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Old 02-16-2008, 07:09 PM
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RedRaw RedRaw is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Crediton, Devon, England
Posts: 15
The Maid!

The maid had been working for Mr Stanley for 9 months, and although she had worked in many other establishments had always found him to be a fair and just employer. For example, if she had made a mistake, or let him down in one way he did not see fit to dismiss her, but to punish and then forgive her for her wrong doings. It was new to her as this was a way in which she had never been treated by an employer, but she knew he never punished unfairly, and she was happy working for him and enjoyed her work.

On this particular day the maid was already an hour into her routine, she was mopping the kitchen floor when she heard his heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. She knew from the sound that he was unhappy and that she was at fault, although at this time she was unsure why, but she knew she'd soon find out.
He came into the room, his face red and screwed up, his shirt unbuttoned at the top and the sleaves rolled up, his hair was a wild mess sticking up, he looked as though he'd been dragged through a hedge. She looked into his face and saw the shear rage, she knew this would hurt.

Without uttering a word he took her by the arm and pulled her across the room to the table, he took out a chair and sat down pulling her over his lap as he did ''but Sirr, what have i done?'' she asked in a quiet whimpering voice. He raised the skirt of her black maids dress (she wore a typical maids outfit, with all the trimmings, he liked her to look proffessional and in her place) and tugged her black knickers down to her knees. She knew better than to struggle and fight him, but still felt it wrong to be punished when she did not know the crime. He brought his hand down hard across her left buttock with an almighty SLAP and then repeated the same on her right. He slapped both cheeks in turn as he continued to spank her perfect round bottom with full force. She lay over his lap, her hands on the cold tiled floor, her toes barely touching the ground and her perfect bottom in the air. SLAP SLAP SLAP, she jilted forward as he hit her with more force. Holding back the tears she made a wimpering sound, trying to force out the question again.

After 5minutes or so he pulled her to her feet, stood behind her then turned her and bent her over the work surface, ''oh no Sir please'' she begged as he forced her down so her chest was pressed to the cold marble surface. She felt him slide her knickers down to her ankles then heard as he unbuckled his belt. She cringed as he pulled it from the belt loops and she heard him fold it in half and snap it together. WHACK the belt flew through the air and met her already tender behind. ''Ow'' she cried, ''Sir please'' WHACK ''What did i do?'' WHACK. He continued to strike her with the belt in silence, and she could feel his anger with every stroke. Her buttocks were redening and thick welts were rising on her behind. WHACK WHACK CRACK. ''OWWWW'' she screamed, her tears no starting to stream down her face and onto the work suface. He continued to whip her with his belt for another 10-15 lashes, then replaced his belt and walked away from her.

''Sir, please, what have i done to displease you?'' She asked trying to stop the tears and to show her concern. Again he did not reply. She had never known him to spank her without scolding her first and informing her of the problem. ''Remove your dress'' He said as he walked around the kitchen opening and closing draws. ''WHAT?'' she replied in a shocked voice, another thing that had never been requested of her ''YOU HEARD ME'' he bellowed, his tone told her not to answer him back. She untied her white apron and placed it on the table, she then unzipped her black dress, pulled it off over her head and place it with the apron. She stood facing him in a black bra, black suspender belt and black stockings, feeling very embarrassed and nervous. ''What have i'' she began '' i heard you the first time'' he replied coldly. He continued to walk around the kitchen, it was as though he was looking for an implement, suddenly he stopped and looked at her. ''It no longer matters what you have done, you have treated my home with no respect, you have left the first floor in the same state you would expect to find a brothel, and you were 3 hours late this morning wth no phonecall'' ''But Sir i'' '' SILENCE, i am here to train you! You are expected to keep high standards and you have failed to do so, therefore if you wish to act like a comman tart, that is indeed how i shall treat you'' ''But i'' he raised an eyebrow and she knew not to respond. Although she needed to tell him that she had booked the morning off two weeks ago as agreed to attend a funeral, and that she had not yet been to the first floor as she had started in the kitchen as usual, but he would not listen, of that she was sure.

He returned to her side with a wooden spoon in his hand, and within seconds started strinking her across the backsde with it, she tried to count but as the pain in her buttocks grew she lost count. She wanted to rub them better and stop the pain, but knew it would be a while before she could, and she wouldnt dare put her hands back there as he would strike them also. He continued to spank her with the kitchen utensil for a few more minutes, as she tried with all her might not to hop around screaming, but continued to wimper as the tears rolled down her cheeks and her behind burned.

He moved her again and pushed her down across the table, ''hold the other side and dont move'' he said as he left the room. She lay strectched across the table her legs spread, embarassed at the lack of clothing as he left the room. He returned shortly, with another tool, she didnt dare to look, this was the most severe his punishments had ever been, and she was scared to see what he would do to her next. He stood by her side and she flinched as she heard a whistling sound then CRACK ''OWWWW'' she screamed, her voice echoing through the kitchen as she clung to the table CRACK, she jolted forward CRACK. He appeared to be striking her with a cane of some sort, she felt the burning in her buttocks, the feeling of fire rising and blisters brewing. He gave her 3 more lashes the stopped to admire the stripes on her behind, giving the welts time to swell an her behind chance to burn properly. He raised the cane again and brought it down harder across her buttocks, four evenly spread hard strikes, the cane whistling each time.

He then placed the cane on the table and she heard him unbuckle his belt again ''please Sir, no more'' she begged, choking on the tears he had cause. ''As i said, if you shall act like a tart that is how i shall treat you'' He ran his hand over her burning buttocks, then down to her thigh and between her legs, she instantly jerked forward, he had never touched her there, it wasnt right. She heard his trousers fall to the floor, and felt a rush of fear spread through her as suddenly she felt him enter her.
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