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Old 12-01-2007, 10:18 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Who's the boss? The final chapter.Part 1

Tony stood whistling "There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight!" In front of the stove. One hand an his hip the other expertly flipping the frying pan. The five white and plump chicken breasts he is sauteeing remind him of what Mona's bare and pudgy bottom looked like last night draped over Angela's long lap before she had begun to spank every quivering cheek. Tony stopped whistling and sang the words "There was a hot bottom in the old house...Last night!" He chuckled to himself as he watched the chicken brown. He cheerfully added tomato paste and watched the chicken turn red. "As red as Mona's bottom was last night" He said aloud and chuckled again! Tony added the usual Italian seasonings to the chicken for flavor, along with a bit of spice, then tasted the sauce.
"Oww! I wonder if Mona's bottom stung like this sauce?" He asked himself. 'It must have after Angela went to work on it with that hairbrush." He thought aloud. "Oh! man! she smacked that bottom just like I used the tenderizing mallet on tbose veal cutlets last night! I wonder if Mona's bottom ever got as tender as that veal? He snickered Tony covered the sauce and turned down the flame. "I guess Mona wished someone could have turned down the flame on her bottom!" He laughs.
I guess I should be more sympathetic, Tony thought as he leaned against the counter and stared at the low flame under the chicken. "After all, I'am the only one in this house who Angela hasn't spanked!" She'd never do that to me, we're like partners , he decided. I know she's mad at me, though How can I make it up to her? He wondered. "I already apologized and I'am cooking her favorite dinner. Maybe after tonight, she'll be back to her old self. Why not do that?" He asked himself. "Well!" he shrugged and answered himself aloud. "It seemed like a good idea at the time!" He thought back to the day that Angela had given him a endless list of instructions about running the house while she was out of town for a few days! He had been running the house for years. What was she going to tell him that he didn't already know? He was there, because she couldn't do it!
The last thing she had told him to do while she was gone was to take her Jaguar to the dealer and have it painted a soft gold. "Spun Gold, Tony" She repeated a half a dozen times. "That's what the color is called. Be sure to tell them "Spun Gold" she had insisted "It's very soft!"
"Yeah!" Tony had agreed "Yeah! sure, Angela...Spun Gold, I'll tell ..I'll take care of it..Don't worry!" He assured her.
And that was what he intended to do. When he thought about it now he realized that all the time her was driving the car to the dealer. He was thinking spun gold and repeated the words to himself like a mantra! Even as he thought about other things and sany along with the radio. "Spun Gold" ran through his mind dozens of times! Yet when he got to the dealership and told the paint shop manager that Angela Bower's car had an appointment for a paint job. And the dealer asked what color it was to be painted! Somehow the words "Fire Engine Red" were spoken...instead of Sun Gold! The manager had looked Tony up and down with great pretentious disdain. "Fire Engine Red?" he asked scornfully. Then he closed his eyes and shook his head almost imperceptibly. Tony who was going to immediately amend his choice to the original spun gold. got mad!
"Yeah!" He had said defiantly. "Fire engine red....That's what I said!"
"Very well." The man had nearly sniffed.
Tony stomped out of the dealship and trotted across the street to the bus stop to wait for his transportation home. A few minutes later, what he had done had begun to sink in.
"Oh man! What's Angela going to say about this?" He wondered. He actually got up and thought about running back across the street to tell the man he'd changed his mind. But then he remembered the look of contempt on the man's face, his rude manner, his looking down at him and Tony got mad all over again! "Well, maybe Angela will like fire engine red." He thought "She has a red suit she wears at Christmas." He rationalized. "Besides, Angela's too carefull all the time...She's so afraid of being noticed!" H e justified. "She deserves a little color, a little flash over all that substance." He assued himself. "Yeah! that's right..This is good for her...She just has to get used to it,..She'll like it!" He decided.
Two days later, Tony went back to the dealership to pick up the car. When it was driven out to greet him, Tony was shocked at the boldness of the color. A perfectly true fire engine red that looked like it was speeding even when the engine was off! His earlier misgivings revisited him. "She isn't even gonna be able to hide this baby in the fog!" He said to himself when the driver handed him the keys!
"Excuse me!" The driver asks,
"Oh! Nothing" Tony said. "I was just talking to myself."
Tony used the time it took to drive the car home to attempt to regain his belief that Angela deserved a "fire engine red and that she would grow to love it. He was unable to convince himself this time. Not until he saw Mona's reaction when he stepped out of the car did he begin to believe that everything would be ok!
"Ohhh! Tony!" Mona breathed as she lightly guided her fingertips over the new paint. "It''s gorgeous!" She enthused.
"Yeah?" Tony asked, "You think Angela will like it?"
"Who knows what Angela likes?" She shrugged. "I like it...Besides, Angela needs a little color in her life....She's, Too plain,...Too Angela!" She said she explained it just right.
"Yeah!" Tony agreed. "Right ...That's what I thought ..A little color..Yeah! she'll like it" He decides.
But a few days later, when Angela returned and raced to the back of the house to look at her car. She was anything but pleased.
"Tony!...Tony! She cried running into the house. "What happened to my car?....What did they do?" She exclaimed.
"What do you mean Angela?" Tony asked. "They painted it...They ndid a good job, don't you think?" He asked hopefully.
"A good job?" She repeated..."A good job!" She yelled..."It's red!" She explained. as if Tony didn't know!
"Yeah! I know" Tony agreed. "Pretty snappy too....Huh?"
"Snappy!" She cried. "Are you telling me that this was your idea?" She asked stunned.
"Well...Yeah!" He quietly admitted. "I thought you could use a liitle color..You do have a red suit!" He explained lamely.
"I have a red suit!" She repeated, wondering what that had to do with anything...."A red suit?" She asked raising her voice. "A red suit is not a Jaguar that I drive through the streets every day!..How could you have done this? How could you have gone against my specific instructions to have my car painted The color I wanted it painted...Spun Gold!"
"Well!" Tony stammered. "I-I, um, maybe it will grow on a couple pf days?" He suggests/
"No Tony!" Angela disagreed! "It will not grow on me!" She insisted " "You had no right to change the color I had chosen...I can't believe you did it!" She said in quiet anger.
"Gee! Angela, I'am sorry" Tony apologized.
"Sorry isn't enough...You betrayed me...You betrayed my trust! You deliberately set aside my desire and my down sense of style to get what you wanted...And that paint job cost me $2000.00!" As Angela finished with angry tears in her eyes, She walked out of the room, up the stairs..And into her bedroom.

