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Old 04-06-2012, 08:42 PM
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KajiraGames KajiraGames is offline
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Posts: 45
Ladies Social Spanking Club - Game 2 Part 6/8

Ladies Social Spanking Club - Game 2 Part 6/8
by KajiraGames (F/F cons) "Initiations"

From the previous episode:
Zoey looked at Avril and swallowed. They had said the initiation tests would get stronger each time. Zoey had seen enough to know these kinky but fun-loving women could be trusted. She had met Avril on the street while she (Zoey) was wearing her top with the 'Spank' brandname on it, and that had led to Avril inviting her to join. "Avril is nice", she thought, "but what is she going to spank me with?"

And now:

Avril was speaking: "Next on the list is a bare-bottom strapping - thirty spanks. After managing to avoid the last two tests, you have to take it, Zoey. Come over to the table here."

Avril showed her the strap. It was not a belt but had been made for the sole purpose of giving discipline. It was broad and thick, with a handle, and Avril struck the top of the table so Zoey could hear the loud 'thwack!'. "Take your shorts and panties down and bend over the end of the table. This is going to hurt lots - but it's the sort of penalty we'll have when we start getting to the 'high end' of our games."

Zoey knew Avril was doing her best to frighten her and test her resolve. She was scared enough already! She had read stories about strappings many times, but had never felt one. She was already getting sexually stirred again, but was thinking "What if I can't take it? What if my desires can only ever be fantasy, because I'm a wimp?"

She let down her black vinyl shorts and skinned down her blue panties, then bent over the table as instructed. Her bare bottom was still a little flushed from her earlier spanking. Avril told her to grip the edge of the table. "Be brave, Zoey!" called Yollanda encouragingly.

[Link to picture]

Zoey's thoughts ran wild during her strapping:

"She's stroking my bottom! It feels good, but I think she just wants me to feel how bare I am. What's the strap going to feel like on my bare skin? She's stepped back, so I'm about to find out!

"Aargh, oh my god, that stings!... Ow, it's much worse than a hand spanking. I knew it would be but... Yeow... it's horrible. Aaaargh, that one went across my lower cheeks and hurt even more. I'd better grip the edge of the table hard. Yeow!

"I've got a feeling I want to cry. But not yet! My bottom's on fire but I think I can take this. Oh no, that one went half onto the top of my thighs, it's agony! I can't help kicking my legs.

"Avril's telling me off, saying I should keep still. I'm trying! I desperately want to wriggle out of the way of that strap - it's all I can do to stay on the table. And the lashes keep coming, I've lost count.

Zoey's thoughts cont'd:

"Ow ow ow, another low one. It's no good, I've started to cry. Avril said she shed some tears from a hairbrush spanking at their first meeting. So I know I'm allowed to cry. But Avril has stopped spanking me.

"Linda has come up to look in my teary eyes. She says I can stop any time if I don't want to go ahead with joining the club. But I really want to, even if it means having a good cry at every meeting. It looks like Linda's going to hold my hand while I get the rest of the licks.

[Link to picture]

"Oww, Avril's started up again! Is she strapping me softer, or is my bottom so heated up I'm getting used to it? I'm not so scared now. I've put myself in Avril and Linda's hands. They're hurting me and comforting me at the same time. I trust them. This is what I've always wanted, and it's getting to feel really sexy.

"Uh-oh, I'm in danger of being embarrassed again. The way I'm bending over, they're going to see it if I get too excited. Try not to think about what's happening. Ow! Twelve times twelve is a hundred forty-four. Ow! The capital of Bolivia is La Paz. Ow! The smallest principality in Europe is Fredonia. Ow! It's ruler is Lady Wilhemina Garron. It's no good, I can feel myself getting wet.

"Avril's stopped. Is it to look closely at my pussy? No, she said thirty, it's over!"

Linda helped Zoey get up. The others had gathered around to watch the spanking more closely, and Zoey pulled her pants and panties up as quickly as possible. Talia said "She should get extra strokes for making a damp patch on the edge of the table".

Zoey spun around towards the table, her face going crimson. There was no such patch - Talia was joking. But the fact that Zoey had actually turned and looked...! Everyone was laughing, as she received sympathetic cuddles from Avril and Linda.

Her first strapping! Now she knew she could take strong discipline. She felt sore-bottomed but empowered, knowing that desire and performance were synchronized in her. She was a real 'spanko' now!

For a few minutes the euphoria made her forget that the intitiations were not over. They were going to stop for coffee, but then there would be another card draw. She asked Yollanda how many more penalties there were to go. Superbitch came over to hear the answer.

"Two" said Yollanda. "And we decided that the last two spankings will be delivered by - each other!"

Zoey's and Superbitch's eyes met.

To be continued...
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