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View Poll Results: How would spank an 11 year old girl?
Bare bottom 5 100.00%
Clothed 0 0%
Completely naked 0 0%
Between the cheeks 0 0%
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Old 11-09-2010, 01:46 PM
John Day John Day is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 18

"How was school today Amanda?" daddy asks as he goes about securing his daughters wrist to one side of the bed. Uncle Jim is busy securing the other.
"It w-was g-g-good d-daddy....please don't p-punish me d-daddy"
"Now now Amanda, you have been a naughty girl and naughty girls must be punished" daddy said.

Amanda sobbed quietly as her dad and uncle then secured each ankle apart to the bedposts. They pushed a pillow under her stomach. Her perfect 11 year old buttocks were arched up nicely for punishment. Just a few hours ago Amanda was in school. Now here she was, face down, completely naked on her daddy's bed. Spread. Her school clothes placed neatly on a chair. A pretty girl she was, cute and petite. Her little toes dug into the bed sheet. Her bottom was made for spanking. Twin globes meaty and rounded and smooth and not a hair on them.

Daddy and Uncle Jim stood to each side of the bed, both armed with leather straps. Amanda's bottom cringed as she heard them speak about how they would punish her.

"Uncle Jim why don't we start at the very center of her bottom, then I will work down her cheeks, you work up them, then you work down them and I will work up them. Then we can just strike at random"
"Sounds like a good plan" Uncle Jim said.

WHAP...WHAP....the strap began their attack. Dead center and hard.
The small cheeks jumped up from the impact. Amanda cried out.
"Aaaaaaaaaaeeeepeplleasssssseeee...sob...sob...sob .."

WHAP...WHAP....across the very middle again hard.
" hurts...pleasseee..stop"

They ignored the naked girl and continued.

WHAP...WHAP........WHAP...WHAP.....WHAP..WHAP....t hey took turns. Uncle Jim worked up her cheeks and daddy worked down them. Searing, hard, blistering hissing cracks like pistol shots. The straps hugged her cheeks.

WHAP...WHAP.......WHAP...WHAP......WHAP...WHAP.... .WHAP...WHAP...
daddy worked up her cheeks and Uncle Jim worked down them.

The wide red bands formed.

WHAP...WHAP......WHAP...WHAP.....they now hit at random. Very hard.
The girls bottom jumped up. Her toes curled up. She screamed constantly.

They both worked on the very base some and then her thighs. Her face cringed as her tears poured down like a river.

it seemed to go on forever. After some 30 strokes her bottom and thighs were covered with overlapping red weals.

They continued. They each took an ass cheek and struck across the very base. The tips of the strap nipped in striking inner cheeks.

They then stopped. They let Amanda cry her eyes out for the next 10 minutes.

"We are almost through" daddy said.

Amanda begged. They freed her wrists and ankles and then had her lay face up and bring her feet up alongside her head where they secured her ankles well apart. Then they landed 5 more each this time to her inner cheeks.

Now they could see her cute face cringe. Then it was finally over. They freed her ankles.

"You may get up Amanda. Lets hope your schoolwork will improve and you will not be insolent yo your mother"
"I..I...I...sob...sob...w-w-won't d-d-daddy...I p-promise"
"Good. We shall see Now give your daddy and Uncle Jim a big hug. You know we love you"
"I l-love you t-to d-daddy" she said as she gave them a hug.

She was then allowed to get dressed and go to her room. At supper she had a hard time siting.

Amanda made a promise to herself never to be naughty again.

(This story is pure fiction. never did happen, never will)
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