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Old 09-14-2008, 09:59 PM
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gasmith gasmith is offline
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First Time Dom

Wondering what I was doing, I had Arianna over my knee for the first time. We had established this DD lifestyle after 23 years of marriage to a strong willed girl, ten years my junior. A girl who always got her way, was now about to embark on a journey of submission to her HOH. I knew that it would not be easy for either of us to alter our lives this dramatically. My hand came down hard on her right cheek as her breathing increased sharply. Alternating between cheeks. I increased the pace as her legs moved around violently. Stopping to asses the effect of my first spanking, I noticed that I was not bringing the desired effect. Redoubling my effort I began to adjust the shape of my hand and the force of my swing when I began to hear the stimulating sounds of a woman being punished for the speeding ticket she confessed to getting over a month ago. Remembering that it was not just one but two, gave me the motivation to give her the kind of punishment she deserved. Calling out my name for sympathy and relief, I stopped long enough to remind her that she is the most valuable person in my life, the lives of our children, and that taking those risks (28 mph over the limit) was unacceptable to me and would be dealt with accordingly. Grabbing the 2 foot long riding crop with the leather hand on the end from the bed beside me, I went to work on her lovely bottom, landing stingily hard blows that brought on crying, sobbing and pleading. It was difficult for a virgin, vanilla Dom to withstand. Resisting my natural reaction not to hurt my beautiful wife, I knew she needed this to learn that the brat inside her was to be suppressed. Losing track of time, I continued my assault on her bucking torso until a burning glow of heat and crimson hue lit up the lower half of her inviting pose over my knee. Sobbing and begging became the imperative words out of her mouth while her body squirmed and wrestled away from the prime position over my knee. Remembering what I had read on MSF chat room, that a bottom gets a lot of the thrill from not being in control of the situation, I ignored the pleas and continued finding new spots to explore on her cheeks with the riding crop. Then I heard something that I have never heard from this former brat, "I'll do anything, I'll do anything, Gary please, I'll do annnyyyyttthhhhiiinnnggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gary, Gary, Please, PPPPPPLLLLLEEEEAAAAASSSEEE!!!!!! GARYYYYY. I stopped and the room went silent, except for the mute sobbing of a women who has lost control of her emotions and senses. Grabbing her around the waist, I lifted her up until our faces were touching. I held her face in between my hands and kissed her lips. I told her that I loved her, forgave her, and never wanted that to happen again, for I could not live without her. It would end my life. I lowered her back onto the mattress and proceeded to make love to her for the next hour. The passion and emotion that the proceeding punishment session invoked, revived a marital bond. It transformed smoldering embers of a long marriage into a furnace of forged passion that reawakened our love and invoked a new relationship that few ever achieve. As I look back to the first time I had Arianna over my knee, I wondered what happened to the vanilla husband who didn't know what to do, to the dyed in the wool Dom that I am now. It is like night and day. When Arianna asked me recently if I wanted to continue with this DD lifestyle I said, "I can't go back to that vanilla husband that you were married to. I just want to look forward to the next chapter in our lives."

Last edited by gasmith; 09-15-2008 at 06:48 PM.
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Old 09-16-2008, 04:21 PM
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angelgirlwithhorns angelgirlwithhorns is offline
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Posts: 8
Keep moving forward, it is a wonderful lifestyle that you have embarked on. You have found something that has worked for both of you, and nothing compares to that. so heres to more over the knee incounters.
there is nothing a brat wants more than to know that her top can stop her from doing stupid things like speeding! lol havent we all been in that position once or twice before.
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