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Old 11-16-2010, 07:26 PM
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Unhappy Bad Grade

I was 15yrs. I was at that age where I just did not do my homework or did any study. I was getting D's and F's on my test papers.

I kept getting in trouble with the teacher Mrs Spangler and every time I got my test papers it had bad grade,

I always ripped it up and threw it away. One day I was called in the office and was lectured and was told I have to do summer school if I did not bring up my grades. I just ignored it. then one day as I was headed home, I walked in the door and my mom was on the phone the teacher had called my mom that she needed to have a meeting with my mom.

Mom had asked me if I knew what it was about I said yes. she wanted to know. I hesitated and then mom said I want to hear it now. so I told her I was not doing my home work and was getting bad grades on my test papers. Mom had asked me why was I not doing the assignments I just told her it was boring. mom headed to the school for the meeting and mom warned me not to go anywhere, Mom left and I went to grab a snack and then was on the phone talking to friends. after about an hour mom came home. my mom told me to get off the phone. Mom said I was in for it.

I remembered mom telling me that I was grounded until I brought up my grades. then I remember I started to argue with my mom. I also remember her saying don't get smart with me (my mom). she also told me I will be doing homework and she will see to it as I would have to do my homework on the dining room table where she can see me doing my home work.

My mom told me to remove my jeans and to come here. I was arguing about it. I told her I was to old for her to spank me and that made my mom upset. she told me I had better do as I was told because if I don't I would be in for it worse.

So I took my jeans off and then mom said panties too. I started arguing again and telling mom she not being fare and mom came up toward me and pointed her finger and said remove now. I started to again argue and mom came and swat hard on the side of my leg. then she grabbed me and went to the kitchen and she put a dab of liquid soap and mom try to put it in my mouth and I would not do it then mom held me and started spanking while I was standing and mom then put the soap in my mouth then I had go on my knees in the corner. after about 15 min. mom came and took me by my right arm and walked over to a dining chair and on the table was the rubber sole slipper. Mom started yelling at me about my grades and home work and was warn that for every time I don't do my home work mom would do homework on my bottom. she said further more you are not to old to be put over my knee and I will keep spanking until you get it through that stubborn mind of yours. mom yanked my undies and put me over her knees and mom started spanking with her hand and then came the slipper, mom just kept lecturing and all I could do was kick and scream and cried like a baby.
then mom put me back in the corner after about 15 min. mom told me to get my home work and get on this chair bare bottom so if mom had to she will spank me. I was still bawling I told mom that my bottom was to sore to sit and mom told me tough, you will sit I want you to remember what its like to have a stinging bottom.
I did get my home work and I grabbed my pillow mom said no put your pillow back I started to plead with my mom and I can remember mom saying you are about to have it sting more if you don't do what you are told to do. I sat on the chair while doing my homework I kept rocking trying to find comfort. I was done doing my home work. mom came over to check to see if I did it all she even checked for errors she did and had me correct the error. then I was told I could leave.

I got in my room shut the door and laid on my bed sobbing and mom opened my door and told me time for dinner. I went and ate. I do remember staying silent I did not want to talk to mom I had to do the dishes and then went to take a shower. My bottom was still red and sore. I was laying in my bed reading a magazine when mom came in she was reminding me of me being grounded and doing my homework. mom said I will spank and you re not to old. I said nothing I just looked her in the eyes.

I did what I was told and I did bring up my grades and mom was pleased with the report. I remember her saying I knew you could bring up the grades and having a sore bottom helped. I did get a couple more spankings when mom would find out I had not done my home work.
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Old 11-16-2010, 09:21 PM
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Bad Grade

Your mother did a wonderful job curing you of neglecting your school homework and improving your tests scores you should be grateful she straighten your teenage care less attitude before it got worse you may have quit school and possibly not have even gone to summer school but she got you headed in the right path that was a well deserved spanking she gave you! nice story that turned out well for you
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Old 11-16-2010, 11:11 PM
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Originally Posted by haught View Post
Your mother did a wonderful job curing you of neglecting your school homework and improving your tests scores you should be grateful she straighten your teenage care less attitude before it got worse you may have quit school and possibly not have even gone to summer school but she got you headed in the right path that was a well deserved spanking she gave you! nice story that turned out well for you
Yes. Haught my mom did a fine job. she had to do what ever it took to turn me in the right path and most of the time my mom spanked me allot. I total agreement with what you quoted. I could have been a drop out. My mom would not allow me to. she spank until I saw the light.
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Old 11-17-2010, 12:49 AM
John Day John Day is offline
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Lets chat and share spanking experiences. My e mail and yahoo IM are
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Old 11-17-2010, 12:51 AM
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Originally Posted by John Day View Post
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