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Old 11-17-2010, 12:32 PM
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TJ50 TJ50 is offline
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Unhappy Walking After Dark

This is another spanking.

IT all started at around the age of 8, I was in with the brownies. (Girl Scouts).
I was to attend a meeting at my friend Lisa's house. My mom dropped me off and was told to call when the meeting was over. after the meeting we had ice cream and cookies,
after I was done I called my mom, she said she be by in a few. my Lisa and I played hop scotch and then a game of tag. I was getting tire and my mom was taking a long time.
I told Lisa I was going home and her to tell my mom. Lisa try to warn me but I told her so what.

I was walking home and I was about 4 block from my friends house when I saw my mom's car. I ducked behind a car till she passed and soon as mom did I ran as fast as I could. My mom came back and saw me. she was very angry. She told me to get in the car, I did but in the back seat. my mom was so mad she was breathing very hard, she told me to prepare for a very sore bottom that it will be blistered.

Soon as we got home I ran to my room and undressed and put my robe on, my mom came inside the house and sat on the couch having a cigarette and telling my nanny Lola what I did after she was done with her cigarette and had cooled down I saw her get the paddle and her slipper she came in and shut the door and went sat at the edge of my bed and she took a hold of me and started to yell and lectured me on the danger walking after dark, she took my robe off and then took off my panties and she put me over her knees and she started spanking with her hand then the paddle and the last was the slipper the spanking went on I thought would never end, I was grounded.

mom left the room and I laid in bed on my stomach till I fell a sleep. My mom came back in and woke me and told me to take my bath and get ready for bed I did not want a bath my butt was on fire she said that I had to the count of three and if I did not move I was going back over her knees. I did take the bath but I was on my knees.

I got in my PJ's and had my dinner and then had to go to bed. I went to my bed my mom followed me and she waited for me to finish my prayer. mom picked me up and made me look her in the eyes she again told me the danger I was to promise I never scare her again my mom had tears in her eyes while she wad talking to me, she was kissing me and rubbing my back and bottom, just as she was putting me in my bed she gave me 1 more swat as a reminder and I cried again she kissed me and I slept on my stomach.

The next day I was at school and Lisa asked if I got it and I said yes, we went in to the girl rest room and Lisa pulled the back of my dress up and she said it looked like it hurt it did.

After school we went over to Lisa's I was suppose to be home because I was grounded. My mom called and spoke to Brenda and I herd her say I will bring Therese home. Before she did Brenda asked me why did I not go straight home I gave no answer so she spanked me in front of Lisa and then Brenda took me home. My mom knew I was spanked by Brenda because I was crying and Brenda did tell my mom she had spanked me for disobeying and for last night. Brenda left mom said to me to come here I was really beginning to sob because I knew my mom was going to spank me again.
Mom made me stand in front of her and she had asked me to explain why I disobeyed orders I again could not come up with a reason. so my mom took me again over her knee and my bottom was still red from last night and today from Brenda and now I was getting another spanking.

After I had corner time then I was realeased and I ran into my room on my bed. I was on my stomach and I was rubbing the sting of my bottom. I fell a sleep and later mom came in and took me and made me look her in the eyes she explained why and what would happen if I did this again. I was reminded I was grounded and had to come home from school no where else. after my mom picked me up and gave me love.

my friend Lisa and I have been spanked by both mothers both our moms where friends and agree if there girls where out of line they had permission to spank. Both Lisa and I have had several spankings. I will post later.

Last edited by TJ50; 11-17-2010 at 12:39 PM. Reason: miss spell word
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Old 11-17-2010, 12:45 PM
John Day John Day is offline
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Posts: 18

Good story. I would like to share spanking experiences with you.
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Old 11-17-2010, 01:27 PM
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carl35 carl35 is offline
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You've been writing like crazy, TJ-- thanks for your stories!! I'd like to chat with you sometime on yahoo messenger; pls. send me a private message and I'll give you my chat address!


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Old 11-17-2010, 05:41 PM
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TJ50 TJ50 is offline
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my exp.

Carl, Johny day, I do like to express my exp. in when I was spanked and would love to hear yours. I have more to come. I will be posting soon. I am also going to post the time my mom spanked the life out of me.
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