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Old 11-17-2010, 12:44 AM
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Red face Tantrums

I was about 7 and I had allot of tantrums.

One day my mom was baking a cake and my mom always let me lick the bowl. but on this day she making the cake and I was coming in the kitchen and asked my mommy if I can lick the bowl but my mom had already put it in the sink filled with water. while the cake was baking my mom was making the frosting and I had asked if I could have a taste so she put a dab on my tong.

Then my mom took the cake out and she let it cool off while it was cooling mom went in the living room to have a cigarette. I went to my room to play. then mom went in to start dinner and I went back in the kitchen and asked my mom if I can have cake my mom said no. After dinner I can. well that did not set well with me so I remember I raised my hand and smashed the top of the cake and my mom was up set. she came over and gave me a spanking and told me in your room.

I through a temper tantrum I was kicking and yelling at my mom. My mom grabbed me by my feet to where I was hanging upside down and mom gave me a a few swats and then she put me on my bed. I was real mad and I stuck my tong out at her my mom saw it.
my mom came in took me to the bathroom and she put a bar of soap in my mouth, I started to gag and crying. mom took the soap out and mom sat on the toilet seat and she bared my bottom and that's when I was spanked for the first time by the brush.

I was made to stand in the corner still bawling and my mom yelling at me. then after 15min I was told in your room. I ran in my bed still crying and fell a sleep. then my mom came in to wake me and told me to wash up for dinner. I washed and then went to eat after mom dished out dessert but she did not give me any she told me I will not reward you young lady for your bad behavior. I wrapped my arms and pouted. I remember mom shaking her finger asking me if I wanted another spanking I said NO. Then my mom told me I was real close to getting another spanking.

I got down and went to my room and played with my dolls.
Later my mom came in and told me to get in my night clothes. I did in to my PJ's.
and had to brush my teeth. Mom said time for bed.
I gave my daddy a hug and my daddy picked me up and took me over to my mom to kiss her good night but I wouldn't so my dad just carried me to bed and he kissed me good night he turned the light out he was walking out of my room, then my mom was coming in my room she turned the light on she took me out of my bed she put me on her lap, mom made me look her in the eyes, mom was telling me that she doesn't like to spank, she also told me when I throw tantrums I get spanked more and mom told me I had to learn to control my anger. after she took me and hugged me and then put me back in my bed.

The next morning with out asking my mom I had grabbed a chunk of cake in the fridge. I was sitting watching cartoons when mom walked in and saw I was eating the cake and my mom told me I was not to have cake for breakfast and my mom took it away from me and I went off my mom put the cake down and she took me and put me over her knee and she pulled my PJ bottoms down and spanked me and I got the corner again bare bottom.

I was released from the corner my PJ's bottoms where still off when I was told by my mom to come here. I did go to her and she had asked me if I remember what she had talked about the night before I said yes. She then told me I was grounded in the house I was still standing butt naked, I started crying and wrapped my arms and then all of a sudden mom smacked my bare bottom and told me she will keep spanking me till I learn. to stop tantrums.
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Old 11-17-2010, 05:30 AM
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I was 11 in the 5th grade when I had the biggest blow up in class towards my teacher Mrs.Burton it all got out of control when I was having a lot of difficulty in math I asked her a question and she said that was a stupid question because if I would have been paying attention I wouldn't be so far behind so I got up throwing my books on the floor telling her I hate her guts and started walking out of class I got out in the hall and had every intention of walking home when she tried to tackle me and then another 6th grade teacher also tried to grab ahold of me they led me to the office if both would have let loose i'd have walked by myself planned to tell my principal what had happened so she would understand why I was so mad I did but I handled it all wrong by my anger her office was too small to have my principal 2 teachers and myself in there to get a paddling so we moved to the outer office waiting area where I got paddled by Mrs.Burton I was so mad I didn't even feel it or bothered by it when I got home I told my parents what had happened and then she called talking to my parents they handed me the phone telling me to apologize to her which was extremely difficult by now I truly hated this woman I don't know if my parents spanked me but if they did it wasn't on the bare I apologized to the class and teacher the next day but never meant a single word of it when telling my teacher my grades went from B to D I went to my parents and principal and asked them to take me out of her class and put me in another class but they wouldn't do it since this was the final last 6 weeks and wanted to see improvement which I refused to do till the next year when I was given a new teacher my grades and attitude completely changed and returned to normal
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Old 11-17-2010, 11:39 AM
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TJ50 TJ50 is offline
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Originally Posted by haught View Post
I was 11 in the 5th grade when I had the biggest blow up in class towards my teacher Mrs.Burton it all got out of control when I was having a lot of difficulty in math I asked her a question and she said that was a stupid question because if I would have been paying attention I wouldn't be so far behind so I got up throwing my books on the floor telling her I hate her guts and started walking out of class I got out in the hall and had every intention of walking home when she tried to tackle me and then another 6th grade teacher also tried to grab ahold of me they led me to the office if both would have let loose i'd have walked by myself planned to tell my principal what had happened so she would understand why I was so mad I did but I handled it all wrong by my anger her office was too small to have my principal 2 teachers and myself in there to get a paddling so we moved to the outer office waiting area where I got paddled by Mrs.Burton I was so mad I didn't even feel it or bothered by it when I got home I told my parents what had happened and then she called talking to my parents they handed me the phone telling me to apologize to her which was extremely difficult by now I truly hated this woman I don't know if my parents spanked me but if they did it wasn't on the bare I apologized to the class and teacher the next day but never meant a single word of it when telling my teacher my grades went from B to D I went to my parents and principal and asked them to take me out of her class and put me in another class but they wouldn't do it since this was the final last 6 weeks and wanted to see improvement which I refused to do till the next year when I was given a new teacher my grades and attitude completely changed and returned to normal

I was also in your shoe many times. I had a teacher Mrs Norris 2nd grade teacher who was a lot like your teacher Mrs. Burton. I would also throw fits and Mrs Norris would have to send me to the principles office amd she would call my mom to get permission to spank. I would get up to 5 swats over my panties, I have been spanked bare by the principle only 3 time for more serious offence. When I got home I was getting another spanking from my mom.

My mom told me that everytime I had a Tantrum met I was spanked.

Last edited by TJ50; 11-17-2010 at 11:44 AM.
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