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Old 01-20-2008, 06:00 AM
rfkmcm rfkmcm is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 44
Petticoat Junction: Betty Jo learns a lesson Part II

Part II: Betty Jo is caught

Betty Jo and Harold were able to sneak out of Ms. Applebee’s classroom without being noticed. Ms. Applebee was writing on the board, and the other kids were too busy chatting to notice either. Two minutes after Betty Jo and Harold left Ms. Applebee turned around and took role. The two youngsters were marked absent with no fuss. They creeped down the hallway, terrified that any second a teacher would see them and send them to the office. Anyone at all familiar with southern schools knows what would happen to them if they were sent to the principal’s office. The principal had a wooden paddle designed to sting the backsides of naughty students. Betty Jo and Harold had never been paddled at school but had been spanked at home on a few occasions. Both of their parents had given them the familiar warning, “If you get in trouble at school, you get in trouble at home”.

Somehow both students were able to exit the building without being detected. Once they were outside they ran as fast as they could across the parking lot and across the street and into the woods. One must take in mind that this was the Hooterville Valley of the 1950s, very rural and isolated. Parents didn’t have to worry about people hurting their kids, just things such as animals and objects of nature. Once they were out of view the youngsters slowed down, got their breaths, and walked the rest of the way to Miller’s pond. During this period the residents of Hooterville did not use fancy fishing poles, but rather they made their own poles using a sturdy stick and string. Harold, knowing that he was probably going to be able to convince Betty Jo to come with him, had brought along some long string in his pocket. He figured that it would be no problem for them to find the proper sticks and both were good at finding worms for bait.

The two kids had been at Miller’s pond for about 2 hours when their luck ran out. Oh, did it run out. In fact, it turned from good luck to very bad luck. They looked and up walked Sam Drucker with his fishing pole. Sam had closed his store for a few hours where he could do some fishing after he heard how good they were biting. Betty Jo and Harold’s eyes got as wide as saucers. Sam Drucker couldn’t believe his eyes either. He knew both youngsters as well as their parents, just as he did everyone in the Hooterville Valley. Sam was viewed in a lot of ways by the residents as the center of wisdom. “What do you kids think you’re doing!”, Sam asked sternly. Betty Jo and Harold didn’t say anything. “Answer me!!”, Sam demanded. The kids continued to remain silent. It was obvious what they were doing. Actually, Sam had heard them laughing about how they had tricked their teacher as he was walking up.

Sam was furious. He had always felt especially close to Betty Jo because him and Kate were close, never in a romantic way but rather in the way good friends are close. Sam lectured both Betty Jo and Harold and acted as if he was going to turn them over his knee and spank them himself! “You two skipped school to go fishing didn’t you! You’re playing hooky, isn’t that true? Answer me!!”, demanded Sam. “Yes, sir”, Betty Jo said finally. Although Sam was mad, he sort of understood because he had done the exact same thing as a little boy. His father found out and gave Sam the whipping of his life. “Are you going to tell on us, Mr. Drucker?”, asked Betty Jo. Sam never wanted to be a tattle-tell when it came to the kids in the valley. There had been many times that Sam had let things go that maybe he should have told to parents. However, these were things he considered minor, and skipping school was not minor. It was a serious offense that he knew he shouldn’t keep from their parents.

Sam debated in his mind what he needed to do and ultimately decided that this was something he had to tell the school and their parents. A person must understand this period to really understand Sam’s decision. During this period each parent trusted all parents and other adults in the valley to help them raise their kids. In fact, some parents were actually okay with other parents spanking their kids when they weren’t around. (I know this is true because my grandmother once told me about a time when she and her sibling misbehaved at a neighbor’s house, and the neighbor gave not only her kids a good spanking but also spanked my grandmother and her siblings. When their father arrived to pick them up, the neighbor told him what had happened, and he totally and absolutely supported the woman’s action). Given this culture, Sam felt that he would be doing Kate wrong by not telling her. He couldn’t allow two kids to skip school as a responsible citizen

“Please don’t tell, Mr. Drucker. Please”, pleaded Betty Jo and Harold. “Sorry kids. I can’t keep this from you’re parents. Come with me”, ordered Sam. “Where are we going?”, asked Betty Jo. Sam answered, “I’m going to take you back to school and let them handle it from there”. “Yes, sir”, both youngsters replied. Neither Betty Jo or Harold pleaded too much with Sam because they knew it was a lost cause, and plus their parents taught them to respect their elders. They knew Sam was mad at them but that he cared for them and had always looked out for their best interest. Betty Jo and Harold just looked at each other as they prepared to walk back to school with Mr. Drucker. They knew what their fate would be: a paddling from the principal and a spanking at home. Both sort of rubbed their bottoms as they walked away from Miller’s pond.

Go to Part III
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Old 03-03-2013, 02:16 PM
alexskanda alexskanda is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: living in the UK, Home Counties area
Posts: 13
It wasn't that different in the sixties. I recall that as a ten year old in the UK in 1965 it was generally understood and widely accepted that any adult left in charge of you, babysitters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, your friends parents if you were in their house, would spank you if they thought you deserved it, it was expected. In those days if someone gave you a spanking and/or you got the slipper or the cane at school you didn't complain to your parents, you kept your mouth shut about it and hoped they didn't find out because they were certain to give you another one if they found out you'd been misbehaving.
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