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Old 12-02-2006, 03:14 PM
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Plans and Traditions for Christmas Season?

With the advent of the holidays let's discuss what we do during the Christmas season. It will be a good little vehicle for us to learn more about one another and continue to build a sense of community.

What do you plan to do for this Christmas season?

If you celebrate Christmas and the season? What are your traditions?

What was Christmas like as a child when you were growing up? What did your family do?

If you don't celebrate Christmas, for whatever reason, and many don't, how do you approach and go through it, with so many around you who do?
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Old 12-03-2006, 10:05 AM
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Talking Christmas Traditions


My wife and I have the extended family over for Christmas Eve...we cook a light supper and enjoy wine and eggnog. The nieces and nephews open a present; we sing a few carols, maybe watch a Christmas movie. Really good time. On Christmas morning we sleep until a reasonable hour...with no little ones around the house we don't feel the need to get up early to see what Santa brought. My sisters and mom and dad come over and I cook a special Christmas breakfast.....we have Christmas dinner around 2 or 3 that afternoon.

I spent a career in the military and missed too many Christmas' at home with my family. I cherish the time I'm able to spend now. My folks are getting on in years and we never know if this may be our last Christmas together.....

Hope everyone has a very happy and safe holiday season. Tell the people in your life that you love them.....

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Old 12-03-2006, 10:13 AM
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Very nice tradition, rb!

Originally Posted by rangerboy View Post
I spent a career in the military...
Would I assume correctly, from your ID, that you were an Army Ranger?
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Old 12-03-2006, 10:47 AM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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All I know is that I'll be with my family. I don't usually get to go "home" for Thanksgiving but I never miss Christmas at home, no matter what. I just hope no one here has to spend the day alone.
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Old 12-03-2006, 11:42 AM
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RG and others,

Be on the lookout fairly soon for a video with Rangerboy (in his military uniform) spanking a very repentant Amber.
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Old 12-03-2006, 11:48 AM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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YEEEE_HAA!! New Amber videos!!
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Old 12-03-2006, 01:38 PM
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Gee, BlackVelvet-so nice to see your enthusiasim for my being spanked ! Just giving ya a hard time. Rangerboy definatly got my attention with the spanking and the uniform. I didn't have much of a choice but to be repentant, lol.

Rangerboy, your Christmas sounds special, I understand how precious it must be to be able to spend it with those you love. Blackvelvet, going home for Christmas is special too, treasure it for as long as you can.

My children are still young and they are what make Christmas so special and at times more tolerable. It's hard to get them to eat breakfast because they are too excited to see what Santa left. Here is a warning, I'm going to get sappy on you guys for a moment.
My kids are like most kids-they love to recieve. But I learned that they both have a big heart as well. Their father & I divorced several years ago. Our first Christmas with just them and myself was an adjustment for sure. I did my best to make that Christmas as special and memorable as the ones before. However, they made it much more memorable for me.
They had finished opening their gifts and suddenly the room was very quiet. My oldest who was only 5 at the time, asked "Mommy, where are your presents ?" Ruh roh. I didn't think they would even notice. He then proceeds to look under the tree and in my stocking ! The look on his face is one that I can never forget. He just could not understand why Santa had forgotten me. I tried to reassure him that my favorite part was seeing him and his sister have a fun Christmas ect. He listened and hugged me and was off to play. I'd be lying to say that I wasn't an emotional mess inside afterwards. Here's where it gets even more tear jerking. Later that evening, we were about to watch Christmas movies when I saw something under the tree. Now you all can imagine a 5 & 3 year old wrapping a present. It had at least a whole roll of tape and a bow on every empty spot available. It was the most precious thing I had ever seen. Instead of a tag it had a piece of construction paper and written in red marker(which my 3 year old had all over her hands still) was "H A V A VERRY MARY CRISMIS MOMMY, LUV CRAKER JAK ANND LADY BUGG." These are their nicknames that I have called them since before they could even crawl. I didn't even have to open it to be grinning/crying all at the same time. Of course they wanted to "help" me open it. Inside was my little girl's jewelry box. I was told to open it. I did. Inside it was my son's favorite hot wheel. I hugged them until they were both ready to run from me, lol. Then my 3 year old goes and yanks my stocking from the mantel, with her brother getting on to her for not asking for help. They had each shared their stockings complete with candy canes and chocolate Santa's. I was a proud and touched mommy that year for sure.
Happy spanking,
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Old 12-03-2006, 02:09 PM
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Thumbs up Christmas Story


Sweetie, I'm getting tears in my eyes from reading your post. There is nothing as pure as the heart of a child. You've clearly done a GREAT job of raising them.

I never had children of my own......sighhhhhh.......

BTW everyone, if you know of a young man or woman who is serving overseas this year, please try to let them know how much you appreciate their sacrafice. Whether you support the war or not...please support the troops.

Merry Christmas.

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Old 12-03-2006, 06:39 PM
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Christmas Memory

There is one funny story from my childhood. I'm a baby dad came home from WWII, married my mom and they started living the American Dream....1950's style. Bought a home in suburbia and started raising a family.

I had lots of kids to play with..their parents were about the same age as mine so the kids were about the same age. One year, probably around 1957 or 58, we all got our first bikes. Christmas Eve as we were all snug in bed, the dads were going up and down the street borrowing tools to assemble the bikes. Of course at each house they had to have a glass of holiday cheer. So by midnight the dads were riding up and down the street on the newly assembled bikes, all pretty well tipsy and singing Silent Night.....wish I could have been up to see it myself.

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Old 12-03-2006, 09:05 PM
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Aunt Vicki Aunt Vicki is offline
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Christmas Gifts made easy!

Aunt Vicki knows how hard it is for you naughty boys and girls to pick out just the right gift for your lady and male friends. Aunt Vicki comes to the rescue! I have found the most amazing product for health and wellness that your friends will love. All the products are Swiss formulated, U.S. made, and PH correct, hypoallergenic, botanically based, dermatologist tested, formulated without dyes, chemical fragrances, mineral oil or any animal products or bi-products. The company is over 26 years old and has one of Dunn and Bradstreet's highest credit ratings.

These products will make your ladies look younger, feel softer and smooth out her cellulite if you buy that product. How do I know? I use the products every day myself! I have been amazed at what these products can do.

For Christmas this year I am going to be making gift baskets utilizing these wonderful products. The prices will fit any budget. You tell me what you can spend and I will make a gorgeous gift basket that you will be proud to give your lady and she will love you for it. Mailing is, of course, offered as well.

Oh one other thing. My new and improved web site should be up and running by the first of the year!

Hugs and Smacks!

Aunt Vicki
Aunt Vicki loves ya!
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