The following day, Angela rented a car and refused to go anywhere near the back of the house to even look at the fire engine red Jaguar. And for the first time since she met him...She refused to talk toi Tony. The next few days were filled with tension as Angela continued to refuse to say a word to Tony and nothing Tony said or did had not made any difference. Finally Mona had enough of the silence and the tension. No one was having any fun. least of all her! Instead of being her usual childish self, Mona attempted to intervene on "Tony's" behalf.
"Angela" Mona gently began "Tony was just trying tp do something nice for you. He has a very generous heart and his intentions were good!" She said in Tony's Defense. Angela began to sofen..."Besides, you know what a prude you are!" She explained reasonably. "Tony was just trying to release some of your ridiculous inhibitions!" She explained. Her ire raising. "Loosen up a bit!...God! Angela, it's just a stupid car!....Get over it!" Mona insisted with mounting annoyance and a raised voice!
That evening Angela released some of her pent up anger on her mother's bare bottom. Mona having spent a total of three days behaving like an adult, could no longer stand it. She tool Angela's fire engine red Jaguar out to a nightclub. She danced and drank too much chanpagne and then drove home , bringing the car toi a screeching halt about one half inch from the closed garage door. She was also followed by three young men who accompanied her up to her apartment., where the music was loud and the dancing and drinking continued. Angela heard it all and when she had had enough, she walked up to her mother's apartment, hairbrush concealed in the deep pocket of her robe, and told the men to leave. Her mother complained, but Angela did not listen. She listened only to the sounds of the men's cars driving away. Whe she was sure they were gone, she took Mona's wrist, led her to the couch and quickly turned her over her long legs. She lifted the midnight, blue cocktail dress her mother was wearing, pulled down her silver bikini panties. Then spanked her her bare bottom with the well used hairbrush!
To be continued

Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 12-02-2007 at 08:53 AM.
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