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Old 03-21-2012, 03:26 PM
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Cool Ladies Social Spanking Club - Game 1 Part 4 of 5

Ladies Social Spanking Club - Game 1 Part 4 of 5
by KajiraGames (F/F cons)

The next roll of the dice would decide who would be the only girl to go home unspanked that day, as overall winner of the club's first game. The other would have to go over the winner's knee but, as second place getter, at least she could keep her panties on.

The contestants in this final were the smallest and tallest members. Long-legged Talia threw the dice, rolling a six and a four. "Beat that!" she said excitedly. Petite 18-year-old Yollanda picked up the dice with an air of resignation, and rolled. Her total was only six.

After Talia's deviousness in the last round, in making Linda take her spanking bare-breasted, the others had been careful to prevent the same loophole for this winners' final. But Talia had another trick up her sleeve. Grinning, she said "The penalty has to be a hand-spanking, undies on, over the knee, this time? But again, I get to decide any other details. Such as... WHERE the punishment will be carried out!" She began to carry the chair towards Avril's front door, which led to a patio in view of the street.

Yollanda suddenly realised what was going to happen. "Out there where someone could walk by? Is that allowed? Avril, do you really want anyone to see a spanking going on at your house?"

Avril had never cared much what her neighbours thought. And it wasn't her bottom that would be spanked in public. She replied "I guess from now on we have to add whether a penalty is private or public when we agree on it. But for now, rules are rules. Talia won, and you have to obey her."

As Yollanda followed the others sheepishly out to the patio, she felt afraid. But then the daring of what she was about to do excited her. Pulling her short pants down where there was a chance that a stranger would see? And being spanked that way? Besides, she wouldn't be doing it of her own accord, but under orders. She would be able to say to herself 'I had no choice, I had to be obedient'.

The ideas of obedience and submission brought back all her fantasies of being a convict or a 'Private Benjamin' type of soldier, under orders and being punished for any infraction. She decided she would use these memories to roleplay the situation.

Talia had set up the chair in the middle of the patio, in front of its arch leading to the garden and the front gate. To anyone passing by, there would be a short stretch of ground near the gate where, if they turned their head, they would see what was going on. Yollanda marched to a spot at Talia's right, halted and barked "Reporting for punishment, MA'AM!", earning a laugh from the others. Yollanda's bright clothes were not at all military, but seemed just right for an al-fresco spanking in the sunlight.

Talia suddenly grabbed Yollanda's short red pants and pulled them to her knees. The unfortunate game-loser was showing her somewhat juvenile pink-fringed underwear to any passers-by. She dared not flick her eyes toward the gate, for fear of what she might see.

[Link to pic of the situation now:]

"Very cute" cooed Talia. "Now get over my lap, little girl!"

"Yes MA'AM!" said Yollanda in a military tone, and hauled herself obediently over Talia's thighs. The victor wasted no time, but began spanking the material of the thin panties, not too hard at first. The sound of spanking was certain to turn the head of anyone going past, on either side of the street. Yollanda cringed and wriggled with the impacts on her taut young cheeks, but tried not to yell out loud and thus draw more public attention to her plight.

"Repeat after me" commanded Talia - "You're the champion, Talia, I'm a loser". Yollanda felt a little streak of stubbornness, and said "Never"! Talia began to spank twice as hard, and aimed plenty of slaps at the lowest part of her victim's bottom, where the panties covered little. Yollanda became more vocal in response to this stronger attack. "Aaah! Owoo! Too hard! Yeow!".

"Who's the champion?"

"Owww! You are! Ouch! Please! I'm the loser!"

Inevitably, Yollanda's cries drew some attention. A little girl about ten years old appeared at the gateway and stared goggle-eyed at the scene. She beckoned, and the head of a boy about the same age peered around the gatepost. Talia paused and commanded "Eyes right, Yollanda!" Yollanda turned her head and saw her young audience. The boy put his hand over his mouth and chuckled.

[Link to picture of what they saw:]

Yollanda's face turned beet red! Talia shouted to the children "This girl was caught peeking into other people's gardens. Do you two want a spanking as well?". They couldn't run away fast enough!

Then the hard punishment resumed. Talia gripped her victim's panties, giving her a wedgie and baring a little more bottom for spanking. Yollanda yelled continuously, kicked her legs wildly, and repeated her declaration that Talia was the champion of champions.

Satisfied, Talia called a halt to the teenager's torment. "The lotion is indoors" said Avril.

Talia chuckled. "Bring it out, I want to apply it to Yollanda's bare bottom right here!"

"No!" protested Yollanda. She rose quickly, yanked her pants up, and ran quickly indoors, again not daring to look toward the gate.

"Well" said Talia back in the longe room, "our result so far is: I'm the winner and Yollanda second. But our dear founders here still have to play off for third place. The question is - what penalty does the ultimate loser get for coming last?"

Linda and Avril, good friends, had both recovered from their earlier spankings. They felt daring as they grinned at each other. Then they began a dialogue of one-upmanship:

"It's time to get the hairbrush out!"

"To be taken on the bare behind!"

"Naked, in fact!"

"In any position the winner wants!"

The one thing neither wanted to say was "in public". So they moved towards the table and dice, to see which one would have to surrender naked and which one would be wielding the hairbrush.

To be continued...
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