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Old 04-25-2008, 08:35 PM
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Goodness, the debate that's gotten on just from me blurting out a comment to BV. It's amazing what a few words can do. (And yes, if ya didn't know, it was me! Nice of him not to say so though.) In no way did I mean to imply that there is anything wrong with the saying "good girl" in itself; I just don't care for its use with me. Makes me feel like a dog that just did a trick. Other terms don't get under my skin quite as much as that one does.

For me, context is a big part of it. There's a difference between being in a scene and playing, vs. having casual conversation. I'm down with all the spanko terms within the context of play, when it adds to the atmosphere; but not necessarily when I'm just being myself and talking with someone. Unlike others who make this a lifestyle, I like to keep a clear distinction between being in- and out-of-character, since being a bottom isn't "me" but rather a role that I slip into in order to relax and have fun.

Some of it simply comes down to personality typing. According to some of my co-workers, I am "cold" in nature. I don't like people hugging or touching me, and if they do, I will shrug them off and ask them not to do it again, which they find offensive. After all, they were trying to be nice! To me, they were thinking about what they wanted, not what I might be open to. Any silly names like honey or sweetheart just make me want to claw my eyes out. They are so demeaning! They are things you say to children, and though I may like to emulate one in play, I'm no child. I have resigned myself to allowing a particular sountherner to call me "sugar," and have become cozy with it, but it isn't something that is natural to me; I have to work at it and kind of talk myself through it.

Here's the problem I run into sometimes: I get easily riled up about all manner of things; it's part of the disorder I live with every day. I have worked hard at training myself to try and let things go when they are not that big of a deal (though they may seem like it to me) or if the person doesn't mean anything negative. I've improved a lot. However, sometimes, in trying to let things slide, really inside, it's sort of stacking up on top of itself, and then one fair night when I'm a little too tired to think about what I'm doing, something rubs me the wrong way and I snap. Or it could even be something that I -was- okay with, but am just not in the mood for at the moment. And then I'm frustrated with myself, because I had tried so hard to hold it in knowing it would be stupid to say anything about it.

Perhaps if I went and lived alone in a cave.....
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Old 04-26-2008, 10:25 AM
kaylex kaylex is offline
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Honestly I think alot of us have names that make us cringe that make other people feel loved and cared for. Personnally I don't like "good girl" or "bad girl" I don't know why. I don't really care. And although I generally give the person the benifit of the doubt I do get a little bratty when some one uses a name I don't like.

Just me-

(however if some one uses the term and I KNOW they know better.... I'll elbow them in the ribs)
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Old 04-26-2008, 10:17 PM
teefortexas teefortexas is offline
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She bites too. Kaylex is a bad girl and she should be spanked (giggle).

Name Withheld
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Old 04-26-2008, 10:50 PM
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Love Being a Good Girl/Sweety

I for one love being referred to as a good girl/naughty girl/ sweety/etc. I like being able to escape my adult career life and turn into a simple controlled person, someone who doesn't have to be concerned with all of the pressure, or so called status thing. This giving up control, and being rewarded with a good girl for the simplest thing is what I crave. I spend 90% of my life looking for commendation and only rarely receive it, but here I can be a good girl so simply or a naughty girl and soon have slate wiped clean after a good hard spanking. I can only speak for me personally, but these things are what I look for in a top/dom/spanker whichever.
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Old 05-05-2008, 09:21 AM
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If someone said good girl to me, after being totally shocked I'd be so happy.

I wouldn't mind. I guess it depends how it sounds but I'm sure you say it in a non sarcastic way.

I think the world is far too PC at the moment. I wruffled my friends hair one time playfully and was scolded for it by someone else.
I think effectionate names are nice and makes us more human. Makes us feel more human too. When people call me "hun" it's nice. Makes me feel special.

Then again their are some names even on here *laughs* I personally dislike to be called.

Last edited by Kyra; 05-05-2008 at 09:34 AM.
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Old 05-06-2008, 09:05 PM
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Thumbs up

I would absolutely love to be addressed that way because to me, it indicates a warmness and maybe even a protectiveness, kind of in the sense that the person who called me that has "taken me under his wing." I love that feeling and definitely would consider it a term of endearment.
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