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Old 09-17-2007, 02:12 AM
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Race and The Spanking Scene

On another board a question came up as to why there are so few Asian and Black Women in Spanking Videos and I thought why not broach the subject. It brings up and interesting point. True there are not many people of color represented in spanking videos overall...for me I can only address Black representation.

While there are sites that feature the occassional Black Female spankee and spanker and on rare occassion male, there are few presented on a regular basis. The exceptions being Claire Fonda's sites, Girls Boarding School and the Real Spanking Group.

One therory put forth was that for some reason Black people have a negative response to spanking because they were beaten rtaher than spanked growing up...suggesting that Black people were prone to being more harsh than Whites in doling out punishment than Whites. Being a Black person who was spanked growing up I don't remember them as being beatings...and trust me being spanked growing up had nothing to do with my wiring for spanking as an adult...or as a teen...which is when I began my spanking experiences.One had nothing to do with the other. I just have a very high appreciation for the Femal backside.

Another therory was that slavery or religious reasons played a part in keeping Black people from the spanking scene. HUH?!

My own feelings about it are that it's all a lot more simple than that. I have had producers of spanking videos tell me that the lack of representation ran from
. Not enough interset in seing Balck people being spanked or spanking
. Not enough Black Spanking models available
. No believeable story lines for a Black Male spanking a White Woman
. Black peoples bottoms do not show color
. That there is simply no market for the subject

All interesting points but all in my mind cop-outs. This point has been brought crystal clear for me recently by a couple of events. The recent Shadow Lane party being one. While I wasn't an offical party guest I did manage to visit a few friends and make a couple of suite parties...and there were actually three Black males in attendence. And they did seem to be playing. But what was interesting was that there were 4 Black Women who were actualy there for a wedding that expressed interest in the whole idea and actually chatted up a good friend of mine about attending...not sure they made it actually but they did get all the info about how to check out SL. But thses parties have traditionaly short on Black participation. Also I recently placed an ad on craigslist to just see what would happen...and in the past week I have spanked three very delicious Black Women. All very curious...never been spanked before...and all had a great they say and while two of the Women I am meeting with again this week...they were quite adament in the fact they would never participate in it as a lifestyle choice.

In actuality there is more open participation by Blacks in the BDSM community than the Spanking Community. I do have several friends who are in the BDSM scene and when I have asked them why they gravitated towards one more than the other...the overwhelming response was that they felt more acceptence in the BDSM scene than the spanking scene. As for the Black Men and Women i do know that are into spankingon a personallevel they do say that they prefer to keep it private and would never attend parties or come to forums like this. And they do not search the net for spanking content. But that being said...I have White friends who are into spanking who felt the same way.

Before this becomes a book...probably too late...I'll just say that I would be less than honest if I didn't say that race hasn't played some part in how I view the scene and where I fit in or don't fit in...even at times feeling uncomfortable. I am going to end it on that point because I really would like to know how people feel...
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Old 09-17-2007, 03:25 PM
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I don't know a whole lot about why there would not be more blacks represented in the spanking community, but I do wonder why they would claim there is no plausible reason for a black man to be spanking a white woman. Black people and white people do date, and get married. My husband is black and spanks me although it is because of my interest, not his, I wouldn't consider him a spanko at all.

I don't see why a cop or a boss or a teacher or whatever in a spanko video couldn't be black. Is there any reason why a white, cop or boss or teacher would be more likely to spank a speeder, employee or student than a black one?

I can kind of understand the thought that black women (or men) maybe don't show coloring from being spanked as well, but white women all have different skin tones and coloring, some show redness more than others. I have seen a couple that don't seem to redden at all despite taking pretty hard spankings or paddlings.

This is just coming from something I have been told before so I have no idea if it's correct or not. That some black men tend to date white women because they are considered more submissive. Now this is not something I've really seen, but IF that were true, could it be that not as many black women want to be seen as submissive and so would not get involved in spanking?

