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Old 11-17-2010, 12:59 AM
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TJ50 TJ50 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: CA. United States
Posts: 36
I was in Deep Shit.

I grew up in the 60's, I was 15.

I had been hiding out with friends smoking and my mom has told me many time I will get a spanking of my life and will receive a spanking each day till my grounding was over.
It was a weekend and I had finished my weekend chores, I had asked my mom if I could hang out with my friends. Mom said yes, I was to be home by 5pm.

Mom told me she will be going to the grocery store for me to take my house key. I did and put it in my pocket. I left and went to one of my friends house Sherry, then we went to another friends and we called a couple more to meet us at the soda shop. we all met and all of us had a root beer float, then we all left and my friend Linda had some cigs on her so we all decided to go to the park. We all got to the park and we at first just talked and looked around to make sure no one was around that we all knew, Linda took out a cig and lit it, we all took a drag and we all kept looking to make sure all was cleared. so far so good no one has seen us. after we was done with the cig my friend Sherry had some perfume in her purse and we each put some on and I had gum and gave each a piece.

We all was getting hungry and went to my place my mom was not home yet from the store. we all had chips and soda and cookies. then we went in my room and shut the door. we all just talked about boys. then my mom came home. we all decided to go over to Linda's. we
helped my mom bring in the grocery bags. then we left.

We went to Linda's her parents was gone for the day, all of our parents smoked, drank. While we was in her room Linda took another cig and lit it. once again we all took a puff or 2. we went to her bathroom and put more perfume on and again another gum.

We stayed and watch some TV, then we all decided to go back to the park. then we all sat and talked on the park bench, then we decided to all have another cig. once again we made sure the coast was cleared. Linda took out 5 cigs each had our own full cig. we all lit our cig's. we kept a look out. then out of the blue Sherry's Mom saw us smoking she came up to where we was and told us all our parents will know.

I was sick in my stomach. I knew I was in for it. so was the rest of my friends. Sherry's mom grabbed her by the arm and yelling at her.
I went home and mom was just hanging up the phone and my mom look straight at me and she just sat there not saying a word.
Then my mom got up my mom is taller than me. she walked over and demanded the truth about smoking I said yes it was true, with that mom was silent and all of sudden she started to yell at me and told me I was grounded for 1 week, then I was told to go to my room and prepare for a spanking.

I was protesting, I told my mom I was to old for spankings, that just made mom more upset, then again mom said I will not tell you again and if I do I will do it here and now, I stomped to my room yelling and I slammed my door.

This really fried my mom she came in with a belt and slipper. Mom came in my room and said young lady since you think you are to old to be spanked then I will spank you every day till your grounding is over, Do I Make My Self Clear. I told her you are not fair. I even said I hate you. I was mad.

My mom came up to me and said remove them short now or you will be sorry if I do it, now move. I removed my shorts I was crying and pleading and told my mom I was sorry. it did no good. mom made me bend over her lap and she started with warming my bottom with her hand then the slipper I was bawling and with every stroke my mom told me I was getting a spanking everyday till my grounding was over. I was made to stand in the corner, mom left and then came back about 15min and then she made me bend over my bed and she used the belt on my bare bottom. the spanking was done till morning.
My mom left I was crying on my bed, I took my shower and then went to lay in my bed. I found out that all of my friends where spanked and grounded.

the next day was Sunday and I was laying on my bed on my stomach, mom came in and took me and lifted my night shirt I had no undies mom put me over her knees and she gave me day 1 grounding. Spanking on my bare. my bottom was so tender and sore. I wiggled and was bawling. mom told me I will get another every day till my grounding was over and my mom said that she was making sure the message of being rude,smoking, sassy is being dealt with. Believe me she did,
Mom left and I was crying again. I went in the bathroom and saw how red my bottom was. I got dressed in a long summer dress no undies it hurt to bad to wear anything.

I was given a spanking every morning with moms hand on bare for 1 week..
After all was done and my spanking was over mom did come in my room on the last day of my spanking and mom told me if I ever did this again I will get it again in the same way. I was still crying. she had just finished giving me a spanking.

My mom left.
That evening mom came in my room and shut the door. I said No mommy not again, my mom said I am not going to spank you it is all done. I just want to talk with you. my eyes were red and puffy full of tears,

My mom sat at the edge of my bed and she took a hold of my waist and put me on her lap, I was still in tears and I could not sit on my moms lap my bottom hurt to bad. my mom gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. I still had no panties on and mom stood me up and lifted my night shirt and saw my bottom and told me I will get it again, mom said I hope I don't have to repeat this. I told my mom I won't do it again and I did not till I was 17. mom patted my bottom and mom got up and left.
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