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Old 11-16-2010, 11:13 PM
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TJ50 TJ50 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: CA. United States
Posts: 36
Double trouble

Double Trouble


I had ditched school and went over to a friends house. my mom was always working she had 2 jobs. I hardly ever saw her. I guess I was just being a teenager and I felt like I was on my own. with my mom gone all the time I just got into a lot of trouble. started smoking and drank a bit. and I skipped a lot of school. I always got away with it, But one day my mom come home sick with the flu and was off till she felt better.

School had called, mom answered the phone she had no idea I had not been going to school. Later that evening around 5pm. I came home. I was shocked to see my mom home. she had the look and I knew I was in trouble.

She had asked me why I was not at school. Mom wanted to know what I was doing during school time. I just told her with friends, I did not say who, she demanded an answer we started to fight and argue , I told her it was none of her business, I remember telling my mom off. I yelled, she dose not care about my sister or me, all she cared about was work, that we hardly ever saw her. I remember saying hurtful things to her. I just had to get it out. I was never so angry, I did not care at the time, I told her all she dose is give out the punishments and maybe a hug and kiss afterwords but that was all.

I was winning the fight. I had yelled and swore at my mom saying she dose not love us. the next thing I got was a slap in the face. I took off outside running I was gone for a long while.

I had to calm myself down before I could go home. I had went to my friend Lisa's house crying and mad.Lisa's mother Brenda gave me a well deserve hugging, kisses and we talked I told her everything, what I had done. I had calmed down. went in to Lisa's room.still upset I told Brenda I did not want to go home tonight.

Brenda also has spanked me through the last 7yrs. both my mom and Brenda agreed to punish us girls if needed. Brenda treated me more as a daughter than a friend.

My mom and Brenda are good friends and Brenda had called my mom to let her know I was with her and I would be staying the night. My mom was very hurt by what I had said to her. Brenda told my mom I had been keeping things bottled up and needed to get it out and that the slap in the face set her (me) off.

There was no school the next day.

Brenda took me home to face my mother. I was still very upset. Not like the night before. Brenda went inside the house to have a long talk with my mom. Brenda told me to come and I did my mom had tears in her eyes, so did I. she had no idea that she was the cause of all the trouble I have been in.

My mom walked up to me and put her arms around me and telling me how sorry she was, she dose love us she said she will leave the other part time job. mom did not spank me for all the trouble I have been doing. mom warned me, I will get it next time if I ditched or caught smoking and drinking or cause any more trouble I will get it..
She held onto me for along time and she even kept kissing my cheek where she had slapped me. My mom has never slapped my face before till that night.

Mom quit her part time job and started to spend more time with my sister who was now 8 and me. I was doing good for a couple months and I did break three rules.
I had ditched school with some friend and smoking and sipping a can of beer. The school called.
Mom had to go out to find me and she did at the park.

My mom walked and took hold of my arm and yanked me from the park table and started swatting my backside while she walked me to the car. My mom got in the car and told me I was really going to get a blistered bottom along with being grounded.

When we got home mom told me to scat get in that room NOW. My mom came in shortly with the paddle. Mom said young lady get those jeans and undies off NOW, My mom had me bend over knees and she had paddled me for a long while she did not miss one spot, she even started spanking my thighs. She finally finished I cried like a baby. mom left the room.

I had fallen to sleep. I had slept a couple of hours, I went to the bathroom, I could hardly sit. I took a Luke warm shower and could not wash my bottom it hurt so bad. I went into the kitchen to get a coke and my mom was giving me a lecture and was also warned if I had ditched or smoked, drank again I got smart mouth and mom came up to me and told me to bend over the kitchen chair, my mom spanked my bottom again this time with the spatula, I was told to watch the tone and the sassing. my mom said I will spank again. I was grounded for one month. during that month I did have a sassy mouth towards my mom and was given several spankings with the paddle during the grounding.

Brenda had found out what I did and told my mom that she is going to whip my bottom. I had forgotten the promised to Brenda. I would not cause any more problems with my mom and no more smoking or drinking. Brenda warned me if I broke her the promise she would spank me.
It had been about 3 days since mom blistered me.

Brenda came over and had a big black leather belt. she took me and walked to my bed room and she bared my bottom. Brenda told me she was upset that I broke a promise to her and she was going to spank my bottom and she did. That belt hurt and my bottom was not fully better from when my mom blistered me.
I did not miss any more school nor did I smoke or drank. I did start to smoke at the age of 16. that is another story.
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