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Old 01-02-2007, 06:33 PM
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The Haunting of Twisted Oaks Inn (#2)

Ivy leaned over the rail, staring out across the water. The view from this balcony was truly breathtaking, especially at sunset. She picked up a large fallen leaf from the balcony floor and fanned herself with it as she strode toward a pair of wind-worn Adirondack chairs and took a seat. She’d toiled away all afternoon in that musty attic, rummaging around, trying to decide what to keep, what to sell, and what to simply give up on and toss to the curb. It was tedious work, and she was pretty worn out.

Though she could not begin to explain why, Ivy’s thoughts kept drifting back to that peculiar find of hers, that box with the old paddle in it. All through the afternoon, she’d found herself pondering the item, never quite making up her mind what to do with it. There was certainly no good reason to keep it, but it had a certain air of novelty. Perhaps it could make a good conversation piece, displayed on a side table somewhere.

In any case, she was much too tired to think about it now. The sun had fallen below the horizon, and a gentle breeze was lulling her, almost as if it was calling to her.


“What?” Ivy sat up with a start. Looking around, she shook her head and chuckled at herself. She was already dozing off, dreaming of things. She got up from her chair and stretched her arms wide with a great yawn. It was time to go to bed.

It is time…”

Ivy blinked in confusion. That was no dream. That was a voice, and it hadn’t sounded too far away. Ivy quickly shuffled over to the railing and looked over the side, scanning her property for trespassers, but could not see anyone. For a moment, all she could do was stare idly at the waves lapping at the shoreline, entirely uncertain of what was going on. She paused for a minute more, waiting to see if any more breezy utterances came rasping by; but she heard nothing.

Ivy pushed herself back from the railing and turned toward the door. “I really was up in that attic too long,” she muttered as she pulled the screen door open. She walked down the hall a short way to her room, where she promptly flopped onto her cozy bed and rolled over, taking a glance toward the digital clock sitting on her dresser.

In a moment, Ivy was sitting boldly upright. The paddle box was on her dresser, and she was quite certain she didn’t put it there!

Ivy froze, utterly perplexed, and frankly, a bit scared. The hairs on the back of her neck stiffened, and she was suddenly overcome with a distinct sense that she was not alone.


Ivy’s head whipped around, and she let out a shriek upon seeing a well-dressed young man with long, deep brown hair standing in her doorway. She leapt to her feet in an instant.

“Get out! I’ll call the police!”

Nothing happened. The man just stood there, eyeing her with an even expression.

“Get out of my house!”

An eyebrow raised on the young man’s face. He took a step towards her.
This was too much. Ivy started to panic. In a moment of heroic drive, she flung herself at the man… and landed on the floor with a resounding thud.


Ivy scrambled to her feet and whirled around to see the man strolling across her room as if he belonged there. And as she replayed in her mind what he’d just said, what he’d called her, a wave of icy understanding washed over her. Ivy felt a sudden chill, as if all the warmth had been sucked out of the room. She stared at him, knowing, and yet, not wanting to know….

She stood as if rooted to the floor, watching as he opened the deeply varnished box to reveal the implement nestled inside. Slowly, he lifted the long, worn paddle and turned it over in his hands, stroking it with something akin to affection. Holding the paddle in his right hand, he turned on his heel and stared straight at Ivy.

Julia. It is time.”

Ivy understood now why there had been no number of strokes listed next to the servant Julia’s last entry on the punishment log which resided in the wooden case with the paddle. Judging by what was unfolding here, she felt certain that Julia had never paid her final dues for her fling with the stable boy. Now, years later, this spirit had come, seeking payment. And, evidently, thinking that she was Julia.

Come, Julia.”

Come where? Ivy was dizzy with the array of wild thoughts that were spinning around in her head, and she had no idea what to do, except to play along with this lost soul. Apart from the menacing implement in his hand, he didn’t appear to be malevolent. Perhaps he was just one of those stray spirits like the ones she read about in ghost stories, the ones that got trapped by the lingering residue of unfinished earthly business. Perhaps, if she played the role he perceived, she could help him move on. After all, she didn’t quite wish to open for business with an unsatisfied ghost hanging about.

Steeling her will, Ivy took a tentative step toward the man. She was rewarded for her effort by a slight smile on the man’s face, which eased her trepidation a bit. He was actually pretty handsome for a non-corporeal entity, and his smile only added to the charm. She took another step. And another… until she stood a few feet away, shuddering at the chill that emanated from him. His smile, though, appeared warm as he pointed toward a nearby writing desk.

Take your position, Julia.”

Ivy had no experience doing any such thing, but she knew what he meant all the same. It even felt oddly natural to approach the desk and lean over it. She pressed her belly to the smooth wooden desk, feeling the seat of her shorts stretching tightly. She waited, entertaining a replay of how she’d fallen right through his ghostly form just a minute ago and wondering whether he had enough substance to really swing that paddle at her. She soon got her answer.
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Old 01-02-2007, 08:50 PM
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Thank you, Adelina, for your most excellent addition to our growing MSF library of spankature. I think it's time to create that special category for works of fiction. Based on my experience on other forums, and where I expect this one to go I would also suggest a category on serial stories. Your Twisted Oaks serial would find an honored place in it.
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Old 01-02-2007, 09:34 PM
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spanked~amber spanked~amber is offline
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This is an awesome story Adelina. Can't wait to see more
Happy spanking,
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Old 01-02-2007, 10:26 PM
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Gary D. Gary D. is offline
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just as I had hoped...........the suspense builds. this is really a good one Adelina.

Gary D.
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Old 01-03-2007, 12:42 AM
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She'll soon get the answer all right!

Thanks for posting this here adelina.

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