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Old 05-18-2007, 09:50 PM
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That sums it up quite well in itself, but of course there's always more to the story.

My interest in spanking has historically been heavily erotic; as an adolescent, it was all that I thought about. I've evolved to a point where I enjoy it for its own sake, and even feel relieved that I can enjoy the activity without worrying about needing to "return the favor" or feeling pressured. But I remain very attracted to the sensual nature of it. I love the headspace, the pain, the pressing of thighs against my abdomen. I love trying different implements, just to know what they feel like. I love long sessions started with a long, slow warmup and ending in blissful spaciness.

If I had to pick a preferred "type" of spanking, it would be therapeutic/release. I am prone to stress and depression, and spanking activity always makes me more relaxed and peaceful. It's like a drug for me; I get high on it. The more, the harder, the better.

I enjoy verbal jousting and playfulness, though I would not consider myself a "brat" by nature. Teasing can be fun, but so can wrestling and being carried and tossed around. When it comes to scenes, I'm usually not interested in meekly obeying anyone; I like to fight. I like being restrained. I like hair-pulling. I like kicking and resisting. I love listening to a quiet, confident voice assuring me I won't get away; that can lull me right into subspace.

I'm an OTK girl all the way, love the way it makes me feel connected and secure. I do enjoy other positions too, over pillows on the bed or over a table or desk... anything that supports my body, so I can focus on the sensations and not on trying to keep my balance. But any session really needs to include some OTK time, or it feels incomplete.

I have no interest whatsoever in discipline, or in my spanko life overlapping my real life. I like them to be carefully quarantined. I have made some strong friendships within this scene which I cherish, and I appreciate sage advice. If I want help, I will ask for it. Otherwise, keep it casual.
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Old 05-19-2007, 01:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Adelina View Post

I'm an OTK girl all the way, love the way it makes me feel connected and secure. I do enjoy other positions too, over pillows on the bed or over a table or desk... anything that supports my body, so I can focus on the sensations and not on trying to keep my balance. But any session really needs to include some OTK time, or it feels incomplete.

I have no interest whatsoever in discipline, or in my spanko life overlapping my real life. I like them to be carefully quarantined. I have made some strong friendships within this scene which I cherish, and I appreciate sage advice. If I want help, I will ask for it. Otherwise, keep it casual.
Very nice job, Adelina. Well-stated and direct. You gotta love that. I too am a huge fan of OTK.
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Old 05-22-2007, 10:04 PM
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Okay, so I finally decided to post my own reply to this. Sometimes we even need to give ourselves a healthy little reminder of who we really are...

I'm a lifestyle submissive. I say "lifestyle", because it's what I am and evidenced (ideally) in my daily life. It's not just a sex thing, or a kink thing. Now, this doesn't mean I'm a helpless waif, who can't stand independently or will submit to any Joe Schmoe because I can't say "no". It just means that I desire an alpha male in my life whom I can trust completely enough to put my life into his hands.

Ironically enough, I HATE spanking. I don't even really like to play at it. Even if the spanking is in fun, I still need to believe that there's some reason behind it. It's a head thing for me. I like the IDEA that someone cares enough to enforce the best for me, and hold me accountable to a higher standard than most. I don't want to be "average" in any means, and I like the idea that someone will push me to that level, even when I don't have the energy to do so myself. Another irony is that I'm probably one of the least in-need-of-discipline people you'll ever meet, but I still crave that sorta foundation.

I have a "thing" for cowboys. I think it's the romantic, chivalristic, but full hands-on kinda love thing. I also think I was born to the wrong era because of this. I like patriarchal-styled cultures. I know the modern-day woman in me probably shouldn't, but I do. I would be just as happy being a medieval serving wench as I would being a haughty southern belle, or a home-on-the-range homemaker.

I also have a "thing" for non-consentuality. Some twisted little part of my head craves being forced to take something I don't want. Sometimes I want the savage, testoterone-laden beast to come out in my man. I want to be hunted. I want to put up a fight. I want to watch the sweat bead up on his forehead and his muscles flex from the exertion it takes to subdue me. I want to be conquered... then taken, used for what he will and at his mercy. My fantasies often have no faces or themes, sometimes it's just this emotion of distress that rings through my heart and I can hear screams.

I'm a total leather girl. I love the suppleness of it, the look, the smell, the bite... *sighs* I DETEST most forms of wood. I used to have a hard-limit against canes, but now I feel accomplished and proud after I take a thorough caning. Picture me doing a Stalone-esque victory dance.

As far as partner traits go, I need a man who's been wisened by life experience. I just can't go for these young guys whom are more ignorant about life than I am but still try to play the Dom role. Nothing wrong with them, just not for me. They also need to be well-spoken and literate. The way to get to me on any level is through my head, and that's just not going to happen if you can't put a sentence together likely to titilate my senses. I also like the calm, cool, collected type, with a little something fierce masked underneath. I don't want to see anger, though, just power. No screaming, no temper tantrums, no irate fury, ect...

