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Old 11-16-2010, 11:39 AM
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My mom took me to the park. I was around 7yrs.

I was on the monkey bar and this boy kept teasing, and tormenting and kept following me. I was sliding down the slide and remember the boy kept tossing sand and I told him to stop and he kept up my mom was sitting on the grass reading and she saw me swing at the boy and then I pushed him. my mom saw it and ordered me to get over here this instant. I try to tell my mom why, My mom got up took me by my wrist and over to a bench and she pulled my shorts and panties down and spanked me bare. after wards I told her why.

His mom herd why I hit and pushed him and his mom got up took him off the swing he was on and she told him they where going home and he was getting a spanking. That Monday the same boy just did not know how to stay out of trouble. he was teasing me again about seeing me get spanked and I finely had enough and I fought and really gave it to him. I yanked his hair, punched him in his stomach then I remember I pushed him real hard he had bumped his head. then he started crying and then my girl friends and I teased him. A teacher grabbed both of us and I remember he was taken to the nurses office. I was taken to the principle's office. I remember her asking me why I was fighting I told her and she told me that here was no excuse. the boy was brought in the principle's office he had been cleaned up.

The principle made 2 phone calls one to his mom and my mom. the principle was given permission that she could spank us.
she took the boy first and she walked him in another room and herd her undo his pants I herd him get his bottom spanked then she made him sit in her office, then she took me by my hand and walked me to the same room sat on a small bench she reached up my dress and pulled my undies down and she pull me over her knee and she lifted my dress and she gave me a few swift swats on my bare bottom. then both the boy and I was made to sit we was both crying. then she wrote 2 notes and told both of us we are to give the notes to our mom have it signed and returned, told us if we did not do what we was told then we get another spanking..

The principle ordered us to go back to our class. both of us kept rubbing our bottoms. both the boy and I knew we was going to Be spanked again at home. every one knew in class we both were spanked our faces showed it. there was some giggle but the teacher warned the kids if she herd it again.

After school my mom was out front to pick me up and I got in the car and I was lectured about fighting in school and she had asked me if the principle punished me I said yes that she spanked us both. I gave her the note. My mom took the note and read it. then she gave Me that look. Mom told me when we get home you are to go straight to your room and wait for me. I am going to spanked your bottom.

I remember pleading and told her it was his fault he was teasing me. My mom told me I had to learn to ignore it. I remember pouting and wrapped my arms in the car. mom started to get up set at my behavior, she said young lady you better change that attitude right now. I also remember saying you are not being fare, mom drove in the drive way and she pointed her finger and shook it at me and said watch it. then she said now in your room or I will put you over my knees right here right now. I stomped in my room and tossed my things in he corner of my room. mom was right behind me and she gave me a swift swat over my dress.

My mom took a hold of my arms and made me look her in the eyes. I was already crying. My mom removed my undies and started to pull my dress up and she spanked my bottom hard with her hand. she kept lecture with each swat. Then I was made to stand in the corner my mom pin my dress up, my bare red spanked bottom on displayed. I was to stay for 15min. After I was in my room crying and changed into shorts.

I went to watch cartoons and a friend came by and wanted to play I asked my mom and she said NO. I asked why because you where bad today I remember I yelled at my mom and the next thing was I got another hand spanking from my mom.

When I was spanked at school I was spanked again by my mom
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Old 11-16-2010, 03:26 PM
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Fighting TJ50

A very well written story about how to handle a bully and the unfairness that sometimes comes with it that you experienced thank you for your story
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