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Old 02-03-2007, 12:46 PM
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Clyde’s Birthday Spanking

Clyde’s Birthday Spanking

Clyde had spanked Kim several times and he stopped over at her house to give her a Valentine’s Day spanking. This is written from Clyde’s point of view.

I had packed my spanking bag, and also brought over the new spreader bar and my cane. I had promised a good Valentine’s spanking for Kim, and I was ready to give it to her. I arrived at her house and knocked on her door. Soon, she came to the door and let me in. After a quick hug, I took off my coat and showed her the new spreader bar that I had made. I was really proud of it because it was expandable, and yet very sturdy.

We cleared off her coffee table and I placed my spanking stuff on it. This included wrist and ankle cuffs, because sometimes I use them on Kim. I organized my spanking stuff so that it would be easy for me to give Kim a good spanking.

I was all set to ask her to stand in front so that I could lower her pants and panties when she said, “This time, Clyde, I am going to sit down on the couch and you will stand before me. I have found out that today is your birthday, and now you deserve a birthday spanking.”

It was true, it was my birthday, but I had always spanked Kim. She had never spanked me. “Hold out your arms for me.” Kim said. I held out my arms and was surprised when she attached the wrist cuffs on me.

“Now turn around and put your hands behind your back.” I turned around and she attached my wrist cuffs together, and turned me back so that I was facing her, again. Then to my surprise, she undid my belt, unzipped my pants and pulled them down to my ankles. I was embarrassed, and even more embarrassed when she pulled down my underwear.

I had always spanked Kim with my clothes on, and although I had always stripped Kim for her spankings, she had never seen me like this. I was now totally exposed to her, and I was helpless with my arms secured behind my back.

After my first spanking of Kim. I had told her to make sure her pubic hair was trimmed for me. I believe that it makes a woman more beautiful, with her sex totally exposed. But now I was totally exposed to Kim, and I had pubic hair.

“You require that I am smooth and shaved, and yet you have pubic hair showing. Before I spank you, I need to take care of your hair down here. So first step out of your pants and underwear.” Kim said.

So I stepped out of my pants, and Kim took them off of me and placed them in the room. Then to my surprise, she reached over and grabbed the ankle cuffs and attached them to my ankles.

“Spread your legs for me so that I can use your new spreader bar.”

Kim helped me spread my legs and attached the spreader bar. Now I was standing before Kim, naked from my waist down, with my legs spread wide apart. With my arms secured behind my back, I was now at Kim’s mercy.

“Stay there while I run upstairs and get my razor.” I had no choice but to stay there, totally exposed to her. When she returned, she a razor, a small bowl of water, shaving cream, and a towel. She set them down on the coffee table and sat in front of me on the couch. Then she sprayed the shaving cream so it covered my pubic hair and my penis and balls.

“This will make you nice and smooth, so that you will look like me.” Kim said. Then I felt her hands around my penis and balls as she got rid of all of my pubic hair. Since she was grabbing my penis and balls, I couldn’t help it and I had an erection.

“It is nice to see you react like this, it makes it easier to shave you.” Soon she was drying me off, and I felt even more exposed with all of my pubic hair gone. I felt even more helpless as she moved my penis up and down to inspect her work. She wanted to make she I had no pubic hair left.

Then she reached down and disconnected my ankle cuffs from the spreader bar. “Now bend over my lap so that I can give you an over the knee spanking. During your spanking, always refer to me as ma’am instead of Kim.”

So I bent over her lap with my arms still secured behind my back. I felt very helpless. As soon as I was over her lap, she raised my arms so that my poor naked bottom was totally exposed to her. Then she separated my legs a bit, so that my penis and balls were also exposed to her.

Sometimes when I spank Kim, I play around with her sex, and now it was payback time for me. I felt her hands and fingers on both my bare bottom and my penis and balls.

“Clyde, you have a very spankable bottom. It is going to be fun for me to spank it.” Then I saw her reach over to the coffee table and pick up some paddles, and my birthday spanking began. I had always spanked Kim all over her bottom, and now she was doing the same to me. I had mixed feelings as I felt the sting of the paddles, and also felt excited as my exposed erect penis dangled between her legs.

She spanked me with many of my spanking implements, and she would show them to me before she spanked me with them. I felt very helpless over her lap, but yet sexually excited at the same time.

Kim stopped for a few minutes and rubbed my poor exposed bottom. “You are turning nice and red all over, but you always cane me, so now I will cane you. Please stand up for me.”

I stood up, and then she guided me over to a chair. She unhooked the link that kept my hands behind my back, and said, “Bend over this chair with your legs spread apart.” After I was bent over, she quickly secured each of my feet so that they were secured outside of the chair legs. Then she went in front of me, and secured my arms. I was now unable to move, and I was totally exposed to her.

“Now count out the strokes and ask me to give you another one. Do you understand, Clyde?”

“Yes, ma’am.” I replied.

Then I felt the tapping of the cane on my sore bare bottom. Then swish, and I felt a cane hit me. It felt like a hundred bumblebees had stung me in a straight line. “One, please give me another one.” I said.

“Now you know how it feels when you cane me. Get ready for another stroke.”

Since I was secured to the chair and totally exposed, I had no choice but to accept the caning from Kim.

Swish, Crack. I felt the burning sensation, again, and said, “Two, please give me another one.”

After my sixth stroke, my poor bottom was really hurting and I was almost in tears. Kim saw this, and freed my arms and legs from the chair. I quickly rubbed my poor bottom and stood up. Kim ran upstairs again, and this time came down with some lotion. She sat down on the couch, and motioned me to go over her lap, again. She also put a large towel on her lap, before I went over her lap.

“I hope you allow me to spank you, again. It was different for me to spank you, as opposed to being spanked by you.” Kim said.

She separated my legs again, and rubbed the cool lotion all over my bottom. Then she surprised me, and started to rub my exposed penis and balls with the lotion.

“Stay still and let me rub the lotion on you.”

The spanking had made my lower half nice and warm and now her exploring fingers were driving me crazy. I couldn’t help myself, and soon I was squirting my cum all over the towel. I felt very good and totally collapsed on her lap.

I never expected that Kim would spank me like this. It made this birthday a very special day for me.
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