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Old 01-06-2007, 03:36 PM
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katy_spankwish katy_spankwish is offline
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The Summons

The Summons

She awoke to the howl of a cold November wind. Each November 1st at 12:01 AM the summons awakened her from the old dream. In her sleep she could hear her son, an infant once more, struggling to pull the air into his tiny immature lungs. Then the voice would summon her “it is time for payment.”

She climbed from the warmth of her Queen-sized bed and the man that shared it with her. She checked to make sure he was sound asleep. Then she went to her walk-in closet and pulled the door tightly closed. In the far back corner of the seemingly innocuous room was a small locked chest. She pulled the key from the shoebox on the top shelf and unlocked the chest. Inside was the garment she was required to don each year. How it continued to fit her changing body from year to year she did not know nor was she allowed to ask. She was allowed to question nothing on this night, only endure.

As she pulled on the long-sleeved form-hugging garment, she recalled the night the bargain had been made. For years she and her husband had tried to conceive a child. They had tried every method available at the time. Pregnancy was finally achieved after they stopped treatment. It was an uncomplicated happy time as they joyfully anticipated their first child.

Their precious little boy arrived six weeks early. He struggled for breath from the time he was delivered. Every possible measure was taken by the hospital to save his little life. All through that long first night the woman had prayed to her God but to no avail. The doctors told her the baby had arrested but they had revived him temporarily. The prognosis was grave. The woman sobbed uncontrollably.

“No, you can’t have him! I’ll do ANYTHING!“ she had screamed over and over. The doctors had finally sedated her. When she awoke HE was there, just a face, no body, a glowing face in the darkness. A darkness lit by flaming torches.

“Who? What?” she stammered.

“Silence!” the eerie voice commanded.

“I can save your child,” he proclaimed.


“Silence! You have much to learn about obedience. I can save the child but there will be a price,” the voiced stated.

“Anything, I will do anything to spare my child. Please tell me what you want,” the desperate woman pleaded.

“I want one a night a year in payment. From 12:01AM November 1st to 11:59PM you will be mine. I will do with you as I please. There will be no arguments, no complaints, and no disobedience. If you ignore the summons for any reason your son will forfeit his life,” the mask said. He was not harsh nor was he kind just resolute.

“It will be as you wish,” the woman replied. Immediately she fell back to sleep and the apparition was gone.

The first year the pain was easily born. He had paddled her several times throughout the day but the worst part had been the waiting, not knowing when or if he’d come back.

She had awakened in her own bed with no loss of time nor was there any visible evidence of her ordeal. Oh but there was pain. The pain of the paddling lasted throughout the following week.

Each successive year the payment had been higher. The apparition pushed her pain tolerance to a new threshold each year. More implements were added sessions were longer and harder. She would cry until she was horse but she would endure. For the sake of her child she made the payment.

This year marked the 18th payment. She stood in the center of the closet, dressed as was required and waited. Soon the face appeared more haunting and evil than ever.

“Are you ready to make your payment?” the ominous voice intoned.

“Yes my Lord,” the woman responded with downcast eyes. She knew from experience the more submissive she appeared the better it was for her.

Soon the room began to spin and to change. Once more she was in the evil one’s dungeon. She saw again the padded bench, the St. Andrew’s cross, the ceiling hooks and the wall of implements: paddles of all shapes and sizes, straps, tawses, floggers, cats, crops, canes. Implements that would bring her intolerable pain as the merciless spirit wielded them but she would endure. For the sake of her son, she would endure.

“Come,” he commanded sternly. She walked to a point directly in front of the glowing face. Soon she found herself blindfolded. She was now shrouded in complete darkness. This was new. Her terror grew for now she not when or where the pain would come from.

A pair of leather handcuffs was fastened snugly to her slender wrists. She felt herself pulled by her bound hands then suddenly jerked forward. She fell across a pair of strong thighs. Her black short negligee’ rode up over her hips leaving her pale bottom bare and vulnerable. This was the first time in her 18 years of payments that there had been a body with her. Always before it had been only the face.