And as far as the slavery idea......could it be more likely that whites are uncomfortable being in the Top position because of the slavery history? It just seems that if it were blacks being uncomfortable with it, they would be LESS likely to be involved in the BDSM scene than spanking, instead of moreso.

And as you pointed out, many black people may be into spanking, but not participate publicly. I could see that being a more likely reason. It does seem that black people can often be much more private about their sexual lives than whites. It seems the majority of swingers, nudists, exhibitionists, etc. are white people. So maybe a lot of black people just don't enjoy having their private lives made public and don't feel as comfortable participating on forums etc.
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Old 09-17-2007, 05:24 PM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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There are sites like CutieSpankee which exclusively show Asian women in play. If you go to you can find links to the sites as well as preview pics.

I don't know anyone in our scene who discriminates or refuses to play with someone because of race or any OTHER reason. Obviously there's certainly a market for videos and pics showing spankers and spankees of all races and shapes and sizes. Seek and ye shall find.
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Old 09-17-2007, 09:39 PM
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Interesting post Cali,
I met a very nice young black male top at Shadow Lane,who I
talked to quite a bit,and he was having lots of fun.
I was in one room,on saturday night and all of a sudden these 5
very attractive,very young ladies came in.3 were black and 2
were asian. They just kind of wandered in after chatting with
someone at the pool,and either followed or was led in.
You could tell by the looks on their face that 1) they have never
seen anything like this and ,2) they were a little interested..
I also asked them and they confirmed my observations,but they
were too afraid or overwhelmed to actually stay and play.
They were all very nice though.
When they left I realized that there were indeed no black or asian females anywhere at the party and started asking myself why that was..

It is an interesting topic and I am hoping more will respond to this post.

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Old 09-17-2007, 09:45 PM
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They're out there. Start looking.
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Old 09-17-2007, 11:52 PM
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Good points folks. I did see the guy you talked about JP and he did look like he was having a good time. The Ladies that you mentioned were probably the same ladies that my friend had talked with at the pool..and I talked to briefly outside my friends room.

I use to give a monthly party here in LA. and they were well attended, and only on two occassions did I actually have Black Women the lovely Lady from Santa Barbrara and the other a Mistress friend of mine from the BDSM scene.

One thing I wanted to make clear is that I am not pointing an incriminating finger regarding there being discrimination in the scene...but I would be lieing if I didn't say it didn't crop it's ugly head up on occassion...just as it does in the Vanilla world. Hell I had a lady who I had been talking to for the last two weeks about meeting...we were hitting it off just fine...finally we decided to meetand when I described myself so we would know who we were looking for...she balked upon finding out I was Black. Or maybe it was because I told her I would be wearing a baseball cap.

As far as Black Men dating White Women because they are more submissive...hmmmm...I must be dateing the wrong White Women...cuz aint none of them been docile. But I do know that it happens. I actually spanked a really cute Black Woman last week who was the most submissive Woman I have ever met. Oh and her bottom showed nice and red by the time we were done.

OO7 I know there are sites out there that have Black models. I think I even mentioned a few in my origional post.

But thanks for the feed's always cool to see how we view each other.
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:38 AM
paully62 paully62 is offline
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Cali: You gotta be careful labeling a post "Race and the spanking scene". Half these folks checked in hoping for an Earnhardt jr. scene.
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Old 09-18-2007, 04:30 PM
teefortexas teefortexas is offline
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I've already circled the forum six times!

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Old 09-18-2007, 09:48 PM
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Originally Posted by paully62 View Post
Cali: You gotta be careful labeling a post "Race and the spanking scene". Half these folks checked in hoping for an Earnhardt jr. scene.

Wasn't Race one of the guys on Jonny Quest?

BTW, for anyone interested in my boring response to CaliSpanker's question, I did address this a few months ago in this forum. The brief synopsis is that the reasons CaliSpanker lists are pretty much dead-on for us (AmateurSpankings). It's unfortunate, but true.
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:15 PM
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hehe.. I was thinking more along the lines of Nascar.. Varooom.. Varooom..
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