I'm just another nut in the nuthouse, happy to be at home amongst the rest of the freaks
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Old 05-24-2007, 06:53 PM
Garfield Garfield is offline
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I'm new here too, like Ami, and it's also my first time posting a comment. Everybody here has been super nice so far! I've only had one partner I've been bold enough to talk to about my interest in spanking.
We used to love having her bend over the edge of the bed, with me using using a belt. Sometimes even the belt she was wearing... :-)

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Old 06-07-2007, 02:28 PM
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What Works: Assuniming that I have a partner where we share that comfort level and all conditions are ideal.... I'm fond of giving a good caning. I'm torn in favorite positions here I love standing with hands on head, bent over a desk / chair / bed / couch etc..., bent over grabbing ankles or knees, or even holding her hands up behind herr back (although it does make it trickier to swing). Coming in a close second (and this breaks in to fantasy / roleplay) is a pair of pink pajama bottoms pulled down just enough to reveal that bare bottom and the strap or belt. Only 2 positions for this one bent oveer a desk / chair / bed / couch etc... or laying on the bed with pillows under her stomach.

Roleplay: or fantasy. I have a weekness for school girl scenarios. I love a small skirt pulled up and panties off for a good bare bottom caning or strapping. Call me a freak if you like, but I'm a leg and ass man as well as a spanko.

What Doesn't work: So far my spankings have mostly been "surface spankings" delivered by hand and smaller or lighter implements. My spankees have all been rather petite women and leather implements, canes, and small light paddles have worked best. Large heavy wooden implements tended to have negative resulst since there was not much padding there and my goal is absolutely not to cause serious or lasting damage. I'm not opposed to wooden implements and enjoy using the hairbrush, bathbrush and light wooden spoon, I've just had to be carefull and light with them.

Bratting: Bratting can be great, but only if the spankee and spanker both know it for what it is. Having a brat get bratty with me when I'm not aware that it's to get me to spank her can lead to confusion or dissapointment for both of us.

These are just favorites, it doesn' mean that I'm opposed to other ways or positions. Just because I love steak doesn't mean I wont eat pizza but under ideal conditions with an ideal partner that would be my top as a top.
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Old 06-12-2007, 09:03 AM
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I love OTK with a hand or a paddle. First over my pants, then over panties, then bare. Also bent over the arm of a couch. I was tied up on all fours, but didn't like it so much. I would luv to be bent over a table, my pants around my ankles. Another thing I want is lying naked on a bed, ass propped up by pillows, hands tied behind my back. Just gotta find someone to help me out.
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Old 06-12-2007, 04:57 PM
liz liz is offline
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I think I'll jump in here. I suppose some of this is theoretical as I haven't experienced some of this yet. Anyway, since I am mostly into it as a sensual/erotic experience, I think there is an intimacy of OTK. And also hand spanking. I also have only experienced wood paddles, but the cane/standing or bending over, or anything like this leave me very cool. Funny thing that in a sexual spanking, I like all that "you won't sit down for a week" and "I'm going to burn your buns", etc etc. etc. It's as sexy to me as " f** me hard" as some people like to say.

I would be interested in role play discipline, maybe, if it were figured out ahead of time some minor infractions that I would (maybe would like ) to do. But it would have to be a joint decision and I would want some absolute safe word. (Maybe this trust thing is quite a big issue, as I have seen first hand spousal abuse.) But I have a few boundaries here and I wouldn't say want certain types of punishments like soaping (was already done to me as a kid and was totally negative and nasty, imo) and gags. OTOH, I might consent to some other things. However, I might like to try mild bonds or corner time.

Someone mentioned therapeutic spanking for release and so on. There is a lot to be said for that, just speaking of my own self-spanking. The times it is most useful for me are during unusual stress, sleeplessness and that sort of thing.

Bratting isn't my thing. I can be annoying but I think that's different. I mean I am genuinely so. :-)


Last edited by liz; 06-12-2007 at 05:00 PM.
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Old 06-12-2007, 10:41 PM
paully62 paully62 is offline
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I agree with you Liz, bratting isnt my thing. Hey if you want spanked...just ask.
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Old 06-12-2007, 10:52 PM
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Originally Posted by paully62 View Post
Hey if you want spanked...just ask.
Phil will you spank me?

how's that?

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Old 06-12-2007, 11:44 PM
liz liz is offline
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Sure thing, but I think this is all location, location, location!! Now, if we were all in a room together.... ;-)


Originally Posted by paully62 View Post
I agree with you Liz, bratting isnt my thing. Hey if you want spanked...just ask.
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