“SMACK!” the first slap took her completely by surprise. Over and over the hard hand descended creating a blaze to rival the one surrounding the mask. The spanking seemed to go on forever. When the woman was sure she could endure no more it stopped.

The woman found herself stripped and bound to the ceiling hook over head. Her arms were stretched above her so far that she had to stand on tiptoe. She stood like this for what seemed like hours. Her feet and legs cramped. Her body became cold and gooseflesh appeared over her body. Then she heard the “whish” and the flogger landed over and over both on her front and her back. He covered her entire body front and back. She would occasionally scream when he hit her private areas. Soon she was no longer cold but a blazing inferno.

After what seemed an eternity she was unhooked and forced over the padded bench. There she was bound and cuffed into place. The blindfold kept her in a valley of darkness. She was left in this position for some time. She forced herself to relax, to think of her son. For him she would endure. For him she would always endure. No matter how extreme the pain, he was worth the price and she would endure.

“CRACK” The heavy wood paddle came crashing down on her already scarlet buttocks jolting her from her musings. “CRACK…CRACK…CRACK…” Slow and steady, each blow harder than the one before it. She let the pain consume her and take her away to another place. She no longer felt the blows.

Feeling was restored to her bottom as the tiny pinwheel was run over and over her vulnerable posterior. And with the return of feeling came intense almost unbearable pain. She would endure. She HAD to endure.

She felt the cream rubbed upon her blazing bottom. For a brief moment it cooled her skin then the most unbearable heat consumed her. She could no longer hold the pain in she let out a long keening wail. Quickly she found a ball gag shoved into her mouth. Now she had no choice but to endure the terrible pain in silence.

Though out the twenty-four hour period of her payment she endured countless implements, straps, brushes, crops, paddles of wood, leather and rubber; wooden spoons, birch bundles, each implement seemingly worse than its predecessor. Between each implement the evil cream was rubbed on her swollen, raw bottom.

Both body and mind were exhausted. The woman had never been pushed so far before. She was nearing the end of her endurance. The blindfold was suddenly removed. She called upon her last reserves of strength as she saw the cane move from the wall. She was forced to look at the glowing face as the cane moved behind her.

“THWACK!” the first stroke hit her like a lightening bolt. Stroke after stroke, harder and harder. She felt the pain winning and fought to endure. She had to endure. Twelve strokes, thirteen, fourteen…the darkness was beginning to engulf her…fifteen, sixteen… she had to hold on, to endure…Seventeen…Eighteen…oblivion.

The woman awakened naked in her own bed. Sunlight streamed into the bedroom window. The side opposite her was empty save a note.

“Good morning sleepyhead. You slept like the dead so I decided to let you sleep in. Don’t forget Devon’s surprise 18th birthday party. Love ya!”

She was home. She had endured. Cautiously she rolled over to rise. Unlike the other years there was no pain. No reminder whatsoever of her ordeal. As she moved to sit up she saw a single red rose and another note.

“Paid in full!”
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Old 01-06-2007, 04:24 PM
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Glad to see you here, katy! And your story too! I don't think I'd read this one before.

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Old 01-06-2007, 05:36 PM
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Welcome aboard Katy
Happy spanking,
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Old 01-06-2007, 08:31 PM
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Don't know yet if you made an introduction elsewhere, Katy, but let me welcome you to MSF in this one!

This is another one that I know real life, folks. katy will bring another measure of lively activity to MSF and be a real asset to the forum.
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Old 01-06-2007, 09:49 PM
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Very creative, katy. And welcome!
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Old 11-30-2007, 05:04 PM
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scarlet_ribbons scarlet_ribbons is offline
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WOW! Your story grabbed me from the first line, I'll be looking for more of your writing.

A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect...
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Old 12-07-2007, 06:42 PM
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wow Katy
Welcome to MSF and thankyou so much for this story .. got any more? ohh the suspence . i can hardly wait to read your futuer postings

Thanks again
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Old 12-07-2007, 09:01 PM
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Talking excellent story

i loved your story

and welcome to the forum ..
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