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Old 04-05-2012, 06:50 AM
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Ladies Social Spanking Club - Game 2 Part 5/8

Ladies Social Spanking Club - Game 2 Part 5/8
by KajiraGames (F/F cons) "Initiations"

Linda produced a men's slipper with a thick rubber sole, and whacked her hand with it. It was flexible from wear in the centre despite its thickness, giving it both weight and suppleness. Whereas the paddle had been lighter than the norm, this new instrument could plainly hurt a bare bottom more than the average slipper.

Either Zoey or Superbitch was about to find that out for certain. Normally, Zoey would have been the most nervous as they made the card draw. But Superbitch still had a stinging butt from the paddling Talia had just given her. Zoey wasn't 100% certain she could take a bare slippering, but it would have taken a bomb strike to stop her trying. She admired Linda and liked the idea of being over her knee.

The two initiates repeated their method of picking up some of the deck but hiding what they had drawn so they could show their card together. Yollanda said "And the loser is..."

Zoey's king trumped Superbitch's ten. Linda moved to the spanker's chair and beckoned to Superbitch. "Looks like you lose the bottom half of that costume now!"

Superbitch stripped off the red and blue leggings of her costume. She had acquired it a year ago for a fancy dress party, and was mostly using it so she could also wear a mask when travelling to and from the club meetings. Everyone would think she was going to another fancy dress function, or to a comics or sci-fi convention. Most importantly, they wouldn't recognize her if the goings on at Avril's place ever became publicly known.

Half-naked again (this time the other half) she placed herself over Linda's lap. Linda and Talia both worked for the same large corporation as Superbitch, but much lower down the ladder. As she settled herself in the customary humiliating position, she thought "That's both my subordinates who are getting to punish me now. But once this initiation business is over, I'll have my turn at THEIR bottoms. The first time I beat them in a game, they'll see some company discipline, that's for sure!"

Linda looked at the already-red bottom being presented to her. "I hope that lotion is working well" she remarked, "because I'm going to give you a good hard slippering, the same as I would have given Zoey".

Fortunately, the cold cream had indeed done a good job, and her bottom was settling towards a warm tingling. But that changed very quickly. The first whack of the slipper onto her bare skin confirmed its effectiveness as an instrument of discipline. With its thick sole, it was almost as heavy as a sports shoe, and it stung like blazes! Superbitch gave a groan whose tone was like an "Oh no!" as she became fully aware of the difficulty of the penalty she had to undergo.

[Pic of the situation now:]

"Fifty smacks" said Linda. She decided to make one concession to her victim's sore butt, namely to spank quickly so it would be over soon. Yollanda called out the numbers as the slipper fell.

Whack, whack, whack! As she kept up the pace and Superbitch gasped and winced, Linda began to hum a tune happily. "Isn't this fun?" she asked her unfortunate victim.

"Yes. Ouch! But it'd be more fun.. Oww!.. the other way round. Oooww!" The blonde spankee appreciated the fast spanking, since she wanted that fiftieth whack to come ASAP. But now the sting of each smack was merging into the next, and her bottom was hurting continuously - and quite a lot. She began to writhe around and made a continuous high-pitched growl through gritted teeth.

As the slippering reached the 35 mark, she thumped the floor with a fist, willing herself not to roll off of Linda's lap or put her hands back to protect herself. It was a great show for the others, watching this strong businesswoman enduring her penalty, especially in the childlike over-the-knee position.

[Picture link:]

When Yollanda called out "Fifty!", Superbitch made no attempt to leap up, but just relaxed exhausted over Linda's lap and said "Thank God!"

Linda called out in mock alarm: "Medic, medic! Emergency!". Avril laughed as she ran forward with more of the soothing cream. Talia looked at the color of the victim's bottom and joked "You don't need to put the rest of your costume back on. Just paint your legs blue, and you'll look just the same."

"From the back anyway" said Zoey. She was gaining confidence in the other women, and knew they had already seen enough evidence to guess that her sexual preference was absolute. "Hmmm, Supergirl flies into action showing her blonde muff." She paused dreamily for a moment, then said "OK, I'm back!" Amid the laughter, even Superbitch grinned in her upended position.

Linda took Superbitch's stillness as willingness to have the lotion applied by someone else this time, and tended to her "boss's" backside. Then she helped her victim up off her lap. She didn't yet feel that they were on hugging terms, so her sympathy took the form of asking her if she was all right. "I'll be fine" said Superbitch. "But I think if I see you in the elevator at work this week, the memory is going to make me wince. Talia too. You've given me a hell of a hiding between you."

"Well you can have a rest now" said Linda soothingly. "Since you've taken two penalties in a row, there'll be no card draw. Zoey must take the next test, from Avril."

Zoey looked at Avril and swallowed. They had said the initiation tests would get stronger each time. Zoey had seen enough to know these kinky but fun-loving women could be trusted. She had met Avril on the street while she (Zoey) was wearing her top with the 'Spank' brandname on it, and that had led to Avril inviting her to join. "Avril is nice", she thought, "but what painful thing is she going to spank me with?"
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