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Old 12-30-2006, 05:23 PM
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Post Lost & Found Part 5

Later that night as Aubrey settled into bed and pulled the covers up around her, she felt overcome by a strange swirl of emotions. Her thoughts kept her awake for quite awhile. What if I disappoint him or worse, disappoint myself ? What will it be like to have authority in my life again ? Yet, as soon as those thoughts entered her head, she was quickly comforted by the whole idea as well. Sleep finally came and she arose the next morning more rested than she had felt in a long while. While sipping her second cup of coffee, she opened the spiral notebook that Mr. Leviston had given her and read again the handwritten instructions;

Dear Aubrey,

Your first task will be to look deep within yourself and be honest with what you find.
What are your biggest challenges ? What do you struggle with on a continuous basis ? On an occasional basis ? Is there any unresolved guilt for misdeeds ?
List any & all area's of your life that need improvement whether they be big or small. It is of great importance that you have this completed upon our next session.
You have taken an enormous step towards bettering yourself. Be proud of that.

Your Devoted Mentor,

Aubrey anxiously began chewing on her pen as her transgressions began flooding her mind. Well, at least coming up with what I need help with shouldn't be too difficult she thought to herself. She couldn't help but wonder what would be in store for her her if she admitted all of the things she was struggling with. How severe would her punishment be ? Would she be able to go through with it ? She spent the next half hour writing before deciding to continue it later. She felt the comforts of a hot shower beckoning her.
The next several days were hectic ones. Work held extra responsibilities as the new clientele began to increase. She came home from work wanting only to escape her daily routine by browsing on line or relaxing on the couch with a drink and a book, followed by a long soak in the tub. The weekend arrived and a co-worker convinced her that going out for the evening would do her good. She found herself sitting alone at their table while her friend played pool with a rather loud gentleman. She had already had two drinks and knew that with the little amount she had eaten that day, a third probably wouldn't be a good idea. Well that was until the guy that had been watching her from the bar tapped her on the shoulder. After brief introductions and a quick trip to the dance floor, she accepted his offer of another drink. She knew as she replied " Thank you, something fruity sounds good" that she might regret this in the morning. Well after having yet another, she was relieved her friend had drove them home instead of herself. Her instinct was right. As she opened her eyes the following morning she felt that queasy feeling along with a throbbing headache. Her memories of the night before came rushing back- a bit fuzzy but still there. Utterly mortified, she vaguely remembered giving the young man her phone number. She had promised herself that she needed some time a lone to reflect and concentrate on improving her priorities and goals. Yet another wasted intention. She managed to crawl out of her bed and shuffle to the kitchen. She took the pain reliever for her head as she waited for the coffee to brew.
Why did I let myself do that ? She cursed as she thought about her lack of control. Instantly she thought about the spiral notebook and her unfinished assignment. She had until Monday to have it completed. The idea of writing last night's weakness to say no thank you and show a little maturity in her decision making was weighing heavily in her mind. Putting off her decision as to whether to include in it in the list was the easiest option at the moment.

To be continued ...
Happy spanking,

Last edited by spanked~amber; 01-02-2007 at 08:53 PM.
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Old 12-30-2006, 08:43 PM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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Wow. This is definitely getting interesting. Can't wait for Part 6.
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Old 01-02-2007, 08:44 PM
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Isn't it great to have these talented writers on MSF?!
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