the high heel black leather pumps she wore.
"Tony, I'am so angry with you!" Angela began with quiet calm. "I've thought about what to do to get past this. I can now think of three things. Until today, I could only think oif one..Dismissing you!" She said seriously.
Tony was stricken. Dismissal he thought. Leave here? No it couldn't happen.
"I'am sorry Angela." Tony apologized sincerely. "I know I made a mistake. I meant to tell the man at the dealership to paint the car Spun Gold, but somehow fire engine red came out instead. But then her got cocky, you know? And I got mad and I didn't tell him to change the color," Tony hung his head. "I'am really sorry Angela, I'll do anything to make this up to you...Anything!" He promised.
Angela let a moment of silence hang between them. "Very well. You have three choices." She waited for Tony to look at her. She opened her hand and counted them off on her fingers. "First is dismissal. We simply go our separate ways.
Tony shook his head. "Not that Angela, please. I love being here. Sam loves being here. She needs you!" He implored. "I need you!"
Angela nodded. "The second choice."She continued. "Is that you will pay for a new paint job. In the color I originally asked foir."
Tony nodded even as he wondered where he was going to get $2000.00 it would cost to have the car repainted.
"And the third choice." Angela continued, "Is a spanking!"
Tony's head shot up and he looked at Angela. shocked at her suggestion, unsure if her heard her correctly/
"Did you say a spanking?" He asked in utter disbelief.
Angela nodded. "Over my knee....On your bare bottom. With my hairbrush."
Tony felt a surge of frightened excitment go through him and threaten to expose an erection. He folded his hands in his lap. He had long wondered what it would be like over those long and luscious legs. It couldn't possibly be as exiting as watching Mona get spanked, or could it? What would the hard oak of a hairbrush feel like on his bare and tender bottom? He had not been spanked since he was Jonathan's age and it brought him no joy then. Still, he could not deny the thrill of his pounding heart and the erection that already strained his tight jeans.
"Well Tony?" Angela asked. "What's it going to be?"
"I don't want to leave Angela, and I can't afford to have your car repainted. I guess that leaves me with...The third choice!" Tony conceded.
"Please tell me the choice you have made, Tony. I want to hear it,"
"I'll accept...a spanking. Angela." Tony said, choking on the word and surprised at the heat that rushed to his face to cause a blush.
"Over my knee?" Angela asked
"Yes." Tony agreed.
"On your bare bottom?" She continued.
Tony nodded , his blush shading to a deeper red now. "Yes." He whispered. "On...My bare bottom!"
"With the back of my well worn, oak hairbrush?" She reiterated.
"Yes, I'll take it with the hairbrush." Tony agreed, though he found he could not swallow.
"Very well. Come up to my room with me." Angela ordered.
"Now?" Tony asked.
"Yes..Now!" Angela said. "Of course now!"
"But..b-but, everyone is here. Samantha and Jonathan are upstairs!" He argued. "They'll hear." He whispered.
"I'am sure you've heard the spankings I've given in ths house." She reasoned unaware that he did more than hear Mona's frequent spankings."That's the part of the point of spanking, isn't it?" She asked "Everyone knows and the one being spanked thinks twice before doing anythng naughty again. So why shouldn't everyone hear your spanking?"
"My daughter?" Tony asked. "You want Samantha to hear me getting spanked?"
"First of all, Samantha will no doubt be wearing headphones while she listens to that godawful music she likes. Secondly, even if she's not, she will know only that a spanking is being given. Not who is being spanked." She explained. "Now are you or are you not going to come with me now...and accept a spanking?"
Tony's mind race to fine another solution, but none came. He nodded and stood up. He followed Angela up the stairs and down the hall to her bedroom. He stood just inside the door and watched Angela, with practiced ease, pull out the chair from her dressing table and move it to the center of the room. He swallowed hard. He watched her stroll over to her dresser and open up the top drawer. The drawer he had heard her open so many times. That soft pull he could hear from across the hall when there wasn't another sound in the house. Now he could see her doing it. Opening the drawer and taking out her well worn hairbrush without a single hurried movement. She held it comfortably in her hand and looked over at Tony for the first time.
"Come here Tony!" She beckoned!
She walked over to the chair and sat down. She placed the hairbrush on the carpet. Her short, snug skirt slid up her long, slender thighs and she eased it up a few more inches. Her legs looked like they would never end. Nearly all of her thighs were uncovered and yet more remained hidden under her skirt. Tony gulped and began to feel his erection begin to throb. He turned to close the door and used a hand to push against his erection, holding it down.
"Tony, I said come here. Don't make me say it again!" She warned. "Now come over here.....And get your spanking!" She commanded, patting her sheer stockinged lap! To be continued.

Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 12-08-2007 at 09:30 AM.
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