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Old 11-17-2010, 01:10 AM
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TJ50 TJ50 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: CA. United States
Posts: 36
Hair Brush Spanking.

I was around 12yrs old I had a bad attitude for some time, I was getting into fights and then I got sassy with the teachers and who ever was around. one day I was in a real bad mood. I don't remember what put me in this mood.

One day while at school I was asked by a teacher to answer a question I told her a smart remark with the question then I remember my teacher telling me if I did not watch my mouth I get detention, I then remember calling her a bitch and she sent me to the deans office.

The dean asked me why I said what I said, I remember telling him it was none of his bees wax. he had called my mom and told her I would receive 3 swats and I will have after school detention for the rest of the week 3 days.

I got the swats over my jeans I did not Even cry. I was to mad to cry. after he was done I had to go to the detention room and mom had to pick me up.

Mom came to pick me up. My mom was in the car. I got to the car and mom said young lady you have had a very bad attitude for some time not only to the school teachers but to me as well. Mom said young lady when we get home you know what you are to do. I try to talk her out of it but it was no good.

We got home I went to my room, I had removed my jeans and went to use the rest room, then I went back to my room and set at my bed.

My mom opened my door then she came in and shut the door, mom walked over and stood me up, I was to look her in the eyes then she was asking me why I was being disobedient, she even asked me if there was any problems I needed to talk about but all I could tell her I was tired of being pushed around and have me do things I don't want to do. Mom then told me get use to people telling you what to do it is part of life.

My mom took my brush off my dresser and I started in I kept begging not to spank me I"ll change I promise. Mom went to remove my panties I just shoved back ward and I guess I got will bad mouthing to my mom. I still remember that look I got from her. she stood up and yanked me by my hair into the bathroom and she washed my mouth out mom kept slapping my bare butt cheeks while she was washing my mouth out, then I was made to
stand in the corner.
My mom left to have a cigarette and she had a glass of her wine.

My mom came back in the room took me by my wrist and walked me over to my bed mom grabbed my brush off the bed and then she locked my legs and the spanking started with the brush I was trying so hard to kick, mommy I'm sorry Please mommy the bush came down and she spanked, spanked, my bottom was on fire.

I could hear my mom saying you will learn to keep your naughty mouth shut then more of the brush came down on my bottom, I was bawling and screaming with every strike of the brush, after mom put the brush down then mom gave me a few more hand spankings my bottom was so sore, I was hiccup-ping from the crying

I was made to stand in the corner again for about 30min. mom left and
after I was told to get my shower and then get started on my homework,
mom told me since you have detention this week you will be restricted from going any where till I say you are done being grounded. and further more if I here one more bad sassing to your teachers or your mom, I will repeat do you understand. I did remember saying you are not being fair. I remember saying I HATE YOU. then mom grabbed my bottom and she hand spanked and said you better watch your tone with me young lady.

I cried on my bed, I fell a sleep mom came in to wake me told me dinner . ate my dinner.
I would not talk to no one.

I went to my room turned the light out and laid on my stomach, my butt was so sore.

The next morning I wore a long skirt so I could sit better at school. I was reminded by my mom I had better watch my tone. I did not answer and she had asked me again then mom said if I have to repeat my self I will spank you here and now. so I answered.

I went to school did my detention, mom came to get me.
I only answered her questions that was all. when I got home I would go to my room and shut the door. I did not want to see or here my mom. I still had a bad attitude for a spell. I did my home work then took my shower, read my magazine.

Mom knocked on my door and she came in and sat at the edge of my bed
she kept asking what is the matter. I told her nothing. I said I just want to be left alone. mom turned me around and she pulled me up off the bed and made me sit on her lap. she put her arms around me.

My mom said I have not been myself for a while and wants to help.
Mom said I don't like to spank you but you gave me no choice, I just like to help you with what is bothering you. I said nothing.
mom hugged me and kissed my cheek then she left.

I did the same routine for the next couple days, I was still to my self, I did not want to be bother.

I was in my room and mom told me to come here, I opened my door to see what she wanted, she said I want you to come here. I walked over to her mom had bought a dress and wanted to see it on me, I got mouthy about the dress then all of a sudden mom yanked me over her knees and she pulled my skirt and panties down and she hand spanked, I got the brush again Mommy please please I am sorry Mommy please. I remember mom said I warned you if you did not watch your tone with me.

I ran to my room and slammed the door.
only to have mom come back in and said I have had it with your attitude Therese. you better start changing right now then mom took my brush again and gave me more of the brush. please please mommy I am sorry. Mom left the room again I cried to sleep. I was wakened by my mom time for dinner. I was to wash my face. I did what I was told, I did not want another spanking. after dinner I went took a shower went to bed with out being told to. it was a Friday I can sleep in.

I slept late then mom came in and again sat on my bed.
I was not all awake yet.
Mom started to play with my hair and then she started to wiggle my nose,
I was awake and mom had me sit up. I told my mommy I was sorry, mom grabbed me and put her arms around me and kept rubbing my back and kissing the side of my cheeks.

Again mom said I don't like to spank but that attitude you have. my eyes started to tear up mom said sh-sh it is OK. I am not mad at you no more.
But I want you to listen and listen to me good. I want you to start changing your bad attitude and if there is a problem come to your mama, I will try and help if I can. I agreed-ed to her and was warned if I ever got sassy towards her again will get the brush. I wrapped my arms around my mom and I did cry on her shoulder. after mom made it a special day just the 2 of us.
when somethign was bothering me I had went to my mom and had asked if I could talk to her alone and after the talking mom brought me around.
I was glad to have a mom who was there not as a mom but a caring loving mom. she always made me feel better. even if I was punished she always gave her full love.

Last edited by TJ50; 11-17-2010 at 01:26 AM. Reason: miss spell word
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