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Old 04-25-2007, 07:26 PM
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southern_sweetie southern_sweetie is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Texas
Posts: 53
Monica Caught Cheating

Like a naughty little girl she was guided by the arm into her bedroom by her angry father!

I can’t believe you Monica, cheating in school; I am so disappointed in you! His voice roared in the stillness of the room. Get your clothes off young lady!

Her cute eighteen year old petite figure trembled at her fathers tone. Tears streamed down her face in horror as she looked at her father and then that holey paddle. Oh daddy, please don’t spank me I am sooooooooooo sorry!

Young lady get those clothes down, her father said as he bent her under his arm and applied 5 hard swats to the seat of her denim jeans. I will not tell you again!

Monica cried out after each burning swat! She hopped from foot to foot trying to get the sting out. She knew better than to rub, rubbing during a spanking always got her extra swats and she was not about to test the waters right now. Monica slowly peeled off her jeans and her tiny pink bikini panties; she then removed her white cotton shirt and her pink lacy bra. She stood there naked under her father’s gaze softly crying waiting for further instruction.

He stood there arms folded with the look of disappoint on his face. He had to teach her a lesson. He remembered back to when he was a young boy and his father had bared his bottom and blistered his skin for cheating on a test. Its funny how life repeats itself he thought. He did feel a little sorry for his tear stained face daughter but that didn’t stop what was about to happen, she needed to learn her lesson just like he had all those years ago.

Lay over the bed young lady!

She felt as though the room shook every time he spoke. She laid over her bed, resting her elbows on her pillows and clutching her red satin comforter for dear life. She looked over her shoulder with pleading eyes, oh daddy please, don’t spank me, I will never cheat again!

No you won’t young lady, I will see to that. He took aim and let the paddle fly down, onto her bare naked girly flesh, SMACK!

The paddle flattened her bottom and she screamed out, holding onto her blanket and burying her face in the pillows.

He set her bottom on fire as he continued a series of swats on her naughty behind! SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, AND SWAT!

Ohhhhhh daddy please stop, I’m sorry, I will never cheat again, ohhhhhhhhhh, oww, oh please it hurts so much, awwww daddy no more please, daddy stop!!!

Monica’s body wiggled and squirmed under the barrage of burning, stingy, swats her father applied to her glowing red bottom! She continued to cry hard as he made his lesson clear.

No more cheating young lady! SMACK, SMACK, SMACK! If you need help with something come to me or ask your teacher! SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK! I don’t want to have to do this again and trust me neither do you because this is a picnic compared to what will happen if you CHEAT again! SMACK, SMACK, SMACK! Do I make myself clear! SMACK, SMACK, SMACK!

Yes sir, oh daddy please, I’m so sorry, no more daddy, I can’t it hurts so much! Owwww daddy, please, please, I will be good, never again daddy, no more cheating I promise!

Monica kicked her legs and pounded her fists against the bed. She cried real tears. She felt so bad for disappointing her father. How embarrassed he must have been to go and retrieve his cheating daughter at the principal’s office. She would make him proud again she thought. She wanted him to be proud of her. She wanted that so bad to be daddy’s little girl again.

She begged her father to stop spanking. Her little face was red and hot with tears and shame dripping from her chin.

Her father stood back with his paddle at his side. Her bottom was the color of crimson. She sure wouldn’t be sitting comfortable this weekend he thought to himself. Her cries echoed in the room! He set the paddle down and sat beside her pulling her into his loving arms. Shhhhh its okay now, it’s over baby girl, he said calmly. He slowly stroked her hair and rubbed her back as she cried onto his chest.

Oh daddy, I am sorry she said as she sobbed.

Its okay baby girl, you learned your lesson and I am sure from now on there will be no more cheating, he said with a gentle but firm tone.

Never daddy, I will never ever cheat again, she said holding him tighter as her tears ran freely over his shirt.

That’s a good girl, your daddy’s good little girl again. You’re forgiven; he said as he kissed the top of her head and gently padded her bottom.

Monica took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She was forgiven and she was daddy’s little girl once again. Everything was going to be okay!
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