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Old 11-17-2010, 06:51 PM
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TJ50 TJ50 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: CA. United States
Posts: 36
Unhappy The thrashing of my life.

I was about 16 and I had been grounded for ditching school and also for lying to my mom about staying a night at a friends house. we had a party her parents were gone for the weekend and my mom found out about the party and we both got it. and I was grounded.

This is about a few days later one of my friends was having a party and I knew my mom won't let me go so I waited till she was in bed a sleep then I went and got her car keys, went through my window out and got in my moms car. I drove to my friends and stayed for about 3hrs and I decided I better get back home well I got home and I was in my room. I got dressed in my night shirt I was taking my moms keys back. when I saw my mom on the couch and she saw the keys in my hand. My mom had checked on me and found I was not there and she also saw her car was gone. My mom was so pissed. all she could say to me is I hope you have a good reason for taking the car. I told her I wanted to go to my friends party. I even told her I did not have a drink because I knew I was driving and did not want to crash the car.

My mom said when I am done with you your bottom you will not be sitting I promise you that.

Mom started to get up and I stepped back away from her arm distant she told me get over here NOW. I was pleading and saying sorry I remember mom saying you will be when I get am done spanking that botoom.

Mom came at me like a bolt of lightening, she tore my undies off and she grabbed me by my hair and she yanked me over her lap and she spanked me for I thinks a good 5 min. I was bawling so bad that I could not cry no more.
My mom spanked with her hands at first then came the wooden long handle brush.

My put me in the corner and I was told she was not finished in spanking me she had told me after my corner time I was to get in bed and that I was in for another the next day. for taking the car. the first round was for sneaking out. I did not know how I could go with getting another but I did go to bed on my stomach my bottom was on fire. infact worse than fire. I could not touch it. I felt the heat coming off my rear.

The next morning I still only had my night shirt no panties because mom tore it off and was to sore to put another on. my sister saw how red the back of my legs where and told me she herd me get it, my sister was 12yrs old. she even knew I was in for round 2 when mom got up. I kept telling my sister if she had anywhere she was going and she said no. my sister said I want to see you get it.

Mom got up and still had a mad look in her face and eyes. Mom went and got her a cup of coffee and then she had her Cig. after she was awake. Mom ordered me to grab the brush again. I pleaded and beg for my mom not to spank that I was sorry. I remember mom saying I will not tell you again.
So I went to get the brush and I also herd mom say at least I won't have to rip another of your panties I see you did not put another on I told my mom it hurt to wear one. My mom said it will hurt a lot more when I get done with you. Mom said come here. Mom was on the couch and I walked over to her. my sister was on a chair any how mom placed me over her kness and the spanking started, I thought I could not cry anymore after last night. there was a knock on the door my sister answered the door it was a friend of moms Jerrie and she came in on mom spanking me. mom spanked me raw and both Jerrie and my sister saw the whole show. after mom put me back in the corner. after I was told my grounding was extended to another 2 weeks. I started to fuss and I remember mom said NOT A WORD

I went to my room shut the door. I grabbed my long summer dress and went to the rest room and I saw my bottom. it was sore and raw. with moms hand prints and also the brush.
Later that evening mom came in while I was reading on my stomach. mom had a bottle of lotion. she sat on the edge of my bed she pulled up my dress and pulled down my undies and she was putting lotion on my bottom and was also lecturing about taking the car, sneaking out. mom did keep putting lotion on for a couple of days.
mom said if I ever pulled anther stunt I would get it again.
I remember mom said that she did a good job at spanking my bottom.

She gave me a kiss on the top of my head and she left.

I was not able to sit for a long time about a week. I try to lay on my stomach.
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