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Old 11-11-2010, 07:49 PM
Spanko17 Spanko17 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 9
Blackmail Class pt.3

The last hour of the day was computer class, it was alright because some of my best friends were in it and we just goofed around the whole time. As much as I could I tried to not look at the clock, cause it just never seemed to move.

All I could think about was my glorious plan for later today...

RINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG, the glorious noise of the final bell could be heard througout school. I was awoken from my day dream and rushed out the door into the main hallway. As the masses of students made their way down I began to get excited, my heard pounding in my chest as I got nearer to the commmons. I walked over with my friends to where our group always met after school. I kept glancing off trying to locate the blonde head of my little slut. Five minutes went by and she finally came walking into the commons with a group of her little friends with her. She was acting normally which was good, and then she broke off from the group and started coming over.

I decided to be the first to talk, trying to add normalcy to the situation, "Jenna, you ready to work on that stupid anatomy project?"

She barely looked at me as she spoke, "Yeah, I guess so."

With this she followed me out the main doors and into the parking lot. We got to my car which I had cleaned that morning to add room, for the nights activities. Both of us got in and buckled up,

"When we leave the parking lot, you will tie this bandana around your eyes, and lean your seat all the way back. You will not speak or move from this posistion until I tell you to. If you disobey you will be punished publically and severely. Do you understand slut?"

The look on her face was pure dismay, you could see her eyes glassing over, her bottom lip trembling as she realized just how out of control her life was. I could see the submission of the situation taking hold of her. Her body language alone was making me aroused. Not to mention her nipples were still sticking out of her shirt.

"Yes, sir I understand."

With that I pulled out of my parking spot and onto the street. I made my way around, listening of any disobedience from Jenna. Thankfully for her sake she did not say anything. I went to the grocery store, hardware store, and stopped at Wal-Mart. Once I had gathered all my supplies I booked it to my father's storage facility.

I told Jenna she could remove her blindfold, when she did the shock on her face was priceless. Even better was her look when I handed her a black dog collar and said,

"You are my slave now, and will look like one at all times when we come here or anywhere else I desire you to."

With that I got out of the car, but first waited to watch Jenna get out, so I could get a nice view of her round ass as she exited my car. We walked up to the door, I unlocked the door and upon stepping in, flipped on the lights.

"Take your shirt off, and jeans."

Jenna hesitated at this point, fumbling around and not really obeying.

"You fucking slut, you just earned yourself one punishment, and if those clothes are not off by the time I count to three you will wish that you had never been born!"

Fear filled her face as Jenna practically ripped her shirt off, her wonderful breats coming into view. Her nipples were small and pink, and looked so cute at the center of such a huge tit. I was at the count of 2, when her jeans came down, and she managed just to hop out of them, before the count of three was said.

"Put your nose to the wall and hands on your head, do not move until I tell you to."

After she did so, and I stared at her round ass only covered by a baby blue thong, I left the warehouse and went to my car. Taking two trips to bring all my supplies into the room.

Again, this warehouse had been a hangout for me and my buddies for the last 3 years, it had moderate accomadations, with a TV, bunk bed, and a table with chairs. This would be my playground for my slave and I tonight.

Jenna was still in posistion, hands on her head, ass sticking out as she pressed her nose into the cement wall. I grabbed the hardware store bag, and pulled out two adjustable alligator clips. Walking up behind her I said,

"Maybe my two little friends here will help you remember to obey immediately when I tell you to do something you stupid whore."

With that I reached around and put the clamps on her cute little nipples, her sqeals of pain were delightful as each clip was put into place.

"Those clips are on the second lowest setting, so if you think that pain is bad now, you can only imagine what it could be."

I now brought my hands back, and grabbed a nice handful of her ass feeling the toned flesh. Moving her ass around, my erection began to grow. I would enjoy using this little slave to ease my growing cock of its cum.

"Now, it is time for you to receive your punishment. Step back and take of your thong."

She did so quickly, no hesitation this time. "Now put that thong in your mouth you whore, if it falls out you will be punished."
With the underwear securely in her mouth I continued with my directions.

"Bend over the bed legs straight, put your hands flat on the bed with your back arched."

Again she followed in curt fashion, the sight of her bent over was amazing. Her straight legs gave her ass a wonderful heartshape appearance, I could see her sex in the bottom of her crevice. Leaning to the side I could also see her massive tits hanging down. My erection was now rock hard and straining the side of my jeans. I would take care of my cock later, but as of now, those glorious two mounds were in need of a change of color.

"I see that my slave is trying to please me, but realize that this is no easy task you whore. hahaha."

With this I went over to the wal-mart bag and got out a simple black leather belt, this would be the implement for this spanking. First though, I walked behind her and started with some warm up slaps.

Slap, slap, spank, spank, spank. The first few spanks rang out. I could not believe how amazing her ass felt, they absorbed my blows but yet felt incredibly taut. I put my right hand on her lower back, making her arch even more. This pushed her ass, and pussy out even farther.

I began alternating easy and medium slaps, making her flinch and wiggle a little bit.... slap, Spank, slap, slap, Spank, Spank. The pattern continued till I could see a little pink beginning to creep into her bottom. I finished her warm up with three very hard slaps, SPANK SPANK SPANK. These made her whole body rock and made her lose the arch in her back because of the pain.

"WHORE, did I tell you to stop arching your back??"

No response came, "DID I?!?"

With the yell, Jenna merely said, "No, sir, sorry sir, please forgive me."

I didn't respond, I merely took the belt off my sholder, doubled it over and began the final part of Jenna's punishment. SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP, I worked the belt from the top of her ass to the bottom. Leaving wonderful horizontal lines of angry red.

"I will forgive you when you finish drinking my cum tonight you stupid slut, how dare you not answer a question."

The belt continued to fall, turning her bottom a firetruck red. Her whimpering turned to tears quite quickly, After 12 straps of the belt, I decided to save more severe punishment for later. Wanting to admire my handywork I commanded Jenna,

"Take your hands off the bed, bend over and touch your toes."

When she did I thought my boner was gonna bust through my pants, I could clearly see all 12 belt strokes on her ass. In neat horizontal lines from top to bottom. Also in her doubled over position her pussy was nearly in my face, I could see moisture seeping out from her lips. At first I thought the slut had pissed herself in fear. Anger began to build, but before I could say anything I could smell the musk of a woman in the air.

"So being naked and getting punished by your master turns you on huh slut?"

Alrighty folks, I will write more tonight or Tomm. Please comment. And post links with girls that represent what you think Jenna Hill looks like.


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