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View Poll Results: Who should be spanked in KajiraGames' Game 1 Part 1?
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Avril 2 100.00%
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Old 02-29-2012, 01:23 AM
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Ladies Social Spanking Club - Game 1, Part 1

Ladies Social Spanking Club - Game 1, Part 1
by KajiraGames

This series is about the formation and doings of a club for young women who like gambling for painful and embarassing penalties. It will be an interactive series, with readers' votes taking the role of the games' randomness (dice, cards, etc).

Avril and her neighbour Linda discovered their common interest in daring spanking games in chance conversation. The subject of the old Warner Brothers cartoons, like "Merry Melodies", came up. Linda said her favourite was the one where a cat and a bulldog play gin rummy for penalties.

"Oh yes", exclaimed Avril, and the cat always loses and suffers terrible punishments". She laughed aloud. "That was the most exciting and funny thing I saw on TV growing up."

"I always imagined myself playing a game like that", said Linda. "But instead of the complicated things that happened to the cat, I imagined... Promise you won't be shocked?... that I'd get a spanking if I lost."

Avril felt a thrill, both in her stomach and lower down. "Wouldn't it be exciting, not knowing what was going to happen to you? It could be something embarrassing, like having to run around the house naked. But being spanked over someone's knee would be terribly humiliating as well!"

Linda agreed. "Especially if you lost badly. Then you would have to take your panties down and be spanked bare."

Avril paused for a moment then took the first of what would be many dares in the days to come. "I challenge you!", she said. When Linda only grinned broadly, she went on. "I'll play checkers with you and the loser has to be spanked. For every king the winner has on the board at the end, the loser has to take off a piece of clothing - from her lower half - to get her spanking."

"Shoes off first, though", said Linda, 'upping the ante' in a determined tone of voice. "You're on!"

The two friends sat barefoot at the kitchen table and started the game. Avril soon found out that Linda was a much better player. Her opponent still had so many pieces (including kings) when Avril lost, it was clear that she had forfeited the right to keep her slacks or panties on for her penalty.

Linda slid her chair back and crooked her finger at Avril. Avril moved obediently around to her side, but then it occurred to her for the first time that this was actually going to hurt. It had been a thrilling possibility throughout the game, but now it was a certainty. Linda was shorter but bustier than Avril, with broader hips. She would be quite strong. "Well, I let myself in for it", thought Avril. "I'd hate myself if I backed out now." She lowered her slacks to her ankles. Her panties were plain white ones from the supermarket - not at all flattering.

"You didn't expect to be showing them, did you?" laughed Linda. "Never mind, get them down now!" Her voice was demanding - she was clearly enjoying having her friend in such a submissive position.

It occurred to Avril that she could save some humiliating exposure if she pulled down her panties at the same time as bending across Linda's waiting thighs. She threw herself over her neighbour's lap, while tugging down her underwear to her knees at the last possible moment. Later on, as the kinky club they would soon form got into it's stride, Linda would never have allowed this dodge. But for now the modest gesture went unnoticed, as she was presented with a bare and feminine bottom placed across her thighs.

"This is what losers get", said Linda in delighted good humour, and planted a firm smack right in the centre of Avril's bared behind. Avril flinched and gasped, but it wasn't a hard smack. Linda delivered several more slaps, also calculated just to sting a little.

"Aaah, ouch!"

"Oh, does that hurt?" said Linda in a heavily ironic tone of mock concern.

"It's like a (oww) melodrama where the (gasp) dark-haired villainess torments the (eek) blonde heroine."

"You, a blonde??" queried Linda looking at Avril's light brown shoulder-length hair, which was just visible down near the floor beyond Linda's left thigh.

"All right. Yeow! I was using poetic licence."

"Well to finish, I'm going to give you some hard spanks for telling fibs."

The smacking sound in the room grew louder, and so did Avril's exclamations of distress. When one particularly hard slap hit the sweet-spot in the centre of her bottom's lowest curves, she gave a shriek. Linda delivered five more hard smacks, listened to her friend's resulting mewing sounds, and told her she could get up.

Linda performed her earlier manouevre in reverse, pulling up her panties quickly as she rose. "Wow, that really stung. But I'd have to say this game was the least boring thing I've done in a long time. Life has been dull lately. But now I can say to myself 'I got a bare bottom spanking last week, or whenever!'"

"Gee, I'm almost sorry I won" giggled Linda. "But I loved hearing you squeal and moan. And I liked having you at my command, to make you undress, and so on. I think I'd enjoy being put in that position myself - to be submissive, however embarassing the commands."

Avril said "I'll do it to you now, if you like. The revenge of the vanquished."

"Oh no, that would ruin the point of the game. What's the purpose of playing, if both of us will be spanked regardless. But I'll give you a chance for a rematch later."

"You'll only beat me - I mean literally beat me - again. I'm rotten at checkers."

"You're right, we should play games of chance, not skill. Everyone has an equal chance of getting their bottom whacked."

"Everyone?" queried Avril. "There's only two of us."

"That's just what I was thinking" said Linda enthusiastically. "There must be others who would find this just as much of a naughty thrill as we do. If we ask all our friends and workmates the right questions, we might ferret them out without being too blatant".

Avril agreed, and over the next fortnight they tried subtle ways of raising the subjects of gambling and spanking. If one of their friends smiled at mentions of both "strip poker" and "sorority paddling", they felt safe enough to be more forthright.

To cut a long story short, two weeks later a meeting took place at Avril's house. Joining Linda there were two new recruits. Yollanda was a petite girl of 18 with short black hair, the most nervous of the group. Talia was tall and long-legged with red-brown flowing locks. She looked at the others with a predatory grin, as if she already had them over her lap.

"Let's start simple" said Avril. "We'll all roll a pair of dice, and the lowest two rollers have to play the first game." She threw the cubes onto her coffee table. They showed a total of three, which made everyone laugh aloud - a good atmosphere to start the club's first game. Linda and Talia both got high rolls, and when Yollanda couldn't beat them she looked ruefully at Avril.

"You and me, kid!" said Avril. "Let's just keep the dice - lowest roller goes over the winner's knees with her panties down."

"Bare bottom already?" gasped Yollanda.

Talia said "At this stage I think we should all prove we're willing to take risks. But just a hand spanking to start with."

Avril and Yollanda stepped up to the table and reached for the ivory cubes that were about to affect their dignity... and the colour of their behinds...


So, dear readers, who should lose the game and be spanked, Yollanda or Avril? Don't say 'both' - there will be other chances for each girl to get it. The Ladies Social Club have a lot of games in mind. I hope to also get them to pose for provocative pictures, before and after. Link to Before pic:

The characters have asked me if they can put their cases to you.
Yollanda's plea: "I'm the smallest member of the club and very sensitive. Please don't pick me."
Avril's plea: "I don't want to be spanked by someone younger than me, it's too humiliating!"

Votes close a week from the date of this posting.
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Old 03-09-2012, 01:05 AM
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KajiraGames KajiraGames is offline
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Posts: 45
Unhappy Poll fails

Hmm, 2 votes and 1 of them is mine.
This story is cross posted to usenet/google group soc.sexuality.spanking, where readers have been invited to vote in comments on who should be spanked. I'll add the two together to get the result. Voting at s.s.s will expire Sunday 11Mar2012 (my time - 48 hours from this posting), so the next chapter will be posted in both places a day later.

On the other hand, the 3D pictures that will illustrate each installment will be only on this site.
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club, f/f, games, humiliation, ladies

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