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Old 03-07-2012, 09:20 PM
lexanpaddle lexanpaddle is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 4
Tesas' Alternative Sentence Structure (A.S.S.) Program (PART 2)

I must admit that the brochure had a sobering effect on me and the thought of having to bare my butt for the punishment and trigger each swat myself left butterflies in my stomach. The thought of getting this over with the next day and not having to scrounge up $1000 or give up three Saturdays did seem appealing however. After a lot of thought and struggling with my own dignity, I finally decided to just man up and take the swats.

I didn’t sleep much that night and finally got out of bed at 6:00 A.M to get ready and head back to the courthouse. I had already notified my boss that I would need to take the day off to run some errands. I got to the courthouse at about 7:30 and waited nervously in my car until about 7:50 when I finally accepted my fate and walked up the stairs, into the courthouse and down the hall to the clerk’s office. When I arrived at the clerk’s office, there was only one other occupant in the waiting area, a middle aged, slightly chubby woman that looked to be in her early 40’s, wearing jeans and a polo shirt and looking very nervous. By 8:00 only 2 other individuals arrived, a young punk looking guy wearing a “Tap-out” t-shirt and sagging jeans and a very attractive mid 20’s looking red-headed gal wearing a Texas A&M sweat suit. At 8:00 sharp, the clerk asked who was present to accept the alternative sentence and all of us raised our hands.

At that point she paged one of the deputies to come and notified him/her that there were 4 convicts present to attempt completion of the ASS punishment. Moments later an older, brusque female court deputy arrived and ushered us further down the hall to a large room occupied only by two other deputies, both middle aged females, a long wooden bench along the wall for seating and a padded spanking bench and accompanying spanking contraption in the middle of the room. All of the walls and the ceiling of the room were lined with foam pads that I assume were there to attenuate any potential screams or wails that may come from those punishment recipients who were unable to maintain their composure. We were all instructed to take a seat on the bench and not speak until spoken too. The bench appeared to be positioned strategically to provide a butt view of the recipient receiving the paddle to all of the other convicts.

The older brusque woman told us that the punishments would be carried out in accordance with the description contained in the brochure would be administered in order of the docket number of our cases. I had no idea what my docket number was, much less the docket number of the other recipients. She asked us if there were any questions before the punishment session started and the response was silence and half-hearted nods of no. At that point, she informed us that no talking would be allowed from those seated from and any talking would result in dismissal from the room and failure to complete the alternative sentence today. She then looked at her clipboard, made a quick note and summoned Ms. Rawls to the middle of the room. Ms. Rawls was the middle aged woman who beat me to the clerks office first thing this morning. She instructed Ms. Rawls to kneel on the kneeling pad on the spanking bench with her knees no less than shoulder width apart. Ms. Rawls complied and the other two deputies assisted the older woman in charge with securing leather straps around Ms. Rawls legs just above her knees. The head deputy then used what appeared to be a hydraulic lever to jack the knee pad up to the point that the top of Ms. Rawls hips were level with the top of the horizontal top of the spanking bench. When the boss was satisfied that the knee pad level was correct, she instructed Ms Rawls to lower her jeans and undergarments, bend over the table, and place her torso and chin flat against the table. Her assistants then secured Ms. Rawls wrists to an adjustable restraint point that left her arms stretched out as far as possible above her head. For added restraint, a leather strap was secured tightly around the bottom of the horizontal table and across the small of her back.

Next, the head deputy maneuvered the rolling spanking contraption into place such that the paddle was in firm contact with the middle of the fattest part of Ms. Rawls plump buttocks and locked the wheels in place. I noticed that the backside of the wood paddle blade had an “F” stenciled in red paint. I assumed this identified this as a ¼” thick paddle for females. She then pulled the paddle back (which appeared to take a fair amount of effort I might add) and it locked into place with the flexible fiberglass arm coiled back to the point it looked like it would shatter. She retrieved her clipboard and announced to the room that, as chosen by Ms. Rawls, she would be given the opportunity to receive 5 swats of the paddle to successfully complete the alternative sentence structure program. She handed Ms. Rawls a small buzzer with a red button attached to a cord that ran to the spanking contraption, informed her that her 5 minutes started immediately, and then started a large stopwatch hanging around her neck.

At this point, I felt nauseous and was shaking so bad I could not hold my hands still. The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it. All eyes were on Ms. Rawls and her chubby pale white butt cheeks. She clenched a few times, shifted nervously on the bench and then finally with a determined motion, clicked the little red button on the buzzer. The stout fiberglass arm uncoiled and unleashed the paddle with a loud “whirring” noise that ended abruptly with a loud sickening “smack” of hard wood meeting bare flesh, following immediately by a load wail from Ms. Rawls. The impact of the paddle on those plump buttocks was absolutely devastating; the paddle appeared to bury a couple of inches deep in the soft flesh and sent a shock wave ripple radiating out from the paddle strike on both buttocks. When the lead deputy stepped forward to coil the paddle back into its ready position, I couldn’t help but notice that a bright red stripe the exact shape of the paddle blade was already vividly present across both of her butt cheeks. I could even see small white spots where apparently the holes of the paddle struck. I would have backed out and gladly paid the fine and done the community service at this point if I could, but I was already this far in, and felt obligated to stick it out with the other individuals whom accompanied me in the waiting area earlier that morning and that I somehow felt a connection to after already undergoing so much mental duress together even though we were only at the beginning of the actual execution phase of our butt beatings.

Ms. Rawls endured 4 more vicious swats of that nasty paddle with little more than a blood-curdling wail after the impact of each swat. By the time all 5 swats were administered, the stripe on her fat bottom had taken on hues of purple and white in what looked like a bulls eye on each of her cheeks. At the completion of her sentence, the 3 deputies loosened the restraints and Ms. Rawls stood on weak knees and slowly pulled her panties and jeans back up over her waist. As she turned around, I could see her face was a mess, with tear streaks smearing makeup down her cheeks. I could tell her knees were weak as she slowly walked back to join the rest of us on the bench